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Everything posted by sfhand

  1. How many times have you read "Bored of the Rings"? Enough to know the question on Goodgulf's cape that glowed in the dark?
  2. Man... I am really jonesing for more of this AAR... MOAR! WE WANT MOAR!!!
  3. I personally find metacritic to be very useful. However,I don't make decisions based solely on the opinions (both professional and gamer) one finds there, but there is a lot of information there for many games and I like a wide variety of games so the site is useful for me. I want to point out that I and many others found CMBO after reading a gaming magazine review of it (PCGamer?, I don't remember), so I wouldn't dismiss the idea of someone looking for a cool new game checking to see how it fairs on metacritic.
  4. I'm guessing this is the surprise coming in the next patch.
  5. I also would not unbutton that tank, especially considering tanks usually go into a state of shock when their CO gets whacked... I am curious to see if you area fire the woodsman's hut or let the tank acquire its own targets (I would stay away from area fire in this situation).
  6. Obi-Wan, Despite the brilliant AAR/DAR? allow me to remind you that neither winning this game nor killing Bil's tanks nor jousting at windmills was your stated goal. You were going to hunt down a certain doppelganger and Kill Bil... tick tock, c3k, tick tock!
  7. Well, considering your thread has over 20k more views than Bil's you might want to consider a concession stand for your supporters - a stand offering free beer and a free "I support C3K" tee. There will be plenty of time to worry about who pays for it after the game.
  8. I would love to be able to mix forces in QBs. Hopefully this feature is somewhere on BF's list... (mixing between axis and allied is not a priority for me, but luftwaffe and heer, for example, would be nice)
  9. Well, if you ever decide to try I suggest Batman: Arkham Asylum, at least they have the facilities to handle the procedure Seriously, it depends on the type of game and the tastes of the player.
  10. The manual mentioned in that link is for the 2.0 upgrade...
  11. I, too, would love the ability to gift the game to others so they could have a record of it in their own account.
  12. You guys are truly remarkable (thus my remarks...) in your dedication to the continuing quest of making this game a masterpiece. As one who has just gone through a very time consuming production schedule of my own I just wanted to say thanks for the obvious passion and hours spent making MG and all the other splendid CM titles.
  13. I had only a couple of minutes to play with it before coming to work (where I am downloading again because I forgot to bring the usb stick... doh!). I fired up a very short mission for a few turns of wego against the AI, it involved defending a bridge, I didn't read the briefing, but I wanted to observe path finding on the bridge since it was an issue in one of the AAR's. It seemed right to me, I may actually try some singleplayer tonight (a rarity for me). Anyway, it looks good so far.
  14. Well, since Ken doesn't seem to be posting today (yet), here's what was used in the video: one each: 14" Battleship 8" Heavy Cruiser 240mm Howitzer (personnel setting) 203mm Gun (personnel setting) plus one trp Overkill, to say the least. When I playtested it (hotseat) I got down to ground level with the troops, needless to say this game is awesome...
  15. I did just that in CMx1 with a greyhound once... it was great fun (It's better with an M8 because it can shoot back, what's that? You don't have an M8? Oh snap!)
  16. As the unofficial 2nd for Mr. Emrys, who doesn't play h2h, I have answered Ken's challenge. I give Ken credit for bravery under fire... but that's about it. His cares not one whit for the safety of his charges as the following clip will demonstrate. He is also careless about the safekeeping of his pbem password, which he foolishly tried to hide from me in an email, but I, like the legend I am seconding for, am too clever (by half?) for him. Unbeknownst to Ken I used that password to see how frightfully he has mismanaged the battalion of infantry he was charged with. When I first saw his setup i was reminded of the planes at Pearl Harbor... the man is utterly reckless. I give you: Fortress Emrys (a short film by sfhand - who is obviously not a professional cameraman) http://youtu.be/UlN8SyRQFv4 Note the wasteful use of his AT assets and gamey area firing without contact icons. No, Ken, there are no tanks there, but what are you going to do later if some should appear? Huh? Challenge accepted and answered (plus a little bit of payback for the hurt he's been putting on me in our real game)
  17. Well, since Mr. Emrys is fond of pointing out the perceived flaws of others in AARs while turning down challenges from those he slights I have take the liberty of appointing myself his unofficial 2nd and have taken c3k up on his gauntlet drop. I have designed a battle and chosen his forces for him as per his challenge. I have kept to the standards of honor and bravery that the person I'm unofficially representing has shown in the AARs. I will, as per c3k's challenge, post the results. And, not to say c3k is losing this fight with Bil, as one who has posted the losing side of a battle, especially a battle wherein I made a huge blunder, I personally don't think people who aren't willing to jump into a fight themselves should point out the perceived flaws of those who are in the thick of it.
  18. heyhello, I'm glad you're not cooking meth... if it turns out you had a stroke I urge you or your support people to read "My Stroke of Insight" by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor. You can have an amazing recovery from a stroke.
  19. heyhello, hang tough bro, and what ever you do, don't start cookin meth to pay your hospital bills...
  20. I usually let my troops choose their own targets so this sounds like a beneficial change to me. If I want to use support troops as regular infantry I'll be more than happy to assign targets but until then I'd usually rather they hold their fire; it seems like a good trade off to me.
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