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Everything posted by sfhand

  1. Thanks!!! (a side note question for padding: I was noticing I have several fow icon files similar to this "icon italian blue fow_heavy_tank 1.bmp" in the mod directory that I think were part of a hotfix, are they still needed in the mod directory?)
  2. And here I was thinking that is what allied tanks are for...
  3. I love what you've done with the map and your ideas and attitudes about the game in general. One question, you mentioned fog burning off, does it do this on it's own (like in-game rain having the ability to turn dry earth into mud)?
  4. To be clear, looking at the BN v2.01 release note reveal some of the same changes. For me the two biggies are the FoW information panel clamp (not listed), and the paused tank accuracy fix. Oh, and no need for the thanks but the sentiment is noted
  5. I am very eagerly waiting for MG, not only for the content, but to have the GL game improvements in BN. Now that GL has the BN v2.01 improvements+ it represents the state of the game. This is just like walking, one title is always a step ahead of the other. Here's the incomplete list from the GL readme: NEW v1.10 GAME FEATURES included in the Module: * Improved range of video card and driver compatibility with shaders. * Possible speed improvements depending on video card hardware and drivers. * Minor fixes and adjustments to shader behavior. * Corrected a problem that allowed mortars to change location but retain too much target acquisition. * Corrected accuracy issues with on-map artillery. * MGs fire longer, more accurate bursts. * Suppression from small arms fire accumulates faster. * Improved hit location calculations on bunkers. * Corrected a problem with soldiers bringing their weapons along when leaving bunkers. * Improved calculation of damage from anti-vehicle mines. * Path following improved on bridges, vertical moves between building levels, heavy weapon deployment and through marsh/ford areas. * Corrected small problems with the display of weapon deployment time. * Small arms fire versus unarmored vehicles is more effective. * Vehicles with paused movement orders no longer have lowered accuracy. * The purple targeting line for Pop Smoke disappears when it should. * Italian 47mm AP now has a bursting charge. * PSW 231 armored car turret rotation is properly centered. * SPW 251/10 halftrack can carry a 3-man HQ team in addition to its crew. * US high-explosive rifle grenades operate correctly. * Engagement range of US B.A.R. increased to reflect usage as a form of LMG. * Miscellaneous 3D model fixes. Not mentioned in that list is the "all important" FoW unit information clamp, this feature alone would lead me to playing mostly GL until BN has this feature.
  6. I have actively avoided your, no doubt, excellent DAR because of spoilers. The temptation to "take a quick peek" has been strong though, I'll definitely read it with interest after I've surrendered... edit: re: having fun... the whole reason I'm playing the game - and h2h never fails to be a deliver win, lose, or draw.
  7. Good stuff... unfortunately my current losing effort in Macisle's White Manor h2h scenario isn't going to result in that type of statement.
  8. Sorry if this has been asked or mentioned, but were the atg crews ordered to hide?
  9. Wow, we have really different experiences playing the game. I have no problem noticing when icons are flashing. Also, it seems pretty clear to me that the more units I have the more micromanagement will be involved. The thing is, the vast majority of turns (large battles) I'm not replaying more than twice and even then I don't watch the full minute the second time, just the parts I find interesting. And since I find it interesting it isn't tedious...
  10. I don't play RT... but if I did I'd prefer Dos Equis. Seriously, if I did I'd never zoom in and ditch Iron Mode. Even then, the game's already present notifications would seem sufficient to keep me informed of the "important" events. Then again, as soon as I focused on the unit needing attention I would lose most of my situational awareness. And with no replay I wouldn't know what happened to my tank on the other side of the battlefield while I was addressing the needs of other units. In that situation a list of recent events would help, but it wouldn't help as much as playing WeGo... which I play zoomed out until the icons flash...
  11. There is a reason I wrote "game related favor", and no, drinking while playing doesn't make drinking game related
  12. Bil, many thanks for providing the details that lead to this insightful document, it is very much appreciated. I will do any game related favor you might ask of me as proof of my gratitude.
  13. It is a little unclear to me if you are attacking or defending... I thought you were attacking based on your opening remarks but some of the banter makes it seem like you are defending. And then there are select remarks that make it seem as though you should be doing both edit: Okay, I just took a look at the axis thread and I know you are defending. The peek over there means no advice over here (free advice is worth what you pay for it, and it usually comes with "hidden costs" when it comes in the form of CM tips from me).
  14. Not sure about the map, but from the screen captures it looks like there are some non-upper-township elevated areas with tree lines heavy guns could be placed in
  15. After the last battle/AAR you get massive style points for the Patton quote...
  16. Not you bro, I was sniping at the sly one but thanks!
  17. Hey Bil, thanks. FWIW, the reason I suggested Huzzar, aside from my own inabilities to grok it, was because it is a map almost everyone here has access to. As I wrote in an earlier post in the peanut gallery thread, screenshots don't always grasp the nuances of the terrain (at least for me) whereas with a map like Huzzar I can read your analysis, look at the screenshots, and then do a drive through of the map and try to see what you see. I guess I could wait until release of the new module to do the drive through. I hadn't thought that people would start requesting you interpret maps for them, I thought you could post your terrain analysis here as a "public service". I don't want any of the above to seem like I don't appreciate what you've done already; I appreciate it very much, I'm just a greedy bastage I guess.
  18. Did you miss my post? Now you could have said you wanted to make use of the cannon fodder I was volunteering to provide, which would still make you the second volunteer
  19. Hey Bil, I know you're a very busy guy, but I've got to ask, is there any chance of you putting together a terrain analysis video (similar to the Wargamer tutorial videos but more in depth)? Some maps seem pretty easy to figure out but others just seem to sit there taunting me, e.g. Huzzar. Thanks again to both you and GAJ for the AAR and for your beta work as well. edit: Heck, it doesn't have to be a movie! A screen shot or two of the Huzzar map with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one would be awesome... I'm not asking for much, am I?
  20. I'm definitely interested but other than being someone's cannon fodder I don't have much to offer in the way of experience with these things.
  21. I'm wondering how many others really had no idea the intricacies of that map. While Bil and GAJ did a nice job with the screenies and descriptions I found it difficult to visualize. What I wanted to do was zoom in and pan around the screenshots (I almost always try to do that when I watch CM videos too) so as to really understand how Bil could advance uncontested up the center and GAJ couldn't put his tanks in a long range overwatch position to move Bil's Sherman off the mountain GAJ was trying to get behind. Bil's initial map with key terrain features and avenues of approach was somewhat helpful in this regard but difficult to keep track of.
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