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Doug Williams

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Everything posted by Doug Williams

  1. 3.0? Don't we have two or more years worth of 2.0 to worry about first?
  2. Computer wargaming insider infighting politics? It doesn't get any more weaksauce than this.
  3. This is something I would *love* to see, as a former SL/ASL player. BTW, Alt/T will toggle through the three stages of "tree display", which are (1) see all the trees, all the time, (2) see tree trunks of those trees close to your "floating camera", see entire trees further away, and (3) trees completely invisible. I have mine set to (2) most of the time.
  4. You guys, other than the OP, are missing the point, with the exception of Mord and his "foghorn leghorn" statement. Props for that, Mord! "Making sense" is not the way to win this argument with children like F.A. Actually, there *is* no way to win the argument, any more than you can win an argument with a screaming two-year-old. There is no real way to handle this other than hold on and have fun until the authority figures lock this thread. In the meantime, feast your eyes on this!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=NHRQnbsGOUc#! I'm a fiend for the funk!
  5. "Fanboy" is old school, as in late 1980s, perhaps early 1990s. The proper derogatory term these days is "fanboi". Whenever you start losing an interwebz argument, as you are now, you can try to play the "fanboi" card, and hope that buys you some interwebz points. Sorry, but it won't even buy you a Bud Lite here. We're a bunch of old farts who see right through you. Please, quit crying about $10. If you can't afford it, try your psychological skillz against your parents, (who are probably younger than most of us). Perhaps you can convince them to finance the 2.0 upgrade. Or, failing that, get a job. [GASP!] If you were smart, you would have come to us with a sob story about how financially disavantaged you were, and how you could not afford the upgrade. If the story was good enough, one of us would have probably bought it for you. But that boat has sailed now. For most of us, $10 barely buys lunch. In short, go away, boy. You bother us.
  6. Oh, F.A., F.A., F.A......Still whining F.A.? Every time I see these whining posts, I am reminded of this scene:
  7. I've never had that happen, but then I always use Dropbox and H2HHelper, and I pretty much only play guys in my club (WeBoB). :-)
  8. No, you cannot do that in PBEM games. The results are calculated on one PC, then, without viewing them, you send the turn to your opponent, who gets to view them before you do.
  9. I agree 100%. Around the ear, and comfortable pads are as important as audio quality to me. Of course, just about any set of headphones that actually covers the ear and is comfortable to wear is going to have good audio quality. Buying a quality set of headphones is a purchase I will never regret. No buyer's remorse her.
  10. Yes. Like YankeeDog, I use headphones whenever the wife is home. One of my pet peeves is cheap headphones, so I bought a set of audio-technica ATH-M50s. I love them. http://www.audio-technica.com/cms/headphones/0edf909675b1be4d/index.html
  11. Yes, this is something that can be hard to get used to, if you are accustomed to games where you have to micromanage every action of every unit, but once you understand it, you will do better. I rarely issue target commands to any of my units, but I very often give them target arcs.
  12. I just drank $10 worth of beer while reading this thread. Had to, just to make it to the end. Well...back to CMBN V 2.0.
  13. I'm using my psychic powers to predict that Jaksteri won't get on well in these forums.
  14. Thank you GaJ. H2HH is VERY much appreciated by those of us who PBEM.
  15. If you like to Play By E-Mail, there are issues with 2.0. If PBEM is not something you care about, then you are safe to upgrade to 2.0.
  16. Actually, there is a need to patch 2.0. It just hasn't been released yet.
  17. Steve, at the risk of changing the subject of this thread which was supposed to be about tank behavior in V 2.0... The PBEM quick battle crash on turn 002 bug that GaJ and I are talking about is occurring on new games started with fresh installs of version 2.0. Most of us who have been playing CM for a while know that games started on a previous version may or may not work once the game is patched to a new version.
  18. Not sure what perceived problems you have in mind, however there is one major problem if you enjoy playing PBEM Quick Battles. For many people, the game simply locks up on turn 002 and never loads. PBEM is my favorite way to play, but I haven't rolled back to 1.11 yet in the hope that a patch or hotfix is released shortly.
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