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Doug Williams

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Everything posted by Doug Williams

  1. Well said, Apocal. As for myself, I personally don't consider an artillery barrage on the VL in a meeting engagement as "gamey", but I do kind of consider TRPs "gamey" in meeting engagements, which are, after all, supposed to be random, uh, meetings.
  2. No point in harrassing RT North Dakota. He and his friend choose to play in a particular way (if the game allows it, you can do it). As long as they both agree to this, I see nothing wrong with it. In fact, I wouldn't have a problem playing someone who wanted an "anything goes" type game, as long as we both understood it from the beginning. I also have no problem with players who have a lot of "house rules", as long as we both know them beforehand. The players I have a problem with are those who "disappear" once they start losing. Since I usually only play members of my club (and people trying to join), I seldom meet these people anymore.
  3. Womble is correct. Hey Timmyc69, the best way to get reliable human Combat Mission opponents is to join a club. There are several out there. We Band of Brothers, http://www.webandofbrothers.de/ , is the one I am affiliated with. If you ever want to join, let me know. The process seems a bit complex, but that is mainly to weed out the players who drop games when they start to lose.
  4. RE: The QB "Loading 5%" crash bug: Good news, but I have to wonder why BFC didn't list this bug as being fixed in the official patch announcement? This was a MAJOR bug, and honestly it should have been hotfixed weeks ago.
  5. H2HH and Dropbox are "must have" software if you play turn based CM against human opponents, as God intended.
  6. There is also We Band of Brothers, which is a WW2 Combat Mission only club (both CM1 and CM2). Great bunch of guys. http://www.webandofbrothers.de/
  7. Didn't have my droid with me in the bathroom. Flushed before I thought.... :-(
  8. Does anyone actually still exchange turns via e-mail attachments? Dropbox + H2HH FTW.
  9. You should see the BM I just had. Took two flushes.
  10. Sublime is correct also, IMO. A newbie was getting PWND by a more veteran opponent in some meeting engagements, because the more veteran opponent rushed to the objective(s) and thus became the defender, probably knowing the newbie would not have any TRPs on the objectives. I suggested he try some attack/defend battles instead. :-)
  11. WeBoB ( http://www.webandofbrothers.de/ ) are a great bunch of guys, but we don't take "riff raff". ;-) Well, actually, we do...Cranky, ahem. Lots of our brothers are still stuck in CM1 however, be aware. The best benefit you will see from "clubs" is your opponents will finish their games, even if they are losing. The second best benefit you will see is Tournaments. I love Tournaments! Random postings on this (BFC) forum "looking for PBEM opponent" is kinda like going to a bar looking for a date. YMMV.
  12. Try some attack/defend battles. Meeting engagements often favor who can race to the victory location(s) quickest. The winner of the race is then the defender and has the advantage.
  13. This game sucks. When is the patch coming out? Why do I have to pay for patches? :-)
  14. It's called a Nahverteidigungswaffe. http://www.custermen.net/nahvert/nah.htm As for close assulting tanks, my men seldom succeed at it, but my opponents seem to have no trouble doing it to me. ;-) I would think your best bet is to try to get your assaulting troops to approach the tank from the rear.
  15. I haven't noticed any performance differences between CMFI and CMBN+CW on my current system. I'm well above the minimum specs for running either game, however. Short answer: If you have no performance issues with CMFI, I doubt you'll have any with CMBN+CW.
  16. Nice of them to do that. There are online backup solutions if you tend to lose/misplace thumb drives and CDs.
  17. I agree with everything you said, except the bolded words. Battlefront isn't giving us the things you describe. We paid for them. Please don't make it seem like BF is "giving" us anything. They are a business, and their business is selling computer games. As long as they keep making games we like to play, we will keep buying them. That is the way it is and should be.
  18. An old thread resurrected! These days, I would say 90% of my opponents use H2HH. 100% use Dropbox, as I won't play otherwise.
  19. True. Also, the CPU matters a lot in CM. So, if you have some money to spend and want to make your CM experience better, spend it on graphics card and CPU upgrades. Interestingly, when I switched from a spinning platter drive to an SSD, it didn't make a big difference in CM's load times, though it did on almost everything else.
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