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Doug Williams

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Everything posted by Doug Williams

  1. Dude, it's $10. If you seriously could not afford it, I bet someone here would have bought it for you, before you made an arse of yourself.
  2. This gave me a chuckle. The whole game is fantasy, Jon. We are all highly unlikely to die while playing this game, unless it is from having a heart attack because we sit on our arses too much.
  3. It's BFC's forum, so if they want they can ban all words that have a "W" in them. ;-) But yea, the "all commercial links" ban is rather draconian, in my opinion. It's probably just less work for Moon to enforce a "blanket ban" than try to have exceptions and listen to us whine about why I was given a naughty note frowny face for my link, while John Kettler gets away with linking all sorts of flim-flam.
  4. Well, as I stated on another forum, I'll never go back to CM1, unless it's in a fit of nostalgia. There are, however, a couple of things I miss from CM1 that I wish were in CM2: computer generated QB maps and command lines.
  5. IMO, GreenAsJade should be on BFC's payroll. His H2HH "app" (used with Dropbox) has done a great deal to enhance the enjoyment of CMBN+CW+CMFI PBEM gaming. A GREAT deal.
  6. I got my "order has shipped" notice earlier today.
  7. Neither do I Steve. Thanks for the explanation.
  8. This is going to be of concern for me (and Baneman) because we are about to start a new CMBN tourney that will likely go on for several months. During this time, it is almost certain that the 2.0 upgrade will be released, and I plan on upgrading. My CMBN install is in the default location: C: /USERS/DOUG/MY DOCUMENTS/BATTLEFRONT/COMBAT MISSION BATTLE FOR NORMANDY. So, I am assuming the 2.0 upgrade will leave it there. Now before I upgrade can I just copy the current CMBN folder to a different location so I can continue my inevitable PBEM games under version 1.10?
  9. And certain hardware changes can trigger an activation also. I had to use up another CMBN activation when I swapped CPUs. Nothing else was changed.
  10. You would have a better experience in this regard if you joined a gaming club, especially one that specializes in Combat Mission.
  11. I operate a Jeep almost every day, all by myself. Guess I'm an "army of one"....or am I "being all I can be"? Hard to remember. "Don't ask, don't tell", I suppose.
  12. Zeb, what you describe (co-op 8 player PBEM game) sounds interesting, but I could see such a game going on for literally a year or longer, given the inevitable sickness, vacations, losing interest, computer crashes, etc., etc. The only way I could possibly see CM co-op play working is real time with an online lobby for hooking up and starting games. And I only play WeGo. However, if BFC ever does implement co-op play with a lobby, etc., I'll give it a go.
  13. I agree with "Another quality release from the team". Bravo, BFC! Co-op support is not something I care about enough to want to see any effort, time, or money expended on that would potentially cause a delay in releasing more WW2 CM games, modules, or packs. I am assuming by co-op you mean four or more players playing CM at the same time, in real time, like Starcraft 2 or something.
  14. Wife's gonna see right through that. Trust me. ;-)
  15. Log in the BFC web site and look under your orders. That's where I found mine, since I had somehow deleted my preorder e-mail confirmation.
  16. I have twice now encountered a problem with the computer choosing maps in Tiny quick battles. Both times I told the computer that I wanted it to pick map size Tiny with Rough terrain. The first time I got map size Huge, the second time it was Medium.
  17. I am not a big fan of offboard artillery in Small or Tiny battles, and not even that much in Medium battles. I like to play at "Warrior" or higher difficulty setting, and my experience is it takes so long for the shells to start landing that the enemy is often not there by the time the FFE arrives. If playing a quick battle, I would rather spend my points for on-board mortars, which are quite deadly in a direct fire role....much more so than in CM1. The exception is an Attack scenario where offboard arty can be used to good effect by the attacker to pre-bombard likely enemy setup zones. Pre-bombardment is generally frowned upon as a "gamey" tactic for meeting engagements, and the player defending in an Attack scenario, at least among the people I play.
  18. Redwolf, can you give an example or two of what type of CPUs you think would be suboptimal for single core performance? My current CPU is a 2.8 GHz core two quad (four cores running at 2.8 GHz). Now I have an old single core Prescott system with a 3.4 GHz CPU that I never bothered to install CMBN on. Do you believe CMBN will run better on the older computer? I personally doubt it very much, because the older system has a 32 bit OS with 4 gig of ram, and the newer one has a 64 bit OS with 8 gig of ram. Of course, there is a big difference in the video cards also.
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