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  1. Like
    The_Capt got a reaction from Ultradave in Did the Soviets really stop issuing binoculars after WW2?   
    Oh and if you plan to take this guy on, come with DNA-level evidence (don't tell anyone but he actually scares me).
  2. Like
    The_Capt got a reaction from Jotte in Some remarks on the ammo loadouts.   
    You can take is as unofficial aspiration along with hopes and prayers.  Personally I will keep doing this as long as they want Bil and me to keep going.  We do have many ideas, dreams and fancies.
  3. Like
    The_Capt got a reaction from ekobloc in US/USSR Cold War tactics to use in the game   
    Ah...a journey of learning about to begin.  So for the Cpt Miller has given you the Soviets.  For the US I would suggest:
    https://www.bits.de/NRANEU/others/amd-us-archive/FM71-100C1(79).pdf (Div level....very big picture, more for context than use in CM)
    https://www.bits.de/NRANEU/others/amd-us-archive/FM71-2(77).pdf  (Bn TF, start here, this one will walk you right through)
    https://books.google.ca/books?id=My8-u2rYNVoC&pg=PP1&lpg=PP1&dq=tank+and+mechanized+company+team+fm+1977&source=bl&ots=qqIQKfV9MT&sig=ACfU3U00aPRhU6AIK2f45OySHMo3SQX7Xw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjkj9nanKnwAhV2Ap0JHeqIBQ0Q6AEwEXoECAgQAw#v=onepage&q=tank and mechanized company team fm 1977&f=false (Coy Tm Bible from 1977)
    https://books.google.ca/books?id=V7rLfdbG5QcC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false (Mech Inf Platoon, 1977)
    Attached.  FM 17-95 (Cav Troop, 1977)  [Edit.  MikeyD already posted The Tank Platoon)
    The_Capt's advice:  Keep your gun pointed at the enemy, keep one foot on the ground, timing, timing and....timing, weapon ranges=the point of your existence, make them dead - they fight poorly when dead.  Oh and do not overextend....I always break that one.
  4. Like
    The_Capt got a reaction from Lethaface in Some remarks on the ammo loadouts.   
    You can take is as unofficial aspiration along with hopes and prayers.  Personally I will keep doing this as long as they want Bil and me to keep going.  We do have many ideas, dreams and fancies.
  5. Like
    The_Capt got a reaction from Alternativeway in So you just got your hands on CMCW...now what? Designers Q&A thread.   
    Soviet Campaigns = Tough and Challenging:
    - First off the player has to manage an entire MRB TF (so Bn and a Tank Coy as a min) in each battle (except the last one but lets leave that one for now).  Over the Campaign the player is basically managing an MRR across the campaign scenarios, so 3 x MRBs, a TB and AT Bn as they fight down towards Alsfeld.
    - The Campaign reflects Soviet doctrine (and POV to be honest) so there is very little RRR between battles (in March or Die it is zero).  So if one loses the better part of a tank company in Battle #1, you have to live with those losses for the rest of the campaign.  It is very easy to run out of gas by the end if a player is reckless.
    - Force ratios are pretty forgiving actually, Soviets will go into each fight with at least a 2:1 advantage or higher.
    - Tough as in US troops quality and positioning.  The US troops are 11 ACR and 3rd Armd Div, about the best equipped and trained the West had in this area.  They have owned the ground for nearly 40 years at this point and know every inch of it.  So each fight sees them very well positioned and with the best stuff.
    As to saving and bush-searching, well I will leave that decision to you but each fight in on the clock so don't take too long.  Bottom line is that the campaign is not recommended for first time players as it will likely be frustrating.  Veterans should be prepared for shaking hands and tears in their eyes if they make it to seeing the street lights of Alsfeld.
  6. Like
    The_Capt got a reaction from ekobloc in So you just got your hands on CMCW...now what? Designers Q&A thread.   
    First off, thank you and welcome to the game.  This post is really a place for you guys to Q&A with the game designers.  Questions on features, campaigns or scenarios can go here and we will try to get to them to help you out.
    So if you are new to the CM you probably want to start easy and small to get the feel for the game.  Check the scenario notes as designers often will highlight which side may be easy or harder.  For example, "Valley of Ashes" is by-design, pretty easy for the Blue side as an opportunity for beginners to get a feel for a larger scenario.  While the Red side of this scenario is pretty tough.  I will let the other scenario designers chime on on their babies.
    I will say that the Soviet Training scenarios by Cpt Miller are a very good place to start for a lot of people as full Cold War Soviet formations, in all their glory, are a bit of a new thing for the series.
    For the Campaigns, I highly recommend people start with NTC.  Bil and GeorgeMC did a really good job in putting together some very good scenarios that can get people into the groove of maneuvering in the context of a Cold War battlefield. 
    Then I would suggest moving onto the US Campaigns.  1982 was designed to be the primary but 1979 turned out to be really interesting, so players choice really.   1982 is probably a little easier as 1979 can be challenging with the older equipment set.
    Finally, I would then suggest that players can gird their loins for the Soviet Campaigns.  These are designed to be tough and a challenge to manage.  Every battle is battalion sized and frankly pretty tough.  The March or Die version is designed to be downright unfair to the loins, but also probably the most realistic....you have been warned.
    Anyway, enjoy and have fun!   
  7. Like
    The_Capt got a reaction from Jotte in So you just got your hands on CMCW...now what? Designers Q&A thread.   
    FASCAM (scatterable mines).  They really barely apply to a CM battle but would be so cool.  Close second would be mineplows and rollers/flails.  But all of that would have added months to dev time (it wasn‘t an easy port from elsewhere, we asked).
    Done differently...hmm.  Well we definitely have a few ideas moving forward and there are some things that I will avoid.  For example it may seem simple but the US 1979 Campaign was a serious pain to make even though it was supposed to be nearly the same as the 1982 but with older kit.  Doing multiple versions of the same campaign is  something I will personally avoid if I can.  Beyond that probably a bigger team, we did a lot of the early stuff with only four of us and it was a lot.  We could have gotten farther with a few more people earlier on.  Plus we can move faster with a core team.
  8. Upvote
    The_Capt got a reaction from IICptMillerII in Some remarks on the ammo loadouts.   
    Oh MikeyD re-started the whole ICM effectiveness thing up again...here we go again!
  9. Like
    The_Capt got a reaction from ng cavscout in Will the Rumblings of War tournament (Row) be Returning   
    What is Rumblings of War? Simply THE premiere wargaming tournament that ever was held using the Combat Mission games.

    Probably the single toughest tactical wargaming challenge that ever scarred a hard drive.

    To summarize, hand-made scenarios by some of the most evil, twisted designers that ever were allowed outside of an asylum. These men take the high art of torturing grogs to a new level....I swear to god I had nightmares.

    These scenarios are not balanced and in fact some cases are downright unfair!! The Nabla scoring system (outlawed in at least three countries btw) doesn't measure the players final score, it measures his very worth as compared to every other player in the tourney. I have personally seen grown men break down and weep like babes when the numbers were crunched and it was time to "come to Jesus".

    What is Rumblings of War????.....the best time you will have with your clothes on....check that I am convinced some crazy bastards played naked except for warpaint. To win is to become a God among men, to lose is to be expected.

    Seriously though...damn good time....so lets do another shall we?
  10. Upvote
    The_Capt got a reaction from HerrTom in Some remarks on the ammo loadouts.   
    Oh MikeyD re-started the whole ICM effectiveness thing up again...here we go again!
  11. Like
    The_Capt got a reaction from domfluff in Some remarks on the ammo loadouts.   
    Oh MikeyD re-started the whole ICM effectiveness thing up again...here we go again!
  12. Like
    The_Capt got a reaction from Amedeo in Some remarks on the ammo loadouts.   
    Ok, I actually have no problem with that, to be honest.  I would say 80-81 is more than reasonable amount of time for the BM22 to become "the 125mm round".
    Well that is one way to look at it.  The other is that it supports my point (along with a 32 year career in defence) that large military procurement always take a long time to ramp up, therefore seeing T64As with older rounds in 79-80 is not remotely wildly out of whack based on introduction rates and observed friction in delivery of the tank itself.  In fact the smaller fleets of T64Bs and T80s would have probably gotten first choice, which was the way we went in modeling.
    Ok, I am a total sucker for flattery...and this part is unfair.
    You know, like most of these things the distance between positions is not really that far when you really break it down.  I really like the idea of a T64(1980 or 81) option with the BM22 as in reality both ammo types were likely available and loaded with mixed types (like those magic APCR rounds in the 6 pounders in Normandy).  It would truly set up the T64A to be a transition tank, which was a theme we were really shooting for.  We will see, only so many hours in the day and all that.
    As to the M833...most definitely it should be in, right alongside the TOW 2 and Apaches. 
  13. Upvote
    The_Capt got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in So you just got your hands on CMCW...now what? Designers Q&A thread.   
    FASCAM (scatterable mines).  They really barely apply to a CM battle but would be so cool.  Close second would be mineplows and rollers/flails.  But all of that would have added months to dev time (it wasn‘t an easy port from elsewhere, we asked).
    Done differently...hmm.  Well we definitely have a few ideas moving forward and there are some things that I will avoid.  For example it may seem simple but the US 1979 Campaign was a serious pain to make even though it was supposed to be nearly the same as the 1982 but with older kit.  Doing multiple versions of the same campaign is  something I will personally avoid if I can.  Beyond that probably a bigger team, we did a lot of the early stuff with only four of us and it was a lot.  We could have gotten farther with a few more people earlier on.  Plus we can move faster with a core team.
  14. Upvote
    The_Capt got a reaction from IICptMillerII in Some remarks on the ammo loadouts.   
    Well military manufacturing really doesn't work that way.  Re-tooling to a new round would come with same startup costs etc.  These things are not binary (Fri we made BM22s and on Mon now we make BM 29s), nor was how industrial contract were distributed.  This also assumes a linear production model, when it was more likely a curve upward with a slow start and then most production done in the early 80s.
    It does and not the first time I have heard it, nor do I think BM22s were absent in the late 70s (obviously), so what?  I agree with the intro dates but am still not entirely sold on that statement....I can't do both?  The question here is BM22s to T64As, which based on introduction of both items most likely saw a transition period over the period of our game.  Of course if this is going to devolve into some sort of Reddit games, from the article you posted (English translation):
    "For example, in 1977 it was possible to equip  six tank and motorized rifle divisions with  T-64A tanks" [note, not the 8 you claim later in your post]
    "But when the "sixty-fours" were pulled out of the inner districts, it turned out that the Kharkov plant (KhZTM), the only manufacturer of the  T-64 , was not able to provide the required rate of equipping the GSVG with new tanks. During 1978,  T-64A tanks  received only 25 Guards. Panzer (Vogelsang) and 21 motorized rifle (Perleberg) divisions." [And there would be the delays I was talking about]
    "In 1980, two more units were equipped with new machines. But there were still many formations on the  T-62 , for example, the 7th Guards. etc., separate tank regiments of army subordination.  By the end of 1980, it became finally clear to the military-political leadership of the USSR that the industry was not able to provide the required rate of renewal of tanks in the GSVG."  [It got worse]
     So by your articles admission T64 introduction into the GSVG was slow and delayed but somehow the mountains of BM22 ammunition arrived entirely on target on time? This does not point to "massive stockpiles" of BM22s in 1979, now does it?  It points to normal communist inefficiencies and general FUBARness which leads to there being a lot more T62s in the game and T64As having to live with older ammo.
      Again, not digital (emphasis mine).  So the Soviets had stockpiles of BM15s, in depots in Western Germany and on Jan 1st 1976, while cleaning up after New Years, they packed them all up and shipped them all out of country.  "Oh, look those (much fewer) T64s have shown up but again the factories have not kept up with BM22 production (which they just started this year), oh well I guess we will roll out empty."
      Tell you what, because as fun as this is it is a bit of a time suck.  You go out and find some hard data on BM15 vs BM22 stockpiles in the GSVG between 1977-1982, if you can find something that says "zero BM15s and 10 million BM22s", I will buy you a virtual beer.  While you are doing that, I will go back to central and try to get a T64A (1980) version that had the BM22 loaded on it.
  15. Upvote
    The_Capt reacted to Sgt Joch in Some remarks on the ammo loadouts.   
    just some quick things I gleaned from a quick look on the internet.
    -jan. 1980 report to Congress by Sec Def: estimate that 75% of Soviet tanks in CFSG are T62s;
    -CIA estimate that by 1983 50% of Soviet tanks in Western military district would be “modern” T64/72/80 which would mean 50% were still older T55/62s;
    -OOB from 1989 showing 23% of all Soviet tanks were still T62s.
    it is not too hard to crunch numbers and see T62s were not phased out as quickly as the Soviets wanted.
  16. Upvote
    The_Capt got a reaction from Sgt Joch in Some remarks on the ammo loadouts.   
    Well military manufacturing really doesn't work that way.  Re-tooling to a new round would come with same startup costs etc.  These things are not binary (Fri we made BM22s and on Mon now we make BM 29s), nor was how industrial contract were distributed.  This also assumes a linear production model, when it was more likely a curve upward with a slow start and then most production done in the early 80s.
    It does and not the first time I have heard it, nor do I think BM22s were absent in the late 70s (obviously), so what?  I agree with the intro dates but am still not entirely sold on that statement....I can't do both?  The question here is BM22s to T64As, which based on introduction of both items most likely saw a transition period over the period of our game.  Of course if this is going to devolve into some sort of Reddit games, from the article you posted (English translation):
    "For example, in 1977 it was possible to equip  six tank and motorized rifle divisions with  T-64A tanks" [note, not the 8 you claim later in your post]
    "But when the "sixty-fours" were pulled out of the inner districts, it turned out that the Kharkov plant (KhZTM), the only manufacturer of the  T-64 , was not able to provide the required rate of equipping the GSVG with new tanks. During 1978,  T-64A tanks  received only 25 Guards. Panzer (Vogelsang) and 21 motorized rifle (Perleberg) divisions." [And there would be the delays I was talking about]
    "In 1980, two more units were equipped with new machines. But there were still many formations on the  T-62 , for example, the 7th Guards. etc., separate tank regiments of army subordination.  By the end of 1980, it became finally clear to the military-political leadership of the USSR that the industry was not able to provide the required rate of renewal of tanks in the GSVG."  [It got worse]
     So by your articles admission T64 introduction into the GSVG was slow and delayed but somehow the mountains of BM22 ammunition arrived entirely on target on time? This does not point to "massive stockpiles" of BM22s in 1979, now does it?  It points to normal communist inefficiencies and general FUBARness which leads to there being a lot more T62s in the game and T64As having to live with older ammo.
      Again, not digital (emphasis mine).  So the Soviets had stockpiles of BM15s, in depots in Western Germany and on Jan 1st 1976, while cleaning up after New Years, they packed them all up and shipped them all out of country.  "Oh, look those (much fewer) T64s have shown up but again the factories have not kept up with BM22 production (which they just started this year), oh well I guess we will roll out empty."
      Tell you what, because as fun as this is it is a bit of a time suck.  You go out and find some hard data on BM15 vs BM22 stockpiles in the GSVG between 1977-1982, if you can find something that says "zero BM15s and 10 million BM22s", I will buy you a virtual beer.  While you are doing that, I will go back to central and try to get a T64A (1980) version that had the BM22 loaded on it.
  17. Like
    The_Capt got a reaction from Sgt.Squarehead in CM Cold War - Beta AAR - Soviet Thread - Glorious Soviet Victory at Small German Town 1980   
    Ok, so as promised, for those that might be interested here is the scenario that Bil and I played (consider it bonus content) so you guys can see in detail how this whole thing went down.  I am also attaching the last couple turns from the Soviet side so people can see the final layout when we ended it.  Password is "rochette" (don't worry I don't use it anywhere else...and she is our dog).  Up front this is not a finished or official scenario (so no briefings or such), nor is there any AI, strictly H2H.  But if you guys want to recreate the fight, have at it!  Are you a Bil, leading his capitalist swine to their inevitable doom?  Or are you a Capt, who led his men to a glorious victory for mother Russia (unfortunately only a few get to enjoy that fact)?
    Note: the map is Dollbach Heights, a Pete Wenman original (seriously with this whole crypto art thing, this map might in crease in value over time).  The bare map is also included in the Master Maps folder, for aspiring designers.  Finally if you do want to play as is, I would highly recommend turning Blue EW off, as the Soviet arty is really neutered currently.  Enjoy.
    BETA-AAR Meet-Force v3.btt 1892770176_DolbachHeights066.ema 2039406995_DolbachHeights068.ema
  18. Upvote
    The_Capt got a reaction from Panzerpanic in US/USSR Cold War tactics to use in the game   
    Ah...a journey of learning about to begin.  So for the Cpt Miller has given you the Soviets.  For the US I would suggest:
    https://www.bits.de/NRANEU/others/amd-us-archive/FM71-100C1(79).pdf (Div level....very big picture, more for context than use in CM)
    https://www.bits.de/NRANEU/others/amd-us-archive/FM71-2(77).pdf  (Bn TF, start here, this one will walk you right through)
    https://books.google.ca/books?id=My8-u2rYNVoC&pg=PP1&lpg=PP1&dq=tank+and+mechanized+company+team+fm+1977&source=bl&ots=qqIQKfV9MT&sig=ACfU3U00aPRhU6AIK2f45OySHMo3SQX7Xw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjkj9nanKnwAhV2Ap0JHeqIBQ0Q6AEwEXoECAgQAw#v=onepage&q=tank and mechanized company team fm 1977&f=false (Coy Tm Bible from 1977)
    https://books.google.ca/books?id=V7rLfdbG5QcC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false (Mech Inf Platoon, 1977)
    Attached.  FM 17-95 (Cav Troop, 1977)  [Edit.  MikeyD already posted The Tank Platoon)
    The_Capt's advice:  Keep your gun pointed at the enemy, keep one foot on the ground, timing, timing and....timing, weapon ranges=the point of your existence, make them dead - they fight poorly when dead.  Oh and do not overextend....I always break that one.
  19. Like
    The_Capt got a reaction from IMHO in CM Cold War - Beta AAR - Soviet Thread - Glorious Soviet Victory at Small German Town 1980   
    Ok, so as promised, for those that might be interested here is the scenario that Bil and I played (consider it bonus content) so you guys can see in detail how this whole thing went down.  I am also attaching the last couple turns from the Soviet side so people can see the final layout when we ended it.  Password is "rochette" (don't worry I don't use it anywhere else...and she is our dog).  Up front this is not a finished or official scenario (so no briefings or such), nor is there any AI, strictly H2H.  But if you guys want to recreate the fight, have at it!  Are you a Bil, leading his capitalist swine to their inevitable doom?  Or are you a Capt, who led his men to a glorious victory for mother Russia (unfortunately only a few get to enjoy that fact)?
    Note: the map is Dollbach Heights, a Pete Wenman original (seriously with this whole crypto art thing, this map might in crease in value over time).  The bare map is also included in the Master Maps folder, for aspiring designers.  Finally if you do want to play as is, I would highly recommend turning Blue EW off, as the Soviet arty is really neutered currently.  Enjoy.
    BETA-AAR Meet-Force v3.btt 1892770176_DolbachHeights066.ema 2039406995_DolbachHeights068.ema
  20. Like
    The_Capt got a reaction from BletchleyGeek in So you just got your hands on CMCW...now what? Designers Q&A thread.   
    First off, thank you and welcome to the game.  This post is really a place for you guys to Q&A with the game designers.  Questions on features, campaigns or scenarios can go here and we will try to get to them to help you out.
    So if you are new to the CM you probably want to start easy and small to get the feel for the game.  Check the scenario notes as designers often will highlight which side may be easy or harder.  For example, "Valley of Ashes" is by-design, pretty easy for the Blue side as an opportunity for beginners to get a feel for a larger scenario.  While the Red side of this scenario is pretty tough.  I will let the other scenario designers chime on on their babies.
    I will say that the Soviet Training scenarios by Cpt Miller are a very good place to start for a lot of people as full Cold War Soviet formations, in all their glory, are a bit of a new thing for the series.
    For the Campaigns, I highly recommend people start with NTC.  Bil and GeorgeMC did a really good job in putting together some very good scenarios that can get people into the groove of maneuvering in the context of a Cold War battlefield. 
    Then I would suggest moving onto the US Campaigns.  1982 was designed to be the primary but 1979 turned out to be really interesting, so players choice really.   1982 is probably a little easier as 1979 can be challenging with the older equipment set.
    Finally, I would then suggest that players can gird their loins for the Soviet Campaigns.  These are designed to be tough and a challenge to manage.  Every battle is battalion sized and frankly pretty tough.  The March or Die version is designed to be downright unfair to the loins, but also probably the most realistic....you have been warned.
    Anyway, enjoy and have fun!   
  21. Upvote
    The_Capt got a reaction from Megalon Jones in Rosemary Woods and WW3   
    Thank you very much.  I know it is buried way in the manual but we actually started with the backstory very early in the development.  It really helped me focus on the timeframe as well as we developed the campaigns.  Of course players are welcome to come up with their own, ours was really just for the campaigns and a number of scenarios.
  22. Like
    The_Capt got a reaction from ekobloc in CM Cold War - Beta AAR - Soviet Thread - Glorious Soviet Victory at Small German Town 1980   
    Ok, so as promised, for those that might be interested here is the scenario that Bil and I played (consider it bonus content) so you guys can see in detail how this whole thing went down.  I am also attaching the last couple turns from the Soviet side so people can see the final layout when we ended it.  Password is "rochette" (don't worry I don't use it anywhere else...and she is our dog).  Up front this is not a finished or official scenario (so no briefings or such), nor is there any AI, strictly H2H.  But if you guys want to recreate the fight, have at it!  Are you a Bil, leading his capitalist swine to their inevitable doom?  Or are you a Capt, who led his men to a glorious victory for mother Russia (unfortunately only a few get to enjoy that fact)?
    Note: the map is Dollbach Heights, a Pete Wenman original (seriously with this whole crypto art thing, this map might in crease in value over time).  The bare map is also included in the Master Maps folder, for aspiring designers.  Finally if you do want to play as is, I would highly recommend turning Blue EW off, as the Soviet arty is really neutered currently.  Enjoy.
    BETA-AAR Meet-Force v3.btt 1892770176_DolbachHeights066.ema 2039406995_DolbachHeights068.ema
  23. Like
    The_Capt got a reaction from Amedeo in 73mm gun on Soviet IFVs   
    No lie @sburke bagged an M1 with this thing by hitting in the behind in the Soviet Campaign.
  24. Like
    The_Capt got a reaction from leon_2 in US/USSR Cold War tactics to use in the game   
    Ah...a journey of learning about to begin.  So for the Cpt Miller has given you the Soviets.  For the US I would suggest:
    https://www.bits.de/NRANEU/others/amd-us-archive/FM71-100C1(79).pdf (Div level....very big picture, more for context than use in CM)
    https://www.bits.de/NRANEU/others/amd-us-archive/FM71-2(77).pdf  (Bn TF, start here, this one will walk you right through)
    https://books.google.ca/books?id=My8-u2rYNVoC&pg=PP1&lpg=PP1&dq=tank+and+mechanized+company+team+fm+1977&source=bl&ots=qqIQKfV9MT&sig=ACfU3U00aPRhU6AIK2f45OySHMo3SQX7Xw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjkj9nanKnwAhV2Ap0JHeqIBQ0Q6AEwEXoECAgQAw#v=onepage&q=tank and mechanized company team fm 1977&f=false (Coy Tm Bible from 1977)
    https://books.google.ca/books?id=V7rLfdbG5QcC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false (Mech Inf Platoon, 1977)
    Attached.  FM 17-95 (Cav Troop, 1977)  [Edit.  MikeyD already posted The Tank Platoon)
    The_Capt's advice:  Keep your gun pointed at the enemy, keep one foot on the ground, timing, timing and....timing, weapon ranges=the point of your existence, make them dead - they fight poorly when dead.  Oh and do not overextend....I always break that one.
  25. Like
    The_Capt got a reaction from CaptainTheDark in CM Cold War - Beta AAR - Soviet Thread - Glorious Soviet Victory at Small German Town 1980   
    Ok, so as promised, for those that might be interested here is the scenario that Bil and I played (consider it bonus content) so you guys can see in detail how this whole thing went down.  I am also attaching the last couple turns from the Soviet side so people can see the final layout when we ended it.  Password is "rochette" (don't worry I don't use it anywhere else...and she is our dog).  Up front this is not a finished or official scenario (so no briefings or such), nor is there any AI, strictly H2H.  But if you guys want to recreate the fight, have at it!  Are you a Bil, leading his capitalist swine to their inevitable doom?  Or are you a Capt, who led his men to a glorious victory for mother Russia (unfortunately only a few get to enjoy that fact)?
    Note: the map is Dollbach Heights, a Pete Wenman original (seriously with this whole crypto art thing, this map might in crease in value over time).  The bare map is also included in the Master Maps folder, for aspiring designers.  Finally if you do want to play as is, I would highly recommend turning Blue EW off, as the Soviet arty is really neutered currently.  Enjoy.
    BETA-AAR Meet-Force v3.btt 1892770176_DolbachHeights066.ema 2039406995_DolbachHeights068.ema
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