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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. More, More is right. Keep 'em coming. And thanks for the numberless options.
  2. Most realistic winter AFV yet. Of course, you have 5 minutes to do the rest of them.
  3. Amen to that. I have been using your prior versions and these are even better. But, please do apply some love to the BT series to match!
  4. Bee-you-tee-full! Can't believe how good the waves turned out.
  5. Good stuff keeps on pouring out the factory door.....
  6. Again? They need to start sending you some cool stuff as thanks and acknowledgement. But it must definitely be an ego-booster! :cool:
  7. But if you can dig it in right behind the corner of a building, with just enough LOS to fire where you think they will be, then the gun tends to last a bit longer, as direct fire HE will often impact the building instead of in/near your gun position.
  8. Was just thinking about this one. Seeing it for the first time in ambush is enough to bring tears..... Come on Christmas!!!
  9. Was just thinking about this one. Seeing it for the first time in ambush is enough to bring tears..... Come on Christmas!!!
  10. Many of us use ROQC or BCR, which are both single player campaigns you can find on this board, but there are no maps which are "linked" in this fashion. I think quite a few of us would LOVE to have a lot of maps (200 is awesome, but even 50 that went together would be fantastic) that were linked by a topographical overview. So, I am one vote highly in favor of your project.
  11. P4 2.4 XP Pro 1024 PC1066 Rambus 51, 51, 53, 51, 52
  12. Welcome, and artillery will likely be drastically different in CMx2, similar to what you described.
  13. MikeyD, you did all those luverly StuG packs, surely you'd like to do around $750 worth of plastic kits in Sherman form, right?
  14. Looks good. Definitely feels like Tunisia.
  15. WC, good stuff. Always glad to see another person with modding talent step forward. You can never have too many mods.
  16. Its still so far away, but its hard not to drool thinking about non-borgish, up-to-the-minute eye-candied, shortcomings-essentially-done-away-with CM. The general forum. Bah, I would get banned if I responded to most of that.
  17. Its all a matter of taste. I happen to hate JorgeMC's Tigers. They don't look at all real to me.
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