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Everything posted by Gpig

  1. Heh! Someone else posted a pretty picture of a android (russian) launching a molotov over 100m. This was before the latest patch, as well. I wonder what sets 'em off? Gpig
  2. To dry thier socks on . . . AT least, that's what I'd use it for. Gpig Obviously, I've got nothing better to do right now.
  3. I do not think that light armored cars, count as AFV for the purpose of Covered Arc . . . I had a german 20mm armored car with a COVER ARMORED arc, let a Russian light scout car (with one lone MG on it) waltz right through it's area of responsibility. I was quite surprised. I have not tested it myself, but this seems worthy of a quick test. Gpig
  4. Hey Markshot! You wouldn't happen to be playing NIPPY's QB rules . . . would you? I'm currently playing a lot of QB's in snowy blizzard, night time and noticing a lot of the same. It's quite fun, really. But MUCH easier to defend at night, than attack at night. Gpig
  5. Nice! I'd like to try out your scenario. Please email it to me at jon@pixar.com Thanks! Gpig
  6. SPOILER ALERT! . . \. . . . . . Heh, yeah. My CRACK kingTiger in "Maxdorf" kept missing those t-34/85's that came on the map at the 1500m range. Got one of them, but after I'd used up almost 20 rnds of AP. Then I just put up a covered arc at the 1000m mark and waited. Those t-34's wouldn't even come out to play! They'd peek out of the woods, then scurry back into cover. My Tiger never had to fire another shot! Just his presence alone saved the day. Held back 8 (?) of them t-34/85s. Gpig
  7. Cool! CMAK is going to have a cross-over game with THE MATRIX! I can't wait to dodge incomming rounds of AP, in wrap-around camera slow motion! SWEET! 0001100101011011010001011010010100101
  8. Hi! Did you know that if you select the tank and lock the view, you can then ZOOM in and ZOOM out. I do this all the time. I think they are the [ ] keys. This results in a view that the Tank Commander would realistcally have. You can also adjust the camera up and down. alt-A and alt-Z I love to watch the rounds go out and hit the enemy tanks, scooting through the trees at 800m away! WOOT!
  9. Someone REALLY should re-do that OPERATION. The one where Whittman and his buddies roll through the village and coutryside, while brits scurry everywhere. Happens over three battles, I think. Please? Someone? I'll promise to play it AND review it. Gpig
  10. Ok, that's just gross! Your scenario plans sound cool, however. Gpig
  11. I LOVE cannister in CMBB! I use it with my tanks whenever I can. But I also HATE cannister, when used against me. All of the weapons systems in CM have their use AND a defense against their use. Cannister has a use, alright. But the defense against their use is just "don't be on the map, if cannister is flying!" (Not always a relevant defense.) AT guns? Use a mortar. Enemy tank? Use a tank hunter team. (or another tank.) Enemy aircraft? Use some FLAK. Enemy infantry? Use some HE. Enemy Arty? Use some cover . . . Why doesn't cover work for cannister? It's deadly stuff, but taking cover in a heavy building/church should provide relative safety for a cannister round. Unfortunately, it does NOT. (In my experience.) Still, I freakin' LOVE this game! Gpig
  12. Thanks for your help, fellas. First off, I made a mistake. The treeline (w/objective) is 1000m away and the enemy bunker and tank are 800-900m away from my tanks. My infantry line is 300 to 400m away from the enemy line. Turns out, Smoke was the answer but luck was not on my side. I was setting up my attack. I had 3 platoons of infantry across half the map. Enemy infantry was back in the woodline (beyond the bunker and the T-34) a good 800m away. I'd already dispatched a platoon of enemy SMG troops. Like I said, I was setting up my attack with my PzIIIJ in overwatch when it spotted the T-34 moving, exposing it's flank. My PzIII got off 4 shots to the T-34's 3. First one missed. Next two hit (one riccochet) and one partial penetration. The 2nd shot from the T-34 took out my Pz. Rats. Next, I smoke the T-34 AND the bunker (they are close together) and charge a platoon of Vet infantry into the smoke. Also, my StugB charges in as well. In the swirling smoke my infantry get targetted and cut to pieces by Cannister shot. My Stug, however gets a turret penetration on the T-34. But does not kill it. The smoke clears and the T-34 kills my Stug. This T-34 ended up w/30 infantry kills/cas and 2 pz kills. That is one lucky T-34. I could not cover the rest of the ground to the objective. I'd used my arty (as smoke) and lost a platoon of infantry. The bunker still ruled. The Tank was still mobile and dominating. Ceasefire. Tactical Defeat. (I'd gained two small flags to the enemy held Large flag.) What a fun battle! Nippy's Rules for Quick Battles. Thanks, NIPPY! Gpig [ May 13, 2003, 08:26 PM: Message edited by: Gpig ]
  13. Someone said this already . . . but if you are looking for the feel of the dessert campaign I think that the shimmering heat wave on the horizon effect would be a nice touch! Maybe even DARKER shadows. (More contrast, if you take my meaning.) Gpig
  14. I've got 500m to cover to my last objective. The flag is on woods covered hill 432. Between my forces and the hill top (which really isn't that high at all) is 400m of gently rolling steppe. No trees to speak of. (just a smattering of scattered trees.) I've got three platoons of german infantry. A pzIIIJ (early) and a StugB (early). In support I've got 1 50mm mortar and 1 82mm mortar. Also, I've got a spotter 82mm mortar spotter with a full load (150). I need to take that last objective, but have to cover 400m of open ground. They've got a t-34 (don't know what model) and a wooden MG bunker in a GREAT spot. My tanks cannot get a bead on it. (7% chance to hit.) I've already wasted too much HE on it. Need to get closer in order to take out that bunker. The T-34 is going to nail my pzIIIJ if I go toe to toe, I just know it! My Panzer is CRACK, and I think the t-34 is REGULAR. But with the armor on the T-34 versus my 30/curved on the pzIIIJ I can't risk it. My troops get pinned by the bunker if they try to move up. My tanks get scared by the T-34 if they move up. I can't take out the bunker. I can't take out the tank. What to do? All advice welcome. Gpig
  15. Howdy, Fishu! I did that for CM:BO. I made about 10-12 maps from that game and had a blast doing it. Some of the battles worked out really well, too. I'll dig around and see if I still have the pics. I'll get back to you in a day or so. Gpig
  16. Oh, I should have noted that the Axis tanks that took out my bunker where armed with short 75mm. (Pz iv). I was truly amazed. My AT guns in woods indeed fared better than the pillbox. Doesn't seem to square for me. Just my opinion, I reckon. Gpig
  17. From my (albeit limited) experience, I will never buy a pillbox again. Except. Maybe if it's a late war Axis defence where I can get a 88mm pillbox. Then, maybe. Gpig
  18. OK! Just lookin for some more feedback from fellow players on this issue. I played a quick battle versus the A.I. using Nippy's rules for fun QB's. I was green allies (infantry) versus Veteran Axis Armored Assualt. I picked a concrete bunker with a 76mm AT gun. Luckily, variable experience upped it's experience to Regular. SWEET! I was expecting good things from this bunker. HAH! Turn 5, the axis tankers (veteran) spotted my hiding concrete bunker (in scat. trees) at the back of the map. They were seperated by about 800m. They took it out in 3 shots. One shot missed. Two firing slit penetrations. Ugh. What a complete waste. My bunker did not even get off a shot! Does this seem right to anybody? Or is this rare? Gpig
  19. DUDE! You had BETTER finnish that map, just so's I can play on it! That looks GREAT!!! Heh heh! I LOVE small battles! Gpig (Just a TAD over enthusiastic, here.)
  20. You mean the patch? Yup. I noticed the Patch Post is missin'. Maybe it's release time. YaAY! Gpig
  21. Why no love for the Mac? Gpig P.S. Not wanting to sound like a wet blanket, I'll just have to add . . . This is great news for BFC! (yup, I'm a fanboy alright.) [ April 22, 2003, 06:59 PM: Message edited by: Gpig ]
  22. Huh? They are almost exactly the same, IMO. With CMBB you get some extras, however. Things like noses. Peaked caps for the officers. Pistols for the Officers. I'd imagine that with these few extras that CMBB would be the hands down winner. There is hardly any difference, really, between the two. Gpig
  23. Dude! Last night while playing TIGER TIGER . . . SPOILER WARNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I had done a long left hook through woods and scattered trees with a platoon of my germans. They were supported by a couple of PzIII's with the short 75's. It was turn 21 when I finally lost patience. I figured there were no more Russians out here, this far. Time was running out. I needed to push forward onto the flag. All this leap-frogging of squads is too time consuming. So I decide to start RUNning and throw caution to the wind for a couple of turns. Orders in, hit GO. WHAAAAAA! A single lone AT gun waaaaaay out there on my left flank takes fire on my squads in the open. Panics all of them, including the HQ. That just cost me at least 3 turns to rectify. Patience, grasshopper. Eh? Gpig
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