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Everything posted by Gpig

  1. Ahhh. . . . Thanks! (I often need to be told what I'm thinking.) Gpig
  2. So then the SAR Histroy has it wrong, right? There isn't a "17-pdr in an open turret based on the Sherman chassis and suspension," is there? As the Achilles doesn't have a turret (and is not based on the Sherman chassis). And the M-10 doens't have a 17-pdr. Hrm, interesting. What do you think they were? the Brit M-10's? Or the Achilles? It seems to me that they most likely would be the M-10 (Wolverine) as they are constantly referred to as "M-10's." He just got the gun wrong. (Which is a fairly big mistake to make, though they are close in size - 76.2mm to 76mm - right?) Anyone? Gpig EDIT: Oh, I see above in JonS's post that the Achilles was indeed referred to as "M-10." curious. [ March 01, 2005, 11:55 AM: Message edited by: Gpig ]
  3. Howdy. I just checked out the SAR history again and it states when referring to the M-10 it is "A self-porpelled gun armed with a 17-pdr, in an open turret based on the Sherman chassis and suspension." Sounds like the wolverine to me, no? Gpig
  4. Sadly, that sounds like a scenario design problem. As halftracks can't pass through barbed wire obstacles, there's no other way than to find another way. In oher words, is there another way round? Otherwise, the scenario is faulted if the halftracks need to exit for points but can't due to wire obstacles. Gpig
  5. Damn I can see how quickly this get's "sticky." I had assumed the term M-10 meant the American equivalent of the M-10. (Which I assumed was the Wolverine.) The open topped turreted M-10 on the Sherman chassis that travelled with the American Divisions. Oops. What's that old saying about "assuming" . . . . . . makes an ass out of U . . . (I've had too much champagne to make much sense.) Can't wait to play 'em, Kingfish! Gpig
  6. Very interesting. It does indeed look like a Mk IV. Comparing the bow plate height to front sprocket shows a clear difference between Tiger and MkIV. I'm sold. (But I'm easy.) So the AAR's and pictures I've seen show a Panther and at least 1 Mk IV in stark evidence. But there were repeated sightings of a Tiger tank in those same AAR's. Though no picture of one. I wonder if this is the old case of "Tigers Tigers Everywhere?" Gpig
  7. Whatever happened to the original TNT chucker? Dave was it? No! Master Goodale, right? Is he long gone? Curiously, Gpig
  8. Whatever happened to the original TNT chucker? Dave was it? No! Master Goodale, right? Is he long gone? Curiously, Gpig
  9. Ok. A little more info (can't seem to stop). Actually, you might prefer to get this via your private emal, correct? That way there won't be a spoiler here on the forum? The SAR history states which units were in the town first. C sqn. and some support (medical half-track - shot up by the RAF). With B company of the Argyll's, under Maj Ivan Martin. (about 55 all ranks.) It talks about RAF sorties. Weather. Descriptions about the town and river (Dives). Pretty good material for the scenario pack. I'll email you. Gpig
  10. Hmm, that is interesting, Michael Kenny. I looked at the picture as well (which Kingfish has kindly forwarded to me) and compared it with a Tiger hull/front end. Then I compared it with a MkIV hull/front end. The wreck in the picture does bear a closer resemblance to a MkIV. Of course, I'm no expert. But your observation seems correct to me. VeeEEEeeery interesting. EDIT: I'm rereading the chapter tonight. It's MUCH better when you take your time. On the morning of the 19th of August, Currie orders his lead troop of Sherman's (now down to 3 tanks) into town while he goes on foot into the town with the infantry to observe. One of his tanks makes it about 300 yards into the village and it is knocked out by AP. Here, the SAR history says that Currie spotted the opposition, "a Mk IV and a Tiger" at the southern end of the village. But later on (same page) the remaining two shermans of this lead troop come into the town as well. Just as Cpl Swede Thuesen's tank comes around the first KO'd sherman, it too is hit by AP and brews up. Then the Infantry take over the lead with Lt. Gil Armour's No. 14 platoon in the advance. They begin clearing houses on either side of the D13. There was little resistance. As they neared the crossroads at the southern end of the village there was no sign of the Tiger but Armour spotted a German Panther tank beside a building and called for volunteers to help him destroy it. After a brisk little action involving Armour exchanging blows with the German tank commander, who left the vehicle, and a grenade lobbed in the open hatch, the Argylls "kept watch over the tank until a Piat was brought up to finish it off." This quieted down the opposition at the southern end of the village and Dave brought his tanks in to support the infantry. This last paragraph is straigh outta the book. Interesting, no? The picture you sent me seems to show a Mk IV hull. Curries AAR calls it a Tiger. But in the SAR book, they call it a Panther. Crazy! EDIT to my Edit: Kingfish I've scanned the great little map of St. Lambert included in the SAR history. I'll email it to you soon. But it is a BIG scan. 3.4MB. Is that too big? [ February 25, 2005, 12:58 AM: Message edited by: Gpig ]
  11. OooooOOOOOoooooh. I get it. (Downloads another brain) Gpig
  12. I think the SAR and Argyll's were the only ones in the area. (Besides 50,000 fleeing Germans.) I've only got ONE tome as a reference, however. No expert on the matter, I. But that is an interesting idea. Gpig
  13. The Proving Grounds? Cool, I'll check it out. Oh look, there's a link in your sig. How convenient. Thanks! Gpig
  14. Heh heh. Wow, that's cool, Kingfish. I don't recall reading anything about infantry huckin' 'nades into the turret of a tiger. Maybe the SAR history just looks at the bigger picture. I'd love to read that AAR. :-D Looks like the SAR history covers the bigger picture, while the after the battle AAR you've got goes into the tactical details. Cool. Seems like an awfully interesting piece of info to just skip over. I'll read that chapter tonight (this time with my glasses ON) and check it out. Gpig
  15. Good idea, Michael. (Scanning it.) I took a look at one of the other scenario offerings on the battle for St Lambert-sur-Dives but did not like the map that much. The village, it seemed too big. In the pictures I've seen of the village, it is mostly smallish brick and stone houses. The church, for sure. But not many (if any) large heavy buidings (that would take up a whole tile.) Gpig
  16. Heya Kingfish. I'm currently reading the SAR history, and I'm right at that chapter. I'll get you any info you'd like. All three sqns of the SAR were present at St. lambert (along with the depleted company of Argyll's about 55 personell originally.) Currie's sqn held the town (or at least the North East section). The germans held the crossroads and bridge at the south end. The other sqn's were to the North of the town in orchards and lanes, without infantry support. RHQ was also present eventually, and stationed itself (with the crusader tanks) on the hill to the NE of town. There were indeed a couple of Panthers present on the German side. I don't recall a Tiger being there on first read-through. This time I'm taking my time and I'll note all the details for you. Curries Sqn went in first (15 tanks) and promtly lost one to "AP fire." It's a GREAT book! I was going to do a battle on same, but I'll bow to your excellence. (And look forward to playing it/them!) Gpig
  17. Howdy. I noticed none of the maps are reviewed at the SD. Number of downloads speaks for itself, however. Can anyone recommend a good map for a 1000pt ME between russian and German (sept 42)? I love maps with nice mix of terrain and realistic layout. Any suggs welcome. Thanks, Gpig
  18. I've posted a few reviews at the depot, recently. If I get to your scenarios, I'll post a review for them as well. Keep up the good work, fellas. Gpig
  19. (reads Steve's latest posts) *inspired* (goes to bed happy)
  20. Search under "B&T Death of the Titans," I think. Oh, and try and play it against a human. It'll be VERY tough. I played Axis vs A.I. and it was pretty hard. (I won, but suffered.) GPig
  21. Wow, funny you should mention that battle, Kingfish. Just played it this weekend vs. the A.I. and had a lot of fun (I was the Axis). Too bad about the A.I., but it didn't do too badly. Nice work Kingfish (and WBW). Gpig
  22. AWESOME!!! Love those maps. Thanks for posting that . . . Gpig
  23. I just played a nice battle for CMAK, called Fervent Anticipation (I think). It's a German Paratroop attack on a hill in Crete, held by brits (I think). Anyway, it was great. It's a "small" battle. I only pulled off a DRAW against the A.I.. I don't pretend to know if this is the BEST infantry battle scenario out there. But I liked it.
  24. Thanks for that, Treeburst. Very illuminating. Gpig
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