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Everything posted by Gpig

  1. Heh! Coooool! I loved that battle. It was my PzIV's that I could NOT wait to get into battle. But it was my III with the 50mm long that did ALL the hard work. After about 6 turns, I'd lost all 3 of my PzIV's. Pretty dispicable, really. Also, my infantry finished off the rest of the tanks. It was so fun, hunting tanks in the darkness.
  2. Somtimes when playing, the sounds of fire and tank engines idling can be so overwhelmingly loud that I cannot hear other sounds. Things like rifle shots and shouts of men. This can be very annoying somtimes. Turning off the sound is NOT an option. It would be nice if fire could be toggled off. Any ideas? Gpig
  3. WHAM!!! Double postage. [ December 30, 2002, 03:49 PM: Message edited by: Gpig ]
  4. Originally posted by Steve, at BFC; Hmmm. I don't know SQUAT about coding or bugs or what have you. It's just that I NEVER saw this behaviour in CMBO and I was religiously fanatical about achieving HULLDOWN for my armor. But using this same fanatical worldview in regards to HULLDOWN in CMBB revealed this trench digging with main gun phenomenon. I was mightlily surprised. Like I said, I don't know nuthin' but this seems like a "new" situation, rather than a previously documented problem. Just trying to be honest about my opinion. But whatever! As long as it is solved, WHO CARES what I think. Gpig
  5. My opponent and I were playing a TCP/IP battle last night and allowed the computer to pick forces for us. I was the Axis on defense and recieved an regular/veteran force of Romanians. For infantry I got a Pioneer platoon which consisted of one platoon leader and 8 SQUADS!!! This was pretty freaky, as I had lots of terrain to cover but only one leader for my WHOLE DEFENSE! The HQ team did have COMMAND +2, which helped, but still. At least 1/3rd of my infantry was out of command at any given time. I had a lot of fun running the HQ around from trouble spot to trouble spot. It was QUITE the fun battle, however. And I did manage to win. But boy was I surprised at the 8 squad platoon. I'm just assuming this is correct. But I did not go and double check in the unit purchase window afterwards. Can anyone confirm the 8 squad Romanian Pioneer platoon? Is this a regimental unit/asset? Divisional? There was also a light MG team that stated it had 6 men. This seemed odd since the unit was one of those "lie-down" LMG units. I was surprised to see 6 men were needed to operate it. (funny mental image.) Also, the little Renault with the 37mm is a real light UBER tank! Love them little babies.
  6. What about your shortest gaming session TCP/IP. Since I can only play this beloved game late in the evening (and I want to get to bed at some point), I go for 300 pt TCP/IP matchups with a 3 minute timer. Still, the battles last for an hour and a half. Pretty quick, all things considered. Gpig
  7. Here is a tip. SPOILERS!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Don't have your Germans head right toward the objectives. Try and reach the road AWAY from the Victory Locations. (Far to the LEFT and Right of any Victory Locations.) There you'll find scattered trees at roadside that will provide some cover. Then, as you leap frog your squads (and halfsquad scouts) toward the objectives from tree cover to tree cover, you'll uncover the Russians in more manageable bits. Since the scenario offers enough time. Move your platoons forward in "baby" steps. 2 or 3 squads in overwatch as one squad jumps forward. Make sure your scouting squad/half squad does not move forward beyond the overwatch squads LOS into the blizzard. Also, as your squads leapfrog each other they can utilize the road for fast/ADVANCE/ASSUALT movement, instead of the DEEP SNOW which is a real exhausting route. Or you can just MOVE TO CONTACT through the scattered trees. Also, I found my flameteam was Great! Especially with an area fire order. Good luck! Gpig
  8. Oh yeah. I especially notice how much more difficult the A.I. can be to fight while playing well crafted scenarios. All of the battles on the CD are superb. And that's just playing the A.I.! Gpig
  9. Last night I was playing a QB versus the A.I..\ This was a PROBE of russian defences. I'd made it half way towards my objective with a platoon of Axis Recon troops. I'd been battering the Russians with long range 20mm fire (from my two scout cars), and with overwatching LMG's and 50mm mortars. I also had a PzIII in overwatch. The main russian defenders had been pushed out of thier initial position and ran back into a stand of woods. When I approached with my platoon and rested for a bit before the assualt, the A.I. counterattacked! I was startled out of my analysis of platoon strength by the "HURRAAAAAAH" of a human wave attack! I stared in disbelief as two russian squads rapidly closed the distance between cover, screaming war cries all the way. They were promptly cut down, but I still could not believe the surprise I felt. The camera had been down at level 1 and when I heard the charge, I looked up to see the Russian squads emerge from the trees! It was pretty freakin' awesome! I mean, I was FROZEN. Thank goodness my troops had more experience than me and were able to react in the face of the russian human wave. Has anyone else experienced a A.I. controlled Human Wave attack? Gpig Love this game! Thank you BTS.
  10. Just adding my bacon into the fire . . . I was playing a TCP/IP match and my T34/85 spend a minute firing into the hill right in front of itself. 5 damnable rounds!!! I needed every one of those HE suckers for the battle, as the tank only had something like 28 HE rounds to begin with. Don't know if it's a "bug," but the tank crew should notice after at least 2 shots that they are digging a tunnel to berlin. I am, however, still a raging fanboy! Gpig
  11. Heh heh. Looks like the reviewer gave it some good marks here and there. It's not ALL bad. He is obviously drawn to a different type of game genre/experience, however. Combat Mission not being his cup-o-tea I imagine. He also stated that it's a 1 player only game. (See at the top, where it says #of players: 1.) Hmmmm, Gpig
  12. Speaking of KV's, however . . . I played 86smpsoium the other night in a 700 point ME, TCP/IP matchy matchy. It took place in 41, and he grabbed a KV. NIGHTMARE!!!! Ugh. It wandered the battlefield with impunity. My pzIVG spent the battle lookin for places to hide. Gpig
  13. Heh heh Actually, Mr. Organ . . . (snicker snicker) you are supposed to play Iron Roadblock as the Allies (Russians). Read the manual, eh. Gpig
  14. In my experience with this scenario, you should never play it as the Germans versus the A.I.. (It says in the briefing to take the Russians if going one player.) The A.I. just will not give you a good challenge. I've played it as the russians and managed a minor tactical defeat. It's a tough one. Nice write ups. Gpig
  15. Thank you Charles! Congrats on being one of the best in the world. Rarely have so few, done so much, for so many freak-a-zoids. Gpig
  16. Freakin' fantastic Map there, dude! There had BETTER be an AAR for this battle! Gpig P.S. are there bets being taken?
  17. Yeah, Sigh. I really loved that Richard Harris fella. He told a great story about gettin' drunk between scenes during a play. He and Peter Otoole (I think) were backstage, and thier characters were not on stage again for some time so they decided to cross the street and have a couple of pints. Came back on stage and fell into the orchestra pit. (I think that's how the story went. He told it on David Letterman.) As for Coburn. Going to miss him, as well. We here at Pixar Animation Studios worked with him recently on Monsters Inc. His animated character "Mr. Waternoose," was a nice fit with Mr. Coburn. He had a great voice. And he was a great talent. Gpig
  18. Huh. That's odd. I thought for sure that my tank hunter team that was reduced to one man (from 2 total) was still able to "advance." It was my understanding that ADVANCE also implies just forward movement using cover and return fire. So a single man could still concievably ADVANCE. He'd just stop at some cover, take a few pot shots, then keep moving at a low scurry. Are you saying Rune, that any infantry unit/squad capable of ADVANCE normally, LOSES this ability once the squad is reduced to one man? I don't think that is currently the case. I could be wrong though. Maybe it's more like in the case of a sharpshooter, this was intentionally left out of his orders menu. Gpig [ November 20, 2002, 05:58 PM: Message edited by: Gpig ]
  19. Thanks JW! I will check out your other efforts ASAP! Gpig
  20. Ok. Finished testing against the A.I. (from both sides.) Nice! Felt just like my old squad leader days. I emailed you all of my comments. Suffice it to say (as always) that this would play MUCH BETTER versus a human opponent. I think it would have to be tweaked a fair ammount to be playable versus an A.I. defender/attacker. Of course, this is just my opinion. Others may differ. Thanks, Gpig
  21. Yeah. The A.I. is not allowed to play with boats. If you put boats in the scenario, you have to play the side that get's the boats. Gpig
  22. Hey there jwxspoon! I'm the fella who played your scenario as the russians (against the A.I.) and recorded a 100 to 0 victory. If you'll remember, I was quite pleased with myself only to discover you had intended it to be played from the Axis side (if playing single player). I still LOVED the scenario! (A testement to your scenario building skills.) But I did want to encourage you to specify in your future creations just what side should be commanded by the human when playing the A.I.. When going back to restart this battle as the Axis, I noticed that there was no indication as to which side to take. Only a historical outcome describing a slaughter of Russian tank forces by superior German forces. (That's what led me to believe that playing the Russians would be more of a challenge.) Anyway, I'm loving it again. This time as the Axis! Heh heh. Gpig P.S. Could you let me know what other scenarios/operations you have on the CD (or other places). Thanks
  23. Interesting, since you CAN use both. I definitly remember using a crocodile and ordering it to area target an enemy held section of woods. When asked "use main gun," I said "yes." The Croc fired it's 75mm, MG's AND it's flamethrower. Laid waste to that area, I can tell you! Gpig
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