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Everything posted by Gpig

  1. Looks really amazing! Can't wait to get sucked in. I think what some of the posters are responding too (and that you guys have not doubt observed) is that the top of the palm trees react sort of like a pin-wheel. The entire mass of leaves react as one unit and pin-wheel around the completely stationary trunk. If the trunks swayed slightly as well, it might lessen the contrast. If the palm trees leaves could also be segmented up like the bushes/trees in the foreground and then offset in time, it would add to the overall effect. Keep up the great work you guys! Gpig
  2. pretend I was never here. I do NOT want to be associated with the great "brass ejection" debate of Nov., 2006 Gpig
  3. A bit off topic, but I'm reading a book on the Devil's Brigade (FSSF) by John Nadler called A Perfect Hell. It's pretty good (half way through). A little Ambrosian, but an interesting read. Compiled mostly from interviews with surviving members of the First Special Service Force. A bit slanted toward the Canadian participants. Dispels a lot of the myths and reveals a whole lot more I never new. There was a high ranking officer in the FSSF originally from your unit, Mr. Dorosh (though you most likely know this). You created some CMBO FSSF scenarios, did you not? Has anyone read any history books by David Cooke? Thanks, GPig
  4. Check out the ejected casings from that remote .50 cal. That one pic of the syrians looking out the window (taken from INside the building looking over the shoulders of the troopers) . . . notice the Abrams looking right back.
  5. I thought you wore glasses. Did you get lasik? Gpig
  6. Yup! I'd love to do some animation for Battlefront, but currently I'm putting down roots in a new city and wrangling with a new job. But soon! Gpig
  7. I beg to differ, Mr JasonC. I have experienced what Kanonier has sayeth. In other words, having my Armoured car set to ARMORED cover arc and then NOT shooting as an armored car rolled through it's arc. Now, I've only experienced it once, and never actually tested it . . . so . . . I could be wrong. Helpful, no? Gpig
  8. Hey Steve. Sounds like fun! Please email me and let me know your requirements/software/specs etc. I'm currently in transition back to Canada and a new job (starting Monday) so I might be able to help. Gpig
  9. Originally. I'm currently in Oakland, CA. Now I'm moving back to Canada. (But not Edmonton. Brrrrrr . . .) GPig
  10. Wow. Intense. Those lads are from my home town. Hope they all get to come back. Gpig
  11. Hello. A battle in North Africa (tunisia). British breaking through strong German defenses following the help of heavy bombers. Anyone played/built/heard of a CMAK battle/OP out there depicting this battle? Thanks, Gpig
  12. nothing to see here . . . [ August 25, 2006, 12:46 AM: Message edited by: Gpig ]
  13. My first bit of Mr. Picky-talk involves the vanishing tracks. I seem to see tanks (once hit) having their tracks vanish. Just the road wheels left. I realize this will be a quick visual aid to tell the player that "yup, that one is immoblized." But, I'd still like to see the tracks along the ground. Everything else has me VERY interested. Can't wait to take 'er out for a spin. Gpig EDIT: Ahh, just noticed Moon addressed this in another thread. Thanks Moon.
  14. Hey Bill. Check out this recent reply from Megakill in the "Are there maps and Keyholes from distance" thread ... Originally posted by Megakill "You can engage at 500+ meters no problem. All guns now have realistic ranges (several kilomiters for tanks, etc). We have tested this and it works ok. You will be able to test this in a demo (coming soon)." /Mr. Burns/ Excellent /Mr. Burns off/
  15. Hmmm . . . interesting. From what I've read, tank commanders more often than not, were standing in the open hatch, observing the battle field. Even during actual battle. (Any many TCs died or were wounded while up there.)
  16. @ RabidRabbit Check the Theatre of WAR AAR at SimHQ thread for some answers (kind of) on the missing mortars. Gpig
  17. Gpig

    Funny video

    Heh heh. Well done! Gpig
  18. looks amazing! Were you playing against the computer/A.I.? Or another player? I wonder, how many men/infantry/crews can be on map at one time? Can the game handle a company of troops per side, per game? Gpig
  19. ... and a nice little shelf for my cup-o-joe.
  20. But will it obscure the LOS/LOF of units in the game? Excellent looking game, Megakill. Thanks for all your hard work. Who else out there in Russia should we be heaping our gratitude on? Gpig
  21. Excellent guess, Shmavis. Makes logical sense. I was just looking at pick 0462. Is that a Firefly tank (17lbr) that those U.S. tankers are driving? Didn't think they used the firefly . . . Gpig
  22. Here's a nice screenshot I did not see before (note the Motorcycle w/sidecar). pic another nice one . . .
  23. Woah! Freaky. 3 MBTs in a line. On a road along a hill-side. All stationary. Suddenly an explosion hit's the lead tank. (Actually, I can't tell if the tanks are lined up headed LEFT to RIGHT, or vice-versa. Apon repeat viewing, it looks like they are headed LEFT to RIGHT, so the explosion occurs on the REAR tank.) Then you see 2 to 3 crewmen jumping off the tank. Amazing.
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