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Everything posted by Gpig

  1. Maybe it had something to do with being a Recce unit (on paper, at least)? 29th Armd Recce? Although they were utilized as an armoured regmt. I'll try and dig a little deeper in the text and see what I can find. I seem to remember a chapter that detailed training with the new "17lbrs." Could be wrong though . . . Gpig
  2. Wait a second . . . Hey Kingfish. Mr. Dorosh stated in another thread that the SAR did not receive Firefly's until September of 44. The month AFTER these battles took place. I checked my SAR book regarding the engagement at St. Lambert and have not found one specific mention of firefly's being present. DOH! Sorry about that. Didn't even occur to me . . .
  3. Hot off the presses! COVER ART!!! Oh BOY! This is gonna be good . . . [ September 09, 2005, 11:36 AM: Message edited by: Gpig ]
  4. Check out Eichenbaum's thread titled "CMx2: probably not for me." There is a little summation of quotes in there by Steve, about this topic. Gpig
  5. I believe I've read somewhere that Steve mentioned only "catagories" of wounded. Not percentages thereof. So you'd get HEALTHY, LIGHT WOUND, SERIOUS WOUND, and DEAD. That type thingy. Gpig
  6. Heh heh. Yeah, nothing like two weeks off to rest the wrists. (Except for the occasional beer tipping exercise.) Gpig
  7. One of the interesting things about how the new CMx2 might play for us all, is that we may feel more crowded. With just 2 companies on a map, it will look VERY different than CMx1. (I think.) Look at this . . . This is just ONE American Infantry Company, 1:1 represented. (I think I made a mistake somewhere in the HvyWpns plt . . .) But there is a HUGE ammount of dudes out there. Even though there are only 24 or so "teams" to give orders to, it will "seem" like a LOT more units on the map. And I LIKE! I also feel it will lead to players spacing out their attacks and defensive positioning. Maybe even slowing down the Assault, so less men are in the open at any one time. Can you imagine this many men charging into a defense line? (Not that they'd all go at the same time.) I suppose TACTICS will not change, but the "feeling" might be different. Maybe leading to more realistic use of units . . . ? What do you think? Gpig
  8. That has never happened in my games. If my tank is ripping along and the turn ends, he continues to rip along on second 1 of the next turn *I think* (boots up CMAK)
  9. Well THAT opens up a can of worms. Yes, LOS/LOF would be imparied by even a low wall while in trenches. Maybe in CMx2, troops behind walls will not suffer from the problem where they were considered as being in "OPEN" terrain. Despite having cover behind the wall. In CMx2, will we be able to leave men in the "OPEN," but behind a wall (which should give excellent cover)? And on top of it, we could did foxholes a little bit farther back as fall back positions. Gpig
  10. I expect it'll be easier to see which halftracks are occupied, especially if there is a whole squad inside. Because you'll see each and every member of that squad. (That half track is going to be packed!) But it would be nice if you were looking for your FO, that his radio antenna might help you to find him. GPig
  11. Oh no, does this mean our tanks will have "health bars" now? *gasp*
  12. Everyone here knows the Demo scenario from CMAK, Frughulswhind (or somefink). The Axis forces attack the (mostly) green U.S. forces at the desert Mosque. I was curious to what that same scenario might look like in the set-up phase for CMx2. As in CMAK there was a cemetary in front of the Mosque and in it were a few units from a U.S. Platoon. The Plt. HQ (10 men), the 1st squad (12 men) and a bazooka team (2 men) all the way over to the left. Also, just over a wall in the next field was a 37mm ATgun and it's crew. (and beyond them were the other 2 squads of the platoon, OUT of C&C.) I'm evnvisioning this through my CMx1 lenses but with 1:1 representation. I'm VERY curious how defensive positions will be arranged. Fox holes manned. C&C shown, etc.. Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait . . .
  13. I've read a lot about tank crews under fire, this summer. And one of the interesting things for me to read was that many crews would abandon a tank as soon as it was penetrated - even if it was still operable. Then, if they could, they'd remount when safe to do so. That type of behaviour might not fly for most gamers of CM, however. (What!? My crew bailed after one lousy penetration?!?) What do you guys think? Gpig
  14. MD pretty much summed it up. What he said. Gpig
  15. WWII RTS bit the dust, I think. Wait and see, Ardem. It will be smaller, all right. But the devs have also said that it'll eventually get bigger again, with future releases. So, no worries . . . Gpig
  16. You are going to LOVE the SAR book, as well. Kingfish did a few scenarios based on the St. Lambert Sur Dives battle where Maj. Currie (of the SAR) won his VC. There is a thread in the CMAK forum w/some screenshots from the Dorosh/JonS battle. Gpig
  17. From what I've read over the past 6 months, I'd say the answer would be no. Gpig
  18. Sweet! Thank you, guys. Good luck with that Panther, MD. Playing the A.I., I managed to bag it with one of my Fireflys. But JonS is most likely a smidge better player than the A.I.
  19. This is going to be jolly good fun. AND it's realistic even. Gpig
  20. I bet with all those countries falling to the Axis, those four years must have just ZIPPED by, eh?
  21. Yes, thank your for your excellent book, Mr. Reid. I was fascinated to learn about Canada's pre-war readyness (or lack thereof). And how they subsequently became a force to be reckoned with in such a short time. Gpig
  22. WOOOO HOOOO! Screen shots COMING UP!
  23. Yes. There are TWO types of craters in CMAK/CMBB. Ones that provide cover (they are slightly MORE black inside, graphically) and ones that don't (slightly more brown inside). If you pass the LOS tool over a crater and it tells you "crater," then it is the kind of crater that offers cover for your little troopers.
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