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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Mord

  1. Yep! One of the few pieces of Allied armor that really makes my butt pucker when I am playing as the Germans. I've lost many a Panther to those bad boys. Mord.
  2. Just do what I do in times such as these, slap a nun, kick a puppy, and cry into a pillow. But we can at least take heart knowing it should be any day now. In the meantime visit a church or local pet shop and relieve your pain. Mord.
  3. I am gonna take a wild guess and say they slipped. LOL. Unless they can pull off a 31 and a 1/2 hour coup. Mord.
  4. Yeah, I think that is the title. They still haven't announced anything as far as I know. The only info I could find was a post from the screen writer on a forum saying he was working hard on it. Mord.
  5. That sounds great. Between that and the mini-series based on the air war, HBO is supposed to be doing, looks like we've got some good WWII action ahead. Mord.
  6. I struggled over that one during the Steam Summer Sale but ended up not pulling the trigger. I opted to grab the two newest ROME II DLCs and got the hell off the site before I burned my wallet up. Mord.
  7. Caught this today while testing some stuff. Thought it looked cool. Shrek's are nasty! Mord.
  8. There's never, in the history of this forum, been a problem with "mentioning" another company's games. It's been done thousands of time. It's direct linking to their sites that was the big no-no. I'd guess most game companies wouldn't like that done on their forums. But it's not that big a deal. The link can always be removed. Artkin hasn't been around here as long as some of us so it's understandable he wouldn't know all the rules.. I'd buy the game if it ends up being good. The graphics look fine to me for a top down view. However, as I mentioned last time it was brought up, it bugs me they don't have any names for the crews or soldiers. Small complaint but a big deal for immersion and detail. Mord.
  9. Spell Check™ makes an ointment for that very problem. It comes in forty-three different fonts. Only $14.99! Mord.
  10. I don't know if anyone knew but the CMX1 mod site shut down for a while this month. I contacted GAJ because I was looking for an old mod for reference. His second reply came in today and he asked me to share the info with the boards, so I have cut and pasted the pertinent parts. "As I thought, usage exceeded the monthly allowance on the cheap plan I have at heroku (where it's hosted). I'm currently paying $7 per month to keep it live on heroku, (I'd forgotten that actually!), plus another few dollars per month for the data storage at Amazon. I have one contributor who contributes $5 per month, so I'm not too much out of pocket. I'd need $20 per month to ensure it doesn't run out of usage on a monthly basis. Contributions welcome (I think the site will have a paypal button when it comes back on 1 Aug). Cheers, GreenAsJade" He actually signed it with his name as well but I don't know if he wants that public or not. Mord.
  11. No worries. You still might want to check to see if grass and trees sway just to identify where the conflict is emanating from. If the grass and trees aren't moving then it's definitely something weird going on with your install or a clash with Windows. Mord.
  12. 1.) Do you only hear this in QBs? If YES see answer A). 2.) Do the trees and grass sway? If NO see answer B). 3.) Does it show up in a regular scenario (or editor map) that is set to clear and calm wind settings? If YES see answer B). A.) Clear and Dry settings don't have anything to do with wind strength. Wind strength (in the editor) has a separate drop down menu. Wind strength dictates the windy noise. However, I don't know how the QB generator chooses that. My guess would be it is random seeing that there are no choices for it. Try running some tests. Set up a bunch of tiny QBs and run them and see if you are getting the wind sound on everyone. B.) Do you have any mods installed? If I remember correctly, there's a mod I had used that was pretty loud wind wise, even on calm days. Look in your data folder for a mod entitled "background day combat". Click it and see how it sounds. If it has loud wind noise that is your culprit. Remove it from the folder. Hope this helps. Mord.
  13. The main Fortress Italy page (with the short description and three game choices) has a bad typo. "Combat Mission Fortress Italy (CMFI) allows you to experience the "soft underbelly" of the Third Reich. The initial release details the Sicilian campaign in the summer of 1943, with expansions portraying the tough fighting up the Italian pininsual through to the end of the war. Click on the Base Game option to see the full range of information about Fortress Italy." I am not sure what a "pininsual" is exactly but it sounds oddly anatomical, like a gland or something. Along with the "soft underbelly" phrase it makes for a very engaging paragraph. Did I say "typo?" On second thought, forget I mentioned it. Mord.
  14. There's not going to be a new repository., I think what Steve meant (in the other thread) was that the old mods aren't deleted so they can eventually be ported over to CMMODS. Mord.
  15. The only way sounds wouldn't work is if they renamed files. For the most part they've only ever added sounds not changed them. So they should be fine. I use a lot of CMSF mod sounds in BS. As far as I know there'll be no way to create a civil war mod like I originally did. A lot of that involved model swapping. There's no model swapping after 4.0 or maybe it was 3.0, either way it's dead. I wouldn't worry about the old stuff anyways because, well, it's old stuff. You figure a good amount of those mods was made in the first couple of years of SF's life. At best most of it is going on 8 years old (outside of a few newer things) put onto 11 year old models. SF2 is gonna be brand spanking new...with HIT DECALS! Mord.
  16. Ideally it would be great if militia, reserve, mech infantry, Republican Guard, airborne and special forces all had separate textures. Even if the camo stayed the same on some (Mech, RG), having them all with their own unique bmp names will give modders a lot of freedom to design. I hate shared textures. Hopefully it'll be close. Mord.
  17. Ah, gotchya. LOL. That has nothing to do with this conversation so I think I'll be ok. Good luck with getting your friend joined up. Maybe PM Steve or @Schrullenhaft to get some help. It may be an IP thing. Mord.
  18. LOL. Well you said "can somebody confirm that he was able to register?" How can they confirm if they don't know his name? There could be twenty new people that signed up for the forum. Anyway, hope it gets worked out quickly. Always nice to have new people on the boards, especially when they are friends of established members. Mord.
  19. That would be excellent. Not hamstringing us with shared textures is the way to go. Incredible work on the faces btw. That dude in the first pic looks really good. Mord.
  20. @Dr.Hoopenfaust You should remove that, anybody could type that into their game. Mord.
  21. Amen to that. Absolutely love that second to last shot, lots of atmosphere. That dude with the rpg looks badass! People that say this game is ugly need glasses and a brain transplant. Mord.
  22. You won't regret it. SF2 is gonna rock! Mord.
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