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Snake Eyes

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Everything posted by Snake Eyes

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Is it my fault for not providing an infantry covering force for him? Or do I have a valid complaint? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I have found that AFV crews come out of their knocked out tanks like mad hornets. If they have a chance they'll wax the AT team that got their vehicle. However, if there is any infantry cover for the AT team nearby, the crews head the other way pronto! I usually have two categories of AT teams; ambushers and stalkers. The ambushers hide along likely avenues of approach. I try to safely withdraw the ambushers to new positions. The stalkers actively hunt enemy AFV's. Generally, the stalkers are expendable. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>City fighting, I approached a church on a hill with infantry and a Hummel for support. I spotted three 2inch mortar crews at the top of the hill outside the church. The Hummel pivoted and fired its big Mama gun, and WAMMM, all three mortars were taken out in one shot! That is a big gun! Right after that mortar killing shot, I watched in amazement as a single mortar round dropped straight from the sky right into the Hummel, and WAMM again, catastrophic explosion, Hummel out. One of those 2in mortars got a single shot off. It was an exciting 60 second turn (as if any CM turn wasn't).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey Kump, you should add this one to the 'Coolest deaths' thread. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  3. An HE round would probably killed the tank. I recently played a PBEM game in which my opponent's Tiger I was penetrated in the side hull by a 105 SC round. Much to my chagrin it continued to prowl through the remainder of the game. The AAR indicated that one of the crew had been incapacitated. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  4. An acquaintance of mine told me this story about his father: It was during/after the Battle of the Bulge and the US Army was short of tank drivers. My friend's father was a cook and had a drivers license for large trucks. So he is pressed into service as a driver for an M5 Stuart. One day they round the bend of a road, the tank suddenly shudders; dust everywhere. They spot the 88 which had just ambushed them. The gunner takes two quick shots, the driver throws the tank into reverse and hauls @$$ out of danger. Once safe, the driver comments on how lucky they were that the 88 missed. The TC called him up to the turret for a look. The round had entered the turret front and exited the back! ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Private Pike: I'm not sure that I agree that the soviets couldn't lose. If Moscow and or Lenningrad had fallen in late 1941 there was the real possibility of another revolution with the army just quiting and the soldiers going home. This is what happened in 1917 and I've always assumed it's what Hitler was banking on happening again.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The fact is that the Soviets stopped the Germans at Leningrad and held it for two and a half years, even though surrounded and cut off most of the time. The Soviets also stopped the Germans at the gates of Moscow and pushed them back. They also crushed the Germans a year later at Stalingrad. They did all this on their own, with little help from anyone. Face it, the Germans took their best shot and the Russians beat them. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lassner.1: Its depressing and pathetic. SL/ASL was *such* a great game, and I spent decades playing it. Now under the stellar leadership of HASBRO we get to enjoy total crap. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Fortunately for the ASL faithful, Hasbro had enough sense to turn over its continued development to the MMP group. They may be slow, but the game system continues to grow. The closest thing to an ASL-like computer game is, without a doubt, CM. Kudos to BTS for doing it right!! ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  7. Anyone that is familiar with the board game 'Advanced Squad Leader' can tell you the difference. This game system has evolved for more than two decades and there are still things being added to it. It is rich with varying units and national styles. There is a plethora of equipment and vehicles. You learn quickly that one doesn't play the Germans the same way as one plays the Russians or Americans or Japanese or any other nationality. My wish is that CM develops as the ASL system has, adding more depth year by year. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  8. A jeep runs over a mine which explodes and launches the jeep about 100' across the map. I literally jumped when the mine exploded! ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  9. Place your order, then download the playable demo available from this website. It will keep you busy while you wait for the CD. BTW, CM2, CM3, CM4, etc. will not be finished for a loooong time. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  10. What can I say? They look real! Great job!! I hope you post them soon. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  11. For anyone interested in feeling the frustration of WWI combat, I would recommend the board game '1914' by Avalon Hill. It's a grand op level game of the 'maneuver' period of the Western Front shortly after war was declared. The units are corps of 40,000-50,000 men and it uses a step reduction system. Movement is slow, maneuver is tedious and losses are staggering. After a few hours of this you grow weary of the carnage and limited gains. But it does portray well the agony of the period. IMHO, a WWI CM game would be an exercise in mindless carnage with little challenge. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  12. The GI's would call it a Java break. And no, they're not computer nerds. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Airborne: Trooper, I agree with you. The first jump was easy. The rest weren't. My plt. leader in jump school was a Marine Captain. Broke his leg on our 1st or 2nd jump. Ouch....2000ft? Rarely jumped that high. Most were at 800-1000 ft. Half at night. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Back in 1965 when I went through Jump School at Ft. Benning, GA, we jumped at 1250 feet. Do paratroopers still wear boots with their dress uniforms? ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  14. They better have made a major overhaul of SAW in order for me to even consider their 'new' SL. SAW was dreadful. What can be better than CM? - CM2!! ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  15. This is a great idea. It would work well with vehicles for platoon coordination, both signal and radio. Also, the concept of 'dead zones', in which radio communications fail, is possible. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  16. While playing an ASL conversion of 'Cold Crocodiles' as the Brits, I advanced my four on board tanks in line just a little too far. My opponent's hidden 88 waxed the one on the left flank and then moved down the row, brewing two more and wiping out half a platoon of mounted infantry. This all happened on turn two. All I could do was pass a personal moral check, gird up my loins, call OBA in on the 88 and plug on. Two Crocs came in on turn 8, while the Germans got two StuG III's. A few turns later one of the Crocs took out a StuG with its 75 by firing through woods. The StuG didn't even know what hit it. The other StuG was wasted by a PIAT from 194m!!! After the other 88 was located by infantry, it was pounded by OBA. The combined arms team of infantry and remaining AFV's overwhelmed the German infantry holding the various Victory Flags. Finding yourself in a hole and then clawing your way out is very gratifying! ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  17. Aren't elite jeeps called SUV's? ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  18. How about a Mickey Mouse mod for this thing? ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  19. Slapdragon - This should be required reading for anyone joining this forum. Good job and Amen! ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  20. Jadayne - Check eBay. There's several up for bid right now. IIRC, Tactics II is an operational level game and may not convert to the tactical level so easily. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  21. "Where's the cat?", I ask. "Cat died six weeks ago!", says wife. "Oh", says I, returning to the keyboard. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  22. OUTSTANDING!!! Thanks for your hard work, Tiger. Your mods make CM even better. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  23. There is no need, IMHO, to make special adjustments for Soviet squads in CM2. The current experience ratings will do quite well. The lower the experience level, the longer it takes a squad to react. Experienced German squads will always get the jump on lesser-experienced Soviet squads. Early war Soviet squads should be mostly green/conscript. HQ's should have little or no command bonuses. The Soviet player will have to plan his moves well in advance and be less able to react to changes on the battlefield. This will have the desired affect on play. Taken as a total, these minor touches will greatly reduce the effectiveness of the Soviet units. As a consequence, only an increase in Soviet numbers will balance play. This would be historically accurate. Don’t think that all Soviet units are incompetent. As the Soviets increased in experience the scales balanced. They became quite good at war by the end. They beat the Germans using Soviet tactics and Soviet equipment (mostly). ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  24. Here is my 'dream' list, in no particular order: 1. Smoke marks enemy locations for OBA and/or air support. 2. Multi-Player TCP/IP 3. Tungsten gets used when available, offset by less availability. 4. Smoke/WP grenades for infantry. 5. Entire game movie playback. Good thread PeterNzer. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: SnakeEyes, Sten and Elvis are correct. For now, anyway. Multi-multi-player is something we would like to do in the future, but it is a rather daunting task at the moment. So short term it is not even being thought about. Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks Steve for clarifying the multi-player issue. I understand that your team has a full plate with all you're doing. I hope that multi-player TCP/IP will be a reality some day. The idea of teaming with a long distance friend over a CM map is exciting. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
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