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Snake Eyes

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Everything posted by Snake Eyes

  1. Are you sure that was a bazooka rocket that went through the turret? The rocket is a shaped charge round and will punch a hole through the hit surface and spray the inside with hot plasma. My guess is that a hidden AT gun penetrated. If the Lynx exploded what you saw could be some scrap from the explosion. Just something to think about. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  2. I'm using a 21" ViewSonic P815. I run CM at 1152x864. I like to have as much playing area in view as I can get. I'd run at a higher resolution if I could, but I lose the grids above 1152x864. However, it does take some getting used to. It feels like you are sitting much closer to the screen and you have to move your eyes around more. Some folks don't like that, but I will never go back to a smaller screen. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop [This message has been edited by Snake Eyes (edited 11-11-2000).]
  3. Thanks! (Viet Nam, 1st Cav 7/65-2/67) ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  4. Private Parts, You must be referring to this: ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  5. Sturmmorser (aka SturmTiger): Who needs a penetration table when you have a 38cm round. How would you like to use this in your next city fight? What, it's not in CM? Oh, never mind then. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gregory Deych: I've asked around, and the consensus seems to be that for early model T34s, it was difficult (though not impossible) for a commander to observe the battle unbuttoned. Here is one wily individual, illustrating how it could be done. I'm not sure if it's a T34 or T70, but the principle is sound. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I've heard of M1 thumb, but this could cause T34 hatch head. [This message has been edited by Snake Eyes (edited 11-08-2000).]
  7. I'm using a Voodoo3 with 16MB on my Pentium Pro 200MHz system (512k cache). I run at a resolution of 1152x864. I find the frame rate to be acceptable. My system struggles only when there's a lot of smoke in play. Of course I'm used to pushing cardboard counters around a paper map or using VASL, so speed isn't a priority. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  8. I say a Sturmmorser can take out a Mech with one shot! ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  9. Players wanted it. BTS promised it. Now BTS is doing it. Besides, CM needs it, at the very least, to make it and future CM's a more viable product. The stronger the product, the greater the sales and the better the future for us camp followers. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Offwhite: Back in the early days they used to tar-and-hamster new initiates and parade them through town in the back of the weasel before they could achieve member status. Now they're just letting anybody in.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The Environmental Protection Agency put a stop to tarred hamsters running amok. Things haven't been the same since. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by General_Petrovsky: Ever since I've participated in this forum it always says Junior Member by my name. I just noticed that it now says Member. How did that happen? Is it because after you put up a certain amount of posts your promoted or is it because what you write is good stuff so the CM gods bring you into the circle? Just curious. And by the way I am proud to be a member <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It happens at 30 posts. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maj. Bosco: ...As for bogging in the open on a dry and sunny day, that is just extremely bad luck. I've never seen it happen.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I have. A Panther G, in HUNT mode on a road, became immobilized. Just bad luck. But it's very realistic to have these events occur at the CM scale. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  13. Thanks to Mikeydz who found http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/002378.html which in part says: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: We thought about random game lengths. There were some problems balancing this out right, so the game will not extend beyond its turn count. We might want to change this in the future, but for some of the reasons listed above don't think it is as huge of an issue as with other games. Flag rushing usually results in worse results than staying put. Mostly because casualties mean so much and can be rapidly "aquired" if the player is too hasty. Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It appears that BTS is still willing to listen to arguments in favor of variable game lengths. Since this feature has some drawbacks, how about making it an option that players can negotiate at game start? Players can then choose their own poison, as it were. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  14. I did a search on 'variable game length' and found that this topic has been discussed before. However, I didn't see any 'official' pronouncements by BTS. It could be because my search criteria doesn't cover all possibilities. Does anyone recall a BTS response to this topic in the past? ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  15. I would like to see a 10% variable factor added to game lengths. For example: a 30 turn game could end anywhere from turn 27 to turn 33. I believe this would mitigate a last minute rush to the VL. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: ...that vehicle sounds like a Wespe, Hummel, Priest, Sexton, or other related SP guns. All of these could fire indirectly, and in fact were supposed to as their primary role. But when you see these vehicles in CM it is because they are included for DF roles. If not, they shouldn't even be on map, instead using FOs to simulate their fire. Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I hope this helps clarify. Use SEARCH for more info. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  17. A one time payment of $45 is okay with me. I've heard of people paying $45+ a day to feed their addiction! ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Thraka: BTS, Question about tcp/ip.. well more like an idea. Do you think it would be possible, (specially for the big maps that have lots of units) to like have a 4 player game? something to consider. Now you could do this with still only 2 sides. But when you make the map, the blue sections armies are for player 1 and the red sections armies are for player 2. and they play cooperativly. That would be really fun and get a lot more people involved =) just an idea, anyonelse like it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sorry to be the messenger of bad news but team play will not be in the TCP/IP patch. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KiwiJoe: I dont think those tanks are actually moving. They seem to be standing still... almost in an indirect fire role on those banks. Peering over that hatch doing 20+mph cross-country would be difficult at best.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I agree that these tanks are stationary, but consider the consequence of incoming mortar fire. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gregory Deych: It clearly shows the tank commander standing in the turret, peering over the hatch. Also, the hatch would actually act as a shield against the small arms and shell fragments, making it quite usefull. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> But notice how exposed he is to the flanks and rear. Would you want to be in that situation in a hostile environment? ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KiwiJoe: Would I be safe in saying that that MIGHTY turret hatch opens forward???? That would mean it would be immpossable to travel unbuttoned in that tank and see anything.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> U B absolutely right!! Something of a handicap isn't it? ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  22. I don't have a 'zook stat, but I've seen a PIAT take out a StuG III at 193m. I've also seen a panzerschrek KO a M8 GMC from 205m. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w: I really do believe you can win or loose a close scenario by getting LUCKY with a weak spot hit, or getting hurt by a improbable weak spot hit that KO's your most valuable AFV. Luck plays a Huge factor here. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> When playing ASL I've always said that the best strategy is to roll low. In CM, the best strategy is getting the lucky hit. Luck really does have a big part in tactical games. However, it's how one deals with the luck element that has the more important effect. To get back on track with this thread, my favorite tank story is more of a horror story for me. I was playing as the US and assaulting a town over moderate terrain. On the first turn one of my M10's damaged the gun of a Tiger I with its first shot from 600m. After bouncing a couple more rounds off the front hull, one penetrated and knocked out the Tiger. Great start, I say. A few turns later another Tiger I starts stalking one of my M4(105)'s. I quickly hustle both of my M10's to attack the Tiger. I have three tanks, a M4(105) and two M10's moving in on the Tiger's 12:00 and 3:00. I also have an AT team moving in through covering terrain. The Tiger calmly dispatches my three tanks while shaking off several hits to front and side (AP and C). The AT team goes to work and uses most of their ammo, either missing or bouncing rockets off the Tiger's hull. The Tiger backs out and returns to the town. In succeeding turns the Tiger brews another M4(105) and a M8 GMC. Another AT team bounces a few more rockets off its side hull. By now I'm calling it the Tiger from hell and Wittman's chariot. While my AFV's are keeping this Kraut busy by their deaths my infantry is storming the town. In a final exchange near the end of the game the Tiger and my last M4(105) exchange shots at < 100m. The Tiger disables the M4's gun but the Tiger's hull is penetrated! I'm shouting at the screen, "It's about freaking time!!!" However, THERE IS NO EFFECT, NO DAMAGE. AAARRRGGGHHH!!! So the Tiger from hell survives the game. The AAR reveals that one crewman was incapacitated. Knight's Crosses for everyone. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: In short... forget you EVER heard about this ratio thing. It is useless Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's what I thought. But it has sure fed the myth that Tigers and Panthers were invincible. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop [This message has been edited by Snake Eyes (edited 11-03-2000).]
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jackson: CC3 (shudder) had one rather cool method of depicting these scout teams; the Scout Team. It consisted of three men, had better spotting ability, and cost 10 points. While the implications of adding such a team to the CM roster are horrendous, it would be nice if there was some way to better model scouting in CM without forcing gamey tactics. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wouldn't the use of Sharpshooters accomplish the same thing? ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
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