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Snake Eyes

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Everything posted by Snake Eyes

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The_Capt: For anybody that doesn't believe my rant just check out the "What are you going to do with your SturmTiger thread". I swear grogs are going to ruin this board yet.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey, don't take it so hard. Got to stir the pot every now and then. Rare vehicles vs rare programming time has been an ongoing battle since CMBO released. It's one of those things some folks love and some folks love to hate.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stacheldraht: Btw, the fact that so many different tactical issues about the Sturmtiger have been raised here argues well for that vehicle's inclusion in the game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Good point, but I haven't seen very much offered, so far, on ST tactics. Where's the beef?
  3. IIRC, 18 SturmTigers were built. They could carry up to 14 rockets internally. There was a ceiling mounted trolly to assist in the reloading process.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bruno Weiss: Well if so, then we are a minority of at least two. I could think of a good many things more important to the overall project than the sex appeal of the big boom. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah, come on guys, don't be such party poopers. We're talking about unadulterated fun here. There are quite a few folks out here in CM land that just love to see these exotic vehicles in action. Look at how much fun people are having with the rare vehicles in CMBO. Sure, the M16 is missing and what a disappointment. But, egads, Super Pershing vs KT, now that's just plain fun. [ 06-19-2001: Message edited by: Snake Eyes ]
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PzKpfw 1: My only question was why are we seeing ST's in the East instead of in the West where they operated.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Good question. However, one of the ST protos saw action during the Warsaw uprising in August, 1944. The real reason, I beleive, is that BTS ran out of time to include it in CM:BO and they really, really want it in. Isn't it great having real wargamers designing our favorite wargame?
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cos: Ok here's how to use them. A Zamboni get the ice ready over the TRP (which now looks like center ice) and departs as the soviet forces come into view. Soviets stop and start playing hockey and 45 seconds later wamo that nice little round from the ST takes them out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Then the Sturmtiger crew stops to do some ice fishing.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kingfish: I could be wrong on this, but AFAIK the AVRE only had 80+mm of armor, while the crocs and VIII had the 150+.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually I was referring to the SturmTiger. It's armor stats are as follows: Superstructure front: 150mm at a 45 degree angle Superstructure sides: 80mm at a 30+0 degree angle Superstructure rear: 80mm at a 0 degree angle Superstructure top and bottom: 40mm - 25mm at a 90 degree angle Hull front: 100mm at a 25 degree angle Hull sides: 60mm at a 0 degree angle Hull rear: 80mm at a 9 degree angle Hull top and bottom: 25mm at a 90 degree angle
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Freak: Whats the range of a SturmTiger?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 4600-6000 meters <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Freak: And as Babra asked what type of ammo?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The weapon fired two kinds of shells (which were more rockets than conventional projectiles). The high explosive shell was cataloged as 38cm 4581 while the hollow-charge shell was the 38cm 4592. Both projectiles had a maximum range of 5,700 meters. The 4592 round was specifically developed to destroy reinforced concrete fortifications but it is not known if this shell was actually deployed and thus the default is the 4581 shell being used in action. With that said, consider all the information on the ballistics and projectile dimensions to be for the 4581 round. The shell came in two parts. The first part was the seamless, longitudinally welded cartridge and ballistic cap. This segment was 500mm long. The second part was the combustion chamber, which was 470mm long. The chamber was filled with about 40kp of diglycol powder, in a rod form. Both segments were linked by a unthreaded tension ring. The warhead was loaded with 135kp of TNT. The mechanical igniter was manually screwed into the front of the shell. All told, the complete round weighed in at 345kg.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Babra: I can take down buildings faster with a Bofors gun than I can with that piece of overpriced junk.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Does your Bofors have a 150mm of armor to protect the crew while it gets into position?
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan: It's cost will probably prohibit its use in QBs, but it could be interesting to use in a scenario.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And that's the point. What-If scenarios really add luster to the entire CM experience. How many Pershings saw combat; 30? How many Super Pershings even existed; one? Nonetheless, it's a lot of fun to see what they can do. I think BTS is taking the proper course by including a few rare vehicles with each release.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Babra: I won't be too alarmed to meet them on the battlefield since they are never going to destroy more than one Russkie vehicle if they hit.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah, now the fun begins. I doubt if a good use of a SturmTiger is to knock out opposing vehicles. Although one lurking in cover might get off a lucky shot and take out a platoon of enemy tanks. IMHO, the SturmTiger's real value will be in scaring the enemy out of an important position. How long are you willing to sit in a tactically important building/bunker while staring down the tube of a 380mm rocket launcher? And for those that think a fast rush at this beast while it's reloading will score a quick kill; consider the possibility that it may have an escort.
  12. In a recent interview found at gamespot, Charles says that BTS plans to include the SturmTiger in Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin. That's great news for fans of rare vehicles and what-if scenarios. But how does one use a SturmTiger to best advantage? Considering that it takes 8-10 minutes to reload the 380mm rocket, it would be vulnerable to a quick counter by a speedy adversary. So, how will you use your SturmTiger?
  13. SturmTiger is in! That's cool. Any word on Brummbar?
  14. In long scenarios (30+ turns), I find that the US has more staying power. Shermans have better flotation and don't bog/immobilize as often as the German heavies. Also, the large US squads last longer and in the end it's the infantry that wins the game. In shorter scenarios the Germans are tougher. Their hitting power is supreme, but they are brittle and lose their edge as the game goes on.
  15. Airborne troops in general. Dropped behind and/or on enemy positions in daylight and/or night. Limited supplies for long durations of sustained combat, meager AT assets, few if any vehicles, continually called upon to perform 'impossible tasks' (the Waal River crossing and Bastogne come to mind), and a host of other duties. These tenacious warriors have always been accorded elite status and feared by their opponents. I personally know a former WWII US paratrooper from the 82nd who is one of six from a company of about 200 original members that survived the war without being killed or seriously wounded. His 'war stories' are incredible!
  16. We've kicked around the 'rare vehicle' topic many times before and the debate always rests on coding time vs value added. I continue to press the compromise that BTS include a few rare vehicles with each release. If the T35 is too time consuming to program, how about the T28? At least one multi-turreted AFV should make the final cut. [ 04-30-2001: Message edited by: Snake Eyes ]
  17. The following is the loading procedure: 1. Lower the weapon to zero degrees. 2. Open the breech. 3. Place the shell onto the loading tray assisted by a fighting compartment, roof mounted trolley. 4. With the aid of a special loading tool, the four crew members (commander, gunner, and the two loaders), push the shell into the breech, stopping when the foremost guide ring touched the first of nine riflings. 5. Bring the spring-loaded bolt down to hold the shell in place. 6. Place the igniter in a socket on the breech lock. 7. Using a hand crank, close the breech. 8. Make the required traverse and elevation adjustments. 9. Ignite the ignition cartridge to fire the weapon. [ 04-26-2001: Message edited by: Snake Eyes ]
  18. There has been much discussion concerning this vehicle on the Forum. I don't recall BTS making any final statement concerning its inclusion or exclusion yet. It was on the original list of vehicles for CM but was dropped due to the release schedule. One SturmTiger prototype was involved in the Polish Home Army's Uprising in Warsaw during August 12-28, 1944. A total of 18 SturmTigers were built and as far as can be determined all but the aforementioned prototype served on the Western front. Seven were invloved in the Ardennes Offensive. It has been reported that a single SturmTiger rocket destroyed three Shermans. The SturmTiger carried a total of 14 rockets for its 38cm Raketenwerfer 61 L/5.4. It took 8-10 minutes to reload from inside the vehicle. Many SturmTigers were abandoned by their crews due to a shortage of ammunition. [ 04-26-2001: Message edited by: Snake Eyes ]
  19. Infantry is the Queen of the battlefield. An all tank force is much too vulnerable when unsupported. A tank's superior range is its only major advantage. If that can be overcome, it's toast. I've taken out an M8 GMC at 205m with a schrek and I've also waxed a StuGIII at 193m with a PIAT. Ma Duce can whack thin skinned vehicles, including AC's, at moderate ranges. So can rifle grenades. Engineers with demo charges are hell on any vehicle and a faust can kill anything within range.
  20. Many of our CM battles are based on ASL scenarios. VASL is a way for gamers to play ASL via the internet or PBEM. The VASL site has been down for quite some time now. Does anyone know what happened? :confused: [ 04-24-2001: Message edited by: Snake Eyes ]
  21. Lets bump up that average a little: 54 Total Respondents 54 Total Years 1895 Average 35.1 ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  22. The SU-100 was an up-gunned SU-85. It used the 100mm naval gun and was the best anti-tank gun the Soviets produced. However, they preferred the 122mm due to its greater HE capability. Around 1,675 SU-100's were produced from late 1944 to mid 1945. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  23. Around 600 T-28's were produced. They had a 76.2mm main gun and up to five MG's, two in turrets. This thing could be hell on infantry. ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
  24. I remember KwazyDog saying that modeling multi-turreted tanks would be difficult, but he didn't rule out the possibility. Has BTS made a definitive statement on this? ------------------ It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. -Aesop
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