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Everything posted by WWB

  1. 40.41s are the issue. They might work if FSAA is disabled, IIRC. Easier move is to go back to the 30.82s. WWB
  2. As for soviet players wanting to play 41 battles because of gun/armor superiority forgets certain major drawbacks to soviet docrine. Particularly 2 man turrets and the lack of radios in every tank. We can ignore deficient ammunition and armor for the moment. Realize that as soon as the shooting starts, the player essentially loses control of the platoon, even simple orders have 45+ second delays for the wingmen. I would take 5 regular or better 38ts against 20 T26s or BTs any day. I would even consider taking 5 panzer IIs against the same group. The main issue is running out of ammo. WWB
  3. Lets just hope infopop did not put a 5 digit limit on the primary key field. It could get ugly. At least there will be no more noobs asking for 12 visible men in squads. WWB
  4. This is not an OS issue. This is a graphics card/driver issue. Dont know much about macs, but you might want to cross-post to the tech forum. WWB
  5. No rivers from the map generator, so obviously no fords or bridges. Now, given you can import maps into QBs, one will see fords and bridges in QBs. WWB
  6. The big russian late-war beasts might sound intimidating, but remember by that time the Germans had a fair number of long 88 or long 75mm toting TDs and tanks floating about. What is alot scarier is a Tiger in early 43. You want to talk about having no fear? WWB
  7. What kind of wussy distro center is that. I have ran 10,000+ person mailings before in a day. Given the addresses are in a DB and the labels are computer generated, you can get tens of thousands in a day. Real question is limits on pickups and shipping from said locations. WWB
  8. I dont know how many times I have said this, but that kill chance you see when you target something is not entirely accurate. I pay it little or no mind. The same goes for the hit percent display. Bottom line, dont put too much weight in them. WWB
  9. House corners do not block LOS. If you get a blue line, you can see the target. If not, well, you cant. WWB
  10. Trust me Falkao, it does not work. After 2 years, another few weeks will not hurt. WWB
  11. The Demo only works with the scenarios included with it. Trying to get others in there does NOT work at all. WWB
  12. I should add here that Boots & Tracks has just undergone a significant revamp and we are also ramping up for several major CMBB projects, as well as completing our ROW II committment. So, go check the place out, bookmark it, and stay tuned. Its a whole new world on 9/20. WWB
  13. The portraits are moddable. You could probably throw a CM face pic in with little effort actually. New mouse movement is a toss up. You will get used to it after an hour or so. WWB
  14. Not quite. Most of the Panzer IIIs deployed in 41 had a 50mm gun. One division, 18th, had almost all the 37mm IIIs. WWB
  15. Actually, the casualty causing part is historically accurate. MGs in CMBB dont cause too many more casualties, except at very short range when they go into panic fire mode. They do, however, give alot of suppression. And the MG34 is in CMBO--in tanks. WWB
  16. The term Fascism comes from the latin term fasces, which were the bundle of 10 rods carried about by the Tribunes used to keep the people in check. I think the term was used by the soviets because of its derogitory connotation, although I could be wrong on that. It sounded nastier and dehumanizing to descirbe the enemy as Fascist Invaders or a Hitlerite Horde rather than the Germans. WWB [edited cos my latin spelling is going downhill] [ September 13, 2002, 10:11 PM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  17. I will add that I have played a fair amount of CMBB on a celeron 800, and never had any issues save some larger fights do take a little while to process. Ingame the speed was just fine. This was the beta version too, which is running with alot of debugging overhead. The final will be even less taxing. Bottom line, dont worry if you are running better than 500mhz or so. WWB
  18. Sure, if you have BIG brass ones, no kin, paid up insurance and don't mind a load in your shorts... We talk easily about this sort of thing from the comfort of our PC hutch, but my limited experience being on the ground next to (admittedly friendly) operating tanks left me shaking at the knees. Those things can kill you when they LIKE you. Being near hositle ones who like crunchies underfoot is still a job for those with iron nerves, quick step and a lucky rabbits foot in their pocket.</font>
  19. You had a good idea of the size of that unit, given you got a reading on the experience. Looks like something fishy still. This is something you really need to test hotseat against yourself, not something that can be dissected vs the AI. WWB
  20. 1) PWMs are very, very effective if you can get close enough unspotted. Which explains the german tactic of separating the infantry and the armor--without infantry, armor is easily dealt with by close assaults. Actually, I find PWMs and grenade bundles preferable to PF30s. Same range, PWS and GBs are much deadlier. 2) You can have PWMs, GBs or Moltovs plus Demo Charges for the engineers. WWB
  21. No vehicles in buildings in CM. Too bad, I could have used a few T34s to encourage the infantry along. WWB
  22. 1) Do a search in this forum for "7 Deadly Sins of Mapmaking" or something like that. 2) Playtest. Playtest. Playtest. First yourself, then find some victims err, volunteers. 3) Like stated above, start small. But not too small--getting tiny battles balanced is a bitch. WWB
  23. I suspect that is a mechanics thing--individual units take orders. Probably some unavoidiable link in the logic chain. But I do agree with you. WWB
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