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Everything posted by Sitzkrieg

  1. There are also some new mods included in this release that have never been released before. From AndrewTF: A new, darker feldgrau uniform for Heer, Waffen SS and Volkstrum. This uniform is more grey than his original feldgrau uniform and includes a sweater underneath an open tunic. For Fallschirmjägers, a blue uniform with Luftwaffe insignia on the collar. From Fernando, who makes a return to CM modding: First, his new Heer uniform. This is a standard feldgrau uniform he created based on his reenactment gear. This shot shows the very nice detail of the field gear. There are also several options for the amount of gear present. Second, his new Waffen SS uniform. This is based on the BTS original dot camo but is toned down. Again, the detail of the field gear for this uniform is very nice as well. And last but certainly not least, a new Volkstrum mod from a new mod author, mchlstrt. After a few false starts with the Mac to PC file transfer thing , I finally received this mod about a week ago and it was definately worth the wait. Very hi-res with several options. Nice job. Keith
  2. The following should be available on or around April 27 or whenever The Bald One has time to post updates. Here is a screenshot of the "German Uniforms" tab. The uniform options are broken down by branch of service (Heer, Waffen SS, Fallschirmjager, Panzer and Volkstrum), then by author with a "recruiting" poster for each service branch to denote the "groupings". Thanks to Philippe and Michael Dorosh for the posters images. I've tried to include some rarity and usage information for each uniform as well. This is designed to guide those who are not uniform grogs but want to select uniforms that might be appropriate to a particular time period or weather condition for a scenario. Thanks to Fernando for providing this information and putting up with my questions. This is an example of some of the uniform combinations you can get with the click of a couple of buttons. Below is AndrewTF's brown feldgrau Waffen SS tunic with summer oakleaf camo trousers and large chickenwire helmet. More screenshots of new uniforms to follow as, according to UBB, I have too many pictures for a single post.
  3. The following should be available on or around April 27 or whenever The Bald One has time to post updates. Here is a screenshot of the "German Uniforms" tab. The uniform options are broken down by branch of service (Heer, Waffen SS, Fallschirmjager, Panzer and Volkstrum), then by author with a "recruiting" poster for each service branch to denote the "groupings". Thanks to Philippe and Michael Dorosh for the posters images. I've tried to include some rarity and usage information for each uniform as well. This is designed to guide those who are not uniform grogs but want to select uniforms that might be appropriate to a particular time period or weather condition for a scenario. Thanks to Fernando for providing this information and putting up with my questions. This is an example of some of the uniform combinations you can get with the click of a couple of buttons. Below is AndrewTF's brown feldgrau Waffen SS tunic with summer oakleaf camo trousers and large chickenwire helmet. More screenshots of new uniforms to follow as, according to UBB, I have too many pictures for a single post.
  4. Very sorry to see you go, Manx. I always thought your old site was the best designed CM site around and was waiting for something similar here as well. Keith
  5. It's amazing how an almost 2 year old game, without all the glamour and glitz graphics and cool packaging, is still hooking people on one simple concept...IT'S THE GAMEPLAY THAT MATTERS! Welcome to the collective, Orge Nutz! You have been assimilated. If you don't like the graphics, there are a few graphic mods around that might change that opinion. Not many, just a FEW HUNDRED MEGS WORTH! Hope you have broadband. [ April 04, 2002, 11:02 PM: Message edited by: sitzkrieg ]
  6. Check you Hotmail email. I just sent you an important message.
  7. No problem. I thought you would like to know they are almost ready. I remember you asking a few times before when Andrew's German uniforms would be ready for CMMOS. I would have had them ready much sooner but RealLife got in the way. There are also a couple of new German uniforms included in the CMMOS release that have not been previously released. Keith
  8. Nope. That job has been assigned to me. CMMOS German Uniforms (including Andrew's) should be released soon. Keith
  9. It's "American Patrol" actually. Probably gonna be included. Hit the "Shift" key right after the game starts on a PC. Don't know about the Mac.
  10. No arguement on those two points. Paranoia is right! You couldn't be more wrong. I just discussed last week with Gordon about making another attempt of asking you if you wanted your mods included. I sent you a message stating you would get full credit and could still host your mods where ever you wanted (ie WarfareHQ) and you turned it down. So let's see, Gordon wanted to exclude you from the beginning yet we just made another attempt to get permission to include your mods just this past weekend (and bending over backwards in the process) and you declined with your usual venom. I guess the truth IS out there. Unfortunately you don't know it yet. [ March 27, 2002, 10:55 AM: Message edited by: sitzkrieg ]
  11. This must be assimilated by the CMMOS Borg. Resistence is futile.
  12. Isn't this "save favorite" option already available, eg. "Field & Stream" and "Winter Wonderland" where you can save a favorite terrain set?
  13. "The Freemason Mod Stealing Conspiracy Group"
  14. Well, you're right about one thing. [ March 26, 2002, 05:38 PM: Message edited by: sitzkrieg ]
  15. Check my reply to your post in the Tech Support forum.
  16. A lot of people don't have broadband and it would be a waste of server space to create a duplicate "one file". Plus keeping it updated with the latest mods would be time consuming for the Gordon and Manx. Look at it this way, you won't have to do it again. You might want to consider burning everything you downloaded to a CD if you can as a backup. Nope. Just extract all of the ZIP files you downloaded to your BMP directory. The filenames are all different so they don't overwrite each other. Don't worry about the description.txt and info.txt files as they are not needed. Then use CMMOS to select the mod you want. CMMOS copies the specific mods BMPs to the BMPs that CM uses to display each vehicle, uniform, building, tree, whatever. You also might want to consult the excellent readme.rtf that Gordon included with CMMOS as it will probably answer most of your questions. It should be in the following location on your computer: C:\Program Files\GEM Software Production\CM Mod Option Selector\readme.rtf Hope this helps. [ March 25, 2002, 11:21 PM: Message edited by: sitzkrieg ]
  17. I wondered what happened to this mod. Looking good. More balanced for lighting from the last time IIRC but still a bit too bright.
  18. You forgot the Kennedy assassination documents. Hi Mom!
  19. [Edited because BooBoo ain't worth it] [ March 01, 2002, 03:27 PM: Message edited by: sitzkrieg ]
  20. Lewis, aka Username. I have been thinking this for awhile as well. As a side note, it's really sad to see another thread that could have some interesting information, especially one where BTS is asking for input, get hijacked. [ March 01, 2002, 12:34 PM: Message edited by: sitzkrieg ]
  21. 1.) Download and install CMMOS 2.) Download the "Field and Stream" mods 3.) Mix and match until you find which one you like. If you don't have the bandwidth for all those mods, I would suggest DesertFox's grass. Easy on the eyes with nice transitions of elevation. It's been out for quite awhile and I've been using it for over a year now. [edited to provide links] [ February 28, 2002, 10:29 PM: Message edited by: sitzkrieg ]
  22. I believe Philippe Divine ("Field and Stream" CMMOS author) is currently working on a winter terrain set for CMMOS. I'm pretty sure it will include Tom's Ardennes mod.
  23. I agree with those who say "do it right, we can wait". I've bought too many games recently that are at best half-finished. Besides, I think June 22 would be a very appropriate release date.
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