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Everything posted by Sitzkrieg

  1. Thanks for the tip, Bruno. I tried a different ISP and it works fine.
  2. The Der Kessel site appears to be not working. mensch, please fix or do somefink!
  3. Almost forgot... Very nice looking gun mods. Good to see you back, Tiger.
  4. There are quite a few of these available at CMHQ. They were done by Gordon for CMMOS. Just follow this link:Snow-covered German vehicles by Gordon Look towards the bottom of the page for anything with "GEM_Winter" and a German vehicle designation. These are the "snowed-on" mods. Happy modding.
  5. No, that would be me. I'll have to add this one to the mix as well. Nice work as always, Andrew.
  6. EDIT: Double post. Nothing to see here. DSL is down, stupid dialup. :mad: [ January 29, 2002, 08:06 PM: Message edited by: sitzkrieg ]
  7. Gordon, I think I might have used CMMOS once or twice.
  8. I predict the fastest ban yet on this forum. l33tz or somefink. wOOt!
  9. I believe there is only one set of dirt road BMPs that is used for both dry or muddy conditions. [ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: sitzkrieg ]</p>
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herr Kruger: I have to agree with Iron Chef... whether or not BoB the show was any good has little to do with lack of respect for the man.<hr></blockquote> True, but I think he could state his displeasure with the show in another thread or with a bit more insight than saying "it sucks".
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: , i think Sitzkrieg needs to take some midol for those cramps.<hr></blockquote> First off, learn what a Shift key is and use it. Second, very mature response. Wouldn't expect much more from you.
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: Band of Brothers the tv series sucked. IT was more like Rambo2<hr></blockquote> A truly tasteless and inappropriate post. But then again, I wouldn't expect anything less from the Paper Burger Flipper. Crawl back under your bridge and stay there. Better yet, get the Hell off the forum and don't bother coming back. You won't be missed.
  13. Very sad news. Only 19 Easy Company men left. He died Dec. 16, same date the Battle of the Bulge started.
  14. Desert Fox's grass. I've been using it for over a year now. It has the best "blend lines" (where tiles meet) and doesn't vary as drastically for elevation changes to look artifical. It is also easy on the eyes and easy to see troops on as well. Think it's available at Der Kessel under the "Mods" section.
  15. Bump. Joshik, I could do the CMMOS thing for your mod. I'm one of the beta testers for Gordon. Let me know when it's ready and I'll take a look at it.
  16. Very nice. I've seen that camo scheme a lot in the Missing Links model gallery. One suggestion. The hull and turret seem a bit too light as far as brightness/contrast is concerned. You might want to gamma correct it down a bit to go more with the road wheels.
  17. Thanks for the quick update, Matt. Thanks again to Juju and Tanks a Lot for the very nice mod. Good work and keep the terrain mods coming.
  18. Hate to put a damper on the festivities but there are a couple of missing road tiles. 843.bmp and 844.bmp or am I missing somefink. I noticed that a couple of intersections are still using my old road mods. Otherwise, great job to both Juju and Tanks a Lot for some outstanding work. This will be a great mod for deeper snow scenarios and Tom's will perfect for lighter ground snow scenarios. Looks like a job for CMMOS.
  19. The Bald One returns to harken us back to the days of old. When CMBO was young and mods were free-flowing. Been waiting for this one since I first caught a glimpse of it. Thanks for taking timeout and posting it Matt.
  20. Very nice! Perfect terrain to use for light snow battles and battles that occurred earlier in the Ardennes (before around the Dec 22 when it snowed pretty heavily). Up to that point it was varying mud, snow cover. Should really add to the realism factor. Can't wait to get this one and the one that Juju and Co. are working on. Finally some realistic winter terrain. BTW, this should definately be a CMMOS mod. I would be glad to set it up for CMMOS.
  21. Juju, Try dbPowerAmp. You can get it at download.com Just search for dbPowerAmp. It's freeware and works on both Win9x and Windows 2000. Hope this helps.
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: I recognized at least one of the German voice files from Close Combat; perhaps I'm mistaken. Who were the voice actors for those, Scipio?<hr></blockquote> I also noticed none of the graphic mods on the site list credits to either BTS or the original author in a readme file. They mention where the original mod came from but not if permission was granted. Are you sure you had permission to do those mods, Scipio? Hate for you to have to remove them.
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