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Everything posted by Sitzkrieg

  1. I am pretty sure the Achilles was included in the "xtralite" version that was just made available. At least it is setting on my computer. The only way the textures for the M-10, M-36 and Achilles get set right now is though an "entire force" button, like setting everything to the 11th Armoured Division for Commonwealth or US Cavalry for US/FF vehicles. We are currently working on getting individual button options for the M-10/M-36/Achilles. They were planned for this release but did not make it due to some problems. No CMMOS Pershing mods available. I don't know of any plans to make one. Not many Pershing mods available. I know of Tiger's and Andrew is working on one. Hope this helps... Keith
  2. For those interested, summer uniforms from version 2 of Andrew's "Axis Super Action Pack" will be included in the next CMMOS release as well(comming soon). Keith
  3. Prinz Eugen, Are you running any firewall (ZoneAlarm, BlackIce Defender, Microsoft Firewall for Windows XP) or virus scan software? If so, you might want to disable it before you attempt to download. Sometimes those programs work a bit TOO well and block stuff you want. Otherwise, I don't know why you are having such trouble connecting. I can tell you it's not a server problem as I and many other people are connecting just fine. If you are not running any firewall or virus scan software or disabling that doesn't help, it sounds like it might be a PC problem. You might try asking for help in the tech support forum. I'm sure a fellow named Schrullenhaft will be along shortly if you post a question. Hope this helps Keith
  4. Not necessarily. There are still a couple of outstanding items we are looking at. Don't have a specific date but it should be soon (sound familiar? ) Prinz Eugen, are you having problems downloading from the currently available links or are you looking for the updates? Keith
  5. Cromwell and Challenger are ready and will be available with the upcoming CMMOS release. Allied uniforms are a work-in-progress. They will not be available for the next CMMOS release but should be ready soon. Keith
  6. You might want to check the thread here, in particular the message from Gordon: Status of CMMOS update There has been a slight delay while we get a couple of things ironed out. Hold on. They'll be here soon. Keith
  7. Is it just me or does the "shorter" version sound like the intro music to "Frogger"? Keith
  8. Yep. Allied uniforms are a big goal for the release after this next one. Plus, the inevitable move of CMMOS to CM:BB. Keith [ June 28, 2002, 01:38 PM: Message edited by: sitzkrieg ]
  9. Just in time for CM:BB! Your site and your mods really got me additicted to modding CM and I haven't stopped since. Great to have you back, Gary. Keith
  10. Patience. More CMMOS mods are comming soon. Maybe this weekend but it really depends on MadMatt's time and when he can post updates. Keith
  11. Subtitle: Golly! Jive ass foul ain't got no brains anyhow! [ June 25, 2002, 12:16 AM: Message edited by: sitzkrieg ]
  12. Hey, Garry! Nice to see you around again. Any plans to start with your site again? Keith
  13. Yeah, it's not real accurate when you're used to thinking in yards. Would be nice to have a "yards" option but I'm guessing it was easier to use meters since it is base 10 (easier to program). Keith
  14. Actually, a yard and a meter are pretty damn close in length (meter is around 3 inches longer IIRC). So even if the game doesn't use yards for distance, you can guesstimate the distance using the above guide. Hope this helps. Keith
  15. Nope. CM:BO Requires at least DirectX 6.0. I believe NT only supports DirectX 3.0. Keith
  16. I really have to agree with Shep on this one. It is too easy for another player or the AI to simply build a bunch of relatively cheap Corps, have them occupy a town and effectively prevent any kind of strategic bombing or "blitz". I tried a couple of times in the demo to attempt to "blitz" England. I was the one coming out on the loosing end. Sure I could knock off 5 steps on his Corp occupying London. But he could easily rebuild that while I was loosing 2-3 steps on each attacking air fleet and having to rebuild those losses. I think strategic bombing is something that needs to be looked at and possibly changed. It is too easy to block against and too costly to execute as it stands now. My 2 cents.... Otherwise, I have really been enjoying this demo. First game since CM:BO that has grabbed my attention and the attention of my friends as well. Keith
  17. CMMOS 3.02 has been released to The Bald One for posting on CMHQ. It will be available whenever he has time to update CMHQ with the links. I don't know when that might be or have any estimate either. It might take him a bit of time as this is a fairly large update. Plus he might have just a couple of other things to do as well. Keith
  18. It's all in there. Every one of your Heer, SS, Fallschirmjäger and Volkssturm mod I could find. BTW, you mentioned earlier about camo pants for Heer. I was thinking you did something with those as well but never did find anything at Tom's CMHQ, Der Kessel or CMHQ (Manx's old site links). Keith
  19. I'll second that. I just downloaded v3 today. I really like the pistol, rifle and some of the engine sounds. Rifle sounds are the best ones available. Even has one optional sound to get that Garand "ding" at the end of the clip. :cool: Is there another version in the works? Keith
  20. The areas around the shoulders. I wouldn't worry about it. Just concentrate on the legs. Great! Keith
  21. Looks good overall. The only thing I noticed is the upper legs and upper torso appear a bit too dark compared to the rest of the uniform. Is that a shading effect? It appears a bit odd. Good to hear you are going to work on some non-white winter uniforms. Can't wait to see those. Keith
  22. BIG BUMP! For those who are interested... Release should be coming pretty soon on these and several other mods as well. Keith
  23. BIG BUMP! For those who are interested... Release should be coming pretty soon on these and several other mods as well. Keith
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