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Everything posted by Sitzkrieg

  1. And sometimes there never is a fix. I purchased a game last year that add this abomination on it. I swear it damaged my CD-ROM drive. If not damaged, it sure started doing funny things after installing this game. Everytime I inserted a disk it would whirr and spin-up for a seamingly longer period of time. Sometimes it wouldn't recognize a disk. The fix for those who couldn't read the game's disk was a firmware upgrade to their CD-ROM drive. Unfortunately for some, there was no firmware upgrade. Even more unfortunate were those who could not take the game back. I think at that point it's class-action lawsuit time against the game manufacturer and SafeDisk for failing to deliver a workable product, damage to machines and breaking the basic EULA that is supposed to give the user the ability to create a backup so they don't have to spend another $10 or so if their CD is scratched. SafeDisk is the worst. I think there is other disk locking software out there that performs better but I'm not sure. Hopefully if BTS goes this route in the future, they will use something that is more compatible. Keith
  2. OH GOODY! Just what the forum needs! A 12 year old l33t HaXor Ridalin addict.
  3. SCHULTZ!!! This guy is a perfect example of the reenactor stereotype. Yeah, I'm sure the LAH had a lot of 300 pounders in their ranks. He looks like he needs to use the Russian Front diet program. [ July 22, 2002, 02:43 PM: Message edited by: sitzkrieg ]
  4. amazon.com Barne & Noble.com Be prepared to spend a lot of money on history books like the rest of us. Welcome to the forum. You have been assimilated. Keith
  5. Heh! would love to see a hit count over the last 10 minutes... since MM's post... Aloid</font>
  6. Keep pushing it and they will do more than lock your threads.
  7. Don't know about being 2 years too slow but I believe GAZ NZ even admitted at one time that he posted under both as a "joke". That was before he went off to "police collage" (his spelling, or lack thereof). Keith
  8. Yes and no. For infantry units (and armor too I think), the patch is applied to both sleeves because the same BMP file is used for both arms. No way around this. US airborne only have the patch on the left arm. These have textures for both left and right arm so this is possible. BTW, I think everyone is really going to like the patch work that Philippe and Darknight have/are doing for the next CMMOS release. That plus the flags Philippe is working. Very cool stuff for both US and Commonwealth. Now I just need to get the uniform rules together and we'll be set. Keith
  9. What vehicle in particular are you having questions on? Some vehicles have options that are not available. These options are "placeholders" for future planned mods. Advanced options apply an optional graphic that overlays a CMMOS named graphic that is applied when you set a vehicle, uniform, building, etc. mod. Using German uniforms as an example (since I wrote these rules), Andrew's summer oakleaf camo has several advanced options for trousers and helmets. By default, this mod uses feldgrau helmets and oakleaf summer camo trousers. If you select camo covers for helmets and feldgrau trousers in the advanced options, it overlays the CMMOS named texture for the helmet and trousers for Andrew's oakleaf summer camo uniform. Then, everytime you apply Andrew's oakleaf summer camo uniform using the "standard" button (the corresponding button above the advanced buttons), it will be applied with summer camo covers on the helmets and feldgrau trousers, until you select a different advanced option that is. Make sure you set the mod with the "standard" button after you make you advanced option selections, otherwise the advanced options will not be set. This is true for all CMMOS mods with advanced options. Once you set an advanced option, that option will always be set when the mod is applied. You might want to check out the excellent readme.rtf file that is installed with CMMOS if you haven't already. It is usually located in the C:\Program Files\GEM Software Productions\CM Mod Option Selector folder. It explains many things about CMMOS and might help clear up some of your questions. Hope this helps is isn't too confusing. Let me know if it is and I will try to explain further. Keith
  10. Whenever I'm through looking for division emblems. Or I could give you the BTS answer: When they're done. Allied uniforms should be ready for the next CMMOS release, whenever that is. Right now, no set date but should be before CM:BB is released. Keith
  11. Talk amongst yourselves. Here's the topic: Gaylord Focker is really Lewis/Username/MajorBooBoo and Starfleet Captain is really Maximus. Keith
  12. I'm buying. This plus Airborne Assault (got last week) and CM:BB should keep me occupied for the next few years. Keith PS - Is there going to be a warning on this one about being more addictive than crack? I had enough trouble putting the demo down.
  13. Zimmerit...Zimmerit...Zimmerit! Is The Pope Catholic? If you don't have time for both, definately need a tri-color. Gotta have the tri-color. Did I mention we need a tri-color? BTW, what gr...Oh, never mind. Keith
  14. Good idea there, MrSpkr. However, he said he was on a Mac so CMMOS is out (until we find someone to port it over to the Mac). However, download all the mods you can from CMHQ. Also, try Tom's CMHQ. You definately want to get his Ardennes mod if you want to play winter scenarios and not go snowblind. Pretty sure you are going to have to go to classic to play CM. No OS X support. Or better yet, OS X doesn't support CM. Nothing like making an OS not backwards compatible. Sounds like something Gates would do. Hope this helps. Keith
  15. Try being a tester for CMMOS. You get to download some of those twice, sometimes more. By Rulesets I'm assumming you are talking about the ZIP files with the BMPs in them, right? Depends on what you want to mod. For example, if you don't want to touch your terrain, don't download them. You are not "required" to download everything as CMMOS will still work and set what it can set, just some buttons might be disabled on a tab depending on whether that mod is installed or not. Hope this helps. Keith [ July 10, 2002, 06:33 PM: Message edited by: sitzkrieg ]
  16. Thanks for your time, Steve. Too bad about the sacrificed model (hope it wasn't too important). Guess you are right about protection software. I was just hoping you guys would stay away from it forever. But until somebody slaps these l33t HAxOr types around severely, those who actually pay will have to suffer. Why Waffengrenadiere? Why not HamsterTruppen? I would buy a European copy just for that! Keith [ July 10, 2002, 05:45 PM: Message edited by: sitzkrieg ]
  18. This is my hope as well. I saw this in the thread about European distribution. I know that the CDV release is much different. I guess I'm concerned as there seems to be more and more companies using locking features like this. That they want to protect their product is not what concerns me, that is their right. But when it makes a game unplayable or starts affecting my computer, then it seems unreasonable. My 2 cents and probably making a mountain out of a molehill... Keith
  19. Yes, if you are a PC user, you should definately fear SafeDisk. (big, steaming pile-o-monkeystuff) Guess this is a time when it is good to be a Mac user in Europe. But as a PC user in the USA, I would like to know what BTS/BFC's plans are. Keith
  20. After reading through the thread about the CMBB distribution, I have a couple of questions concerning the US release of CMBB. 1.) Will there be any difference in the EULA from CMBO. Specifically, that we can burn a copy for backup. I did this almost right away and have never used the original CD in 2 years. 2.) This actually is dependent on #1, will there be any copy protection crap on the US release of CMBB. I ask because I have run into problems in the past (as have many others) with games that use crap like SafeDisk or somefink. My previous computer actually suffered damage to the CD-ROM drive from a game that used this kind of copy protection. Keith
  21. You unzip them to your Bmp directory which is located by default in C:\Program Files\CMBO\Bmp. BTW, you don't need to install both the lo and hi-res versions. Just install the hi-res version. There is a feature in CMMOS that lets you choose to convert a mod to lo-res when you apply a mod option. It's a option button at the bottom of the windows that says "Convert to lo-res", right next to the "Apply" button. Hope this helps... Keith
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