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M. Bates

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Everything posted by M. Bates

  1. Don't you love those German players who pair up Fallschirmjager troops with Panther tanks
  2. That terrain looks rather brown and dark doesn't it? ------------
  3. Firstly, the font size is one size too small for my tastes. Secondly... the padlock icon ( ) is too similar to the standard icon ( Apart from that, all is well! ------------
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von Lucke: At least something useful has come out of this: I've finally gotten a chance to use the "Add to Your Ignore List" function! Thanks Veca! (ya ignorant git!)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Aman to that.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von Lucke: At least something useful has come out of this: I've finally gotten a chance to use the "Add to Your Ignore List" function! Thanks Veca! (ya ignorant git!)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Aman to that.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Terence: As for other British folks, well, he obviously has great respect for the soldiers and the officers -- repeatedly makes the point that WW2 would have taken a lot longer to win without British generals. (Personally I would modify that to stress the Irish background of many British generals, but why split hairs?) As to the favorable portrait of the US soldiers you see in his books, even Band of Brothers, which is entirely based on reminiscences, US soldiers who are anti-semitic, alcoholic, scared, and some who seem to be very fond of tormenting and executing German prisoners. So while I have heard that Ambrose doesn't look after some of the facts as well as he should, we should distinguish between his facts and the facts that are passed on as truth by the sources of his oral histories. A good historian is careful with facts, sure, but doesn't fiddle with the quotes either... Anyway, I like Ambrose and respect much (not all) of his work and think it well balanced and solid. Especially his earlier work on Eisenhower...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> People get the wrong end of the stick with Ambrose because he comes across as an aggressive so-and-so, but that's just his persona, he seems to get bashed as he's some kind of easy target. Interestingly, he looks like a hippy in his World At War presentation!! Re the Generals, I think that Montgomery and Wellington were both Irishmen, ironically seen as England's or Britain's greatest soldiers. The Irish Guards also led the drive to Arnhem. Does anyone else agree with me that having lots of different cultures (i.e. New Zealanders) on the same side is good for friendly morale and bad for enemy morale? I'm sure it has some kind of effect... in the Desert War of WW2, NZ troops were renowned for good use of the bayonet, and the Germans kept NZ prisoners out in the sunshine while the other POWs could be in the shade!! I love reading details like that.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fred: Mr, Hankey, not a different problem, but I have dozens of game saves to send, if someone needs some evidence of this bug. All we ask for is that a "t" order is a "t", and not a "k"... Fred<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I've noticed this A German 75mm ATG was ordered to area fire a heavy building containing Brit troops. Instead smoke was fired at the building :mad: Why is this annoying and not a piffling insignifance? Well, if the gun HAD fired HE shells, my opponent would have had two broken, much reduced rifle squads in the building!!
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GonzoAttacker: Michael I disagree totally with you about being the wrong place to post. This is the right place to post. There have been many Movie threads here and now you complain!! :eek: I like "The Bridge", I even purchased a copy of it for my collection. I like the different human sides it protrays, as well as the battle scene at the end. Can somebody identify what kind of tanks were used? What other WWII two movies would you like to reccomend from Europe? I have also purchased "Winter War" from Finland?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Cross Of Iron (region 2) DVD has a very good anamorphic widescreen transfer, the original mono sound but little extras. an excellent film though, the screenplay and direction are excellent, plenty of action scenes and good dialogue.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak: Yes Mace, Two questions: 1) Since it isn't really fatal to adult animals, why destory them? 2) What has a higher mortality rate among young animals? The disease? or being shot reguardless? Lorak<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 1) & 2) It would be a waste of time to only kill the younger animals in the herd: where a case is found all the livestock in the immediate (ie farm) and surrounding area has to be slaughtered and their carcasses burnt and buried, to ensure that the disease in that area is eliminated. Any animals not killed and left to die of the disease on its own can still spread foot and mouth. Also, the vaccine is not 100% effective. Perhaps the vaccine has a part to play, but in itself it is not a viable method of eliminating foot and mouth. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The Gov't action in its attempts to control F&M seems to be misguided. Since F&M poses no serious threat to human health we can only assume the action is to prevent Farmers losing profits due to lower yields - but then the wholesale slaughter would contradict that since many Farmers are claiming bancrupcy as a result of F&M and the culling. Questions should be asked how the disease can develop in a "Modern European country" with so called high standards of hygene and modern farming methods. Yet the underdeveloped countries have not been infected? Food for thought.....literaly.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> While foot and mouth is on the rampage in one European country, that is enough to put a question mark against ALL European countires who want to export livestock or meat outside the European Union. It is not so much a case of farmers getting lower yields: farmers just go out of business, farm workers are made redundant, tourists stay away from the rural areas etc etc. As to why foot and mouth has spread, I think that the two key problems are lack of abattoirs, meaning that animals travel further to be slaughtered, and secondly farmers travelling dozens and dozens of miles to markets in another county, their livestock getting into contact with other livestsock from the other side of the country, and then driving back to their farms again. It's a recipe for disaster.
  10. Well this is the "German War Movies" thread If you like I can wait for the "German War Movies made in the 90s" thread to appear
  11. He probably thinks it is a German concentration camp
  12. Stalingrad was rubbish! One moment the unit is in the city, the next they are slogging towards some underground wine and food cellar (straight out a Hassel book). And don't the child Russian soldier cliche which gets shot by GUESS WHO and the women Russian soldier who meets dozens of miles away once again with GUESS WHO?? Risible, very very bad.
  13. How would you have directed the movie, then? I've read three accounts of Market Garden and I have to say that all the key aspects of the battle are in the movie. The music by Addison is also one of the more famous film scores.
  14. All of you people should jump on a plane and stay for a weekend at Hay-on-Wye which is in Eastern Wales if I remember correctly. There are more 2nd hand bookshops there per square foot than anywhere else in the world. It's essentially a small Welsh town brimming full of some excellent book stores. There's a *huge* one which is like some public library you could get lost in.
  16. The trailer contains a set of micro-helicopter wings. When your tank reverses, the trailer will rise in the air and deposit itself farther backwards.
  17. Mead, just email BTS if you are so concerned. At the moment bumping an ignored topic (by BTS at least) is just slightly embarrassing.
  18. WineCape, fire anyway. You may not get another chance. If you hit one Sherman, will it block the other? Worth thinking about. Chuck as much lead at the blighters as you can, and count your casaulties later.
  19. Winecape, I suggest the following: have your RCL at the Shermans straight away. REMEMBER it will take a couple of seconds for your RCL to turn and fire, so... IS it possible for you to distract the Shermans with another unit like a rifle squad for instance, or machine gun? This has two advantages: (1) The infantry on the back of the enemy Shermans will panic and bail ship. (2) The Shermans will be distracted by the other threat, and so your RCL has a chance of knocking out perhaps both tanks.
  20. If BTS wanted to respond openly on the forum re OSX, I think that they would have done so by now
  21. My bicycle is only good for riding on a road, but that in itself does not stop me from attempting to cross a muddy field with it. The Mk1 was a flimsy structure with two machine guns which barely survived a gentle road trip to annexe Austria let alone anything else. That's one use for a Mk1 in 1940, certainly. Might take a few bullets to get rid of a train though. If I have offended your sense of decency and tranquility in suggesting that perhaps a Mk1 is slightly out of depth in a 1940 Panzer Division I sincerely apologise.
  22. Friendly Fire I wouldn't bother with spoiler warnings if I were you, they are more annoying than anything else.
  23. Presumably the Renault FT 17 was good enough to fight in France: what's your point??
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