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M. Bates

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Everything posted by M. Bates

  1. Maximus, children in Europe pronouce their "O"s as "U"s because of all the carbon dioxide and crap that the USA puts in the air "Mommy" is something which American kids with pudding-bowl haircuts say. Also, "Mother" is pronounced "Muv-va" more or less, not "Maww-va" and so by even your blinkered view of the world, Mum is slightly more accurate.
  2. ... ALSO don't forget that the Germans built 1,500 PzKw1's : Those Nazi Wagons were only good for parades.
  3. Cawley has a good point, imagine the Germans trying Barbarossa with a fat piece of junk like the King Tiger. Yer Mk IIIs and MkIVs on the other hand were nippy and manoeuverable.
  4. I used one in TCP/IP once. It killed two Shermans, and countless US infantry casualties: it took three turns of arty to kill it. As my opponent said: "Unf**king believable!!"
  5. Yes, EXCEPT when you KNOW that beyond that crop of houses to the LEFT there is an enemy tank. And so your own tank advances with its turret facing perfectly forwards (or is even distracted by deadly bailed crews). Where would AFVs like the American Hellcat be if in real life it had to present it's flank to the enemy before swinging the turret around.
  6. Heh, it's weird that buttoning/unbuttoning Machine Gun Carriers is not micromanagement, whereas deciding where a tank should swing it's gun is micromanagement
  7. But Michael you can say the same thing about American Football: how many times do people in the rest of the world switch between channels, see American Football, groan to themselves and then switch quickly to something else? Quite a lot I'd say. You don't see riots in American Football, partly because a different demographic goes to watch that sport. Also, foreign games are not a serious proposition in US Football. In soccer, teams from different countries/cultures/races are playing each other all time, week in week out. Soccer reflects society so if there is racism or sectarian attitudes in society, then that is reflected at the football ground.
  8. It was done for good taste. However the Swastica flag, together with vastly improved flag graphics, cam be gotten here: www.combatmission.com
  9. Do you mean English-speaking? I think this is perhaps because most English-speaking countries (USA, UK, Canada, Australia etc.) have a fairly long history of organised soldiery. Also, these countries often get involved in each other's conflicts - for example America and Canada fighting wars for no obvious self-interest on entirely foreign continents (a good thing). I am probably stereotyping here, but the French for example are perhaps not perceived as having the same outlook. Certainly they are going soft on Saddam Hussein, and they leaked information to the Serbs in 1999 prior to attacks which endangered US and British pilots. Dunno if that has anything to do with them not speaking English though, but maybe Western English-speaking countries have a similar outlook on militaristic matters.
  10. They are at Turn 26 and it is is only Turn 5 at the AAR page. What the hell? we want our updates on the AAR!! I'm disappointed, cos the German's tactic of hitting, running and regrouping would have been interesting to watch across the whole battle. Very tree-dense map, so the tanks would be less decisive than the infantry. Maybe the VT arty bled Fionn's infantry dry.
  11. I vote for 3 or 5 second increments instead of the clumsy 15 seconds.
  12. Macintosh owners have been able to change system beeps ever since the Mac had a speaker. You could do it in System 6, you could do it years ago. Seems like Maximus' knowledge is based on TechTV and TV movies...
  13. Wish you wouldn't. The mod looks good in parts (menu screen) and bad in others (unit parameters). But I don't see anything about the screenshots to suggest it is unusable.
  14. Maximess, you yourself are bashing Mac owners, no? Also Apple is not obliged to let other manufacturers to produce Apple compatible machines. IBM licensed their technology: it wasn't some shared technology experiment between kindly capitalists. Do you know what Apple's markup on an iMac is? Didn't think so. It isn't much I can tell you.
  15. And what, exactly, does your posting have to do with the original question which was: "Anyone get CM running on OSX?" Do you feel incredibly threatened by the business organistion called Apple? Are they putting stuff in your cornflakes?
  16. I also disgaree with Dr Brian. Many many places are prefixed by 'the'. The Crimea is just one example. When going to the toilet, I wouldn't say, "I am gojng to bathroom." It would be "I am going to the bathroom," even though the full title of the room in question is simply Bathroom.
  17. I agree: as the Allies you must "inch" through villages and past buildings because of the Jerries' various gizmos and gadgets - which tend to be dangerous to the health of Death Boxes.
  18. HAHAHA! We've forced him to go back on his own words!! Now the clandestine pro-Piat campaign for Piat weapons to be included in modern armies can carry on unopposed!!
  19. Um using words like "NEVER" to a weapon which you Tom have never fired is a bit extreme IMHO. Also don't forget that in CM Piats are fired and loaded by a two-man team.
  20. My 1.12 CM crashed 3 times this morning while trying to finish a pbem turn... Just working fine, then freezes. Force quit does nothing or freezes the mouse altogether.
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