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M. Bates

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Everything posted by M. Bates

  1. Ya gud luk rob doent tek n e noticee of tham.
  2. That AAR has not been updated for a year Incidentally the good thing about Fionn is he can actually demonstrate his theories in CM, whereas other forum contributors have theories and that's it
  3. Without referring to your book in particular, I think that it is just a case of some books being written for the British market, and then subsequently getting published across the world. Certainly if an author has military experience, then that is useful to draw comparisons and conclusions.
  4. Yes, I've never heard of texture overload before. Maybe there is a set limit to each Graphics set and the addition of the Marco mods has exceeded that.
  5. Yes Maximess, PCs are better than Macs for games because of a minor graphics glitch affecting one mod of one vehicle in one game... P.S. if you want an out and out gaming platform then a Playstation 2 is a good bet. P.P.S. Combat Mission was made with a PC, right??
  6. Micro$oft owns a quarter of Apple's shares... but Apple owns 100% of Microsoft's ideas
  7. Are you joking? I suggest purchasing a new monitor or better still an Apple Mac which is not hobbled by a PCs gloomy gamma.
  8. As a policy it is stupid, but as a matter of fact the angle would move towards 90 degress if travelling down a hill. Which is why when CM players say that a tank facing towards the foot of a hill, has better armour angle, are wrong.
  9. Is that for surround sound or somefink? I thought it was just PC users who had all that crap.
  10. Hehe, imagine owning a PC Mac of course. Dunno what the scores are now though.
  11. Textures down scaled to 75% and look what has happened: Can't explain this, most strange... [This message has been edited by M. Bates (edited 02-27-2001).]
  12. Installed with MCM3 v1.5 on a G3 Mac: This is a standard US M4 Sherman. I have reinstalled a couple of times and it still looks weird. What's going wrong? Tiger's hi-res weathered Shermans looked fine (I'll go back to those till this prob is fixed). I've looked at each bmp texture individually and they all look good, CM has plenty of memory allocated.
  13. Protect your panzers with a screen of anti tank guns. Anything respectable would make short work of the Firefly. Try and attack a Firefly with a German tank destroyer... normally your tank destroyer will get away the first shot, which is good odds (especially if the Firefly misses its shot in retaliation). Target the firefly with on board or off board mortars, or use artillery.
  14. He means Pearl Harbor, but he got the date and title wrong.
  15. Why not just wait for it to arrive in the post. It's just a computer game after all!
  16. No one was talking about your bloody images past the first third of the first page
  17. NAY You also frequently breach these two: Prove me otherwise m8.
  18. Sounds like a very mature attitude to nationhood to me. It seems to me like people are saying "the biggest is the best". The rest of the Allied countries had smaller populations and smaller means than the USA. But I believe they helped fellow Allies wherever and whenever they could, with no strings attached. To "defend" your own country by denigrating the efforts of other populations of the world is disgusting.
  19. >The US did much more in the defeat of Nazi Germany than did Britan, Canada, France, or any other Ally accept for the Soviet Union, and that is open to any of your flames. What do you mean by "much more". > And if you don't like my comment, well until America entered the war with troops, Britan was getting their ass kicked by not only Germany, but also by Japan in the Pacific. Tends to happen when Germany and Japan are both determined aggressors with plenty of mileage in them. > Now tell me Canada and France was even a factor? Very small factor if any. I was under the impression that the Canadian authorities contributed a great deal by directing some of their resources to Britain. > And instead of commending Rommel22 for his work, you berate it. Next time Rommel, make one that shows thses guys what it would have been like if we hadn't entered the war...ie Swastikas and lots of blood. You tell 'em Manta, "them" Berliners would be speaking German if it wasn't for "us". > AND THE US IS THE BEST COUNTRY ON EARTH....where do you think CM was developed at gomers? Best in what way? The happiest, wealthiest, most spiritual, most kind to the poor, most populace, most what? How do you quantify this??
  20. WOW some great posts on infantry power!! I for one am glad to study it because German players seem very fond of their FJ Companies.
  21. The two man advantage of the American squad (12 versus 10) makes a difference. Providing they only lose their M10s, a US squad is bearly impaired at all by being reduced to 9 men. I don't have the figures to hand but I am sure that the firepower differential is not nearly so great at over 100m between US and Fallshirmjagers.
  22. Yeah only works for on-board mortars unfortunately...
  23. Overt patriotism (in this case expressed for a mostly foreign audience) is more likely to put up barriers than to encourage understanding between the peoples... On the subject of flag waving I am taking bets on the number of camera shots of the Stars n Stripes we see in Pearl Harbor
  24. I am tending to go towards regular. Use Veteran Platoons as your battering ram and Regular Platoons to consolidate.
  25. I think you are adding an element which does not exist. I *bumped* the topic and then added my thoughts on downloading amended mods. It's not a problem, just an annoyance. I'm not targeting any mod author in particular.
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