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M. Bates

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Everything posted by M. Bates

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Head Mahone: I don't see nothin' wrong with Redmow's signature. And anybody who does is a dorky bottle capped little bastard who doesn't have anything better to do. In fact it's YOU who are causing so much attention about the thing that you claim you dislike! To complain about someone’s signature on a freakin war game message board shows just how much of a stupid wanker you really are! -Head<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Redmow sings the praises of nationalism and then dumps on Hitler IN THE SAME PARAGRAPH. He also has a rubbish signature. The man is a buffoon: he should be placed against a wall and laughed at. Then shot. 800 times. In the legs. [ 04-27-2001: Message edited by: M. Bates ]
  2. Why hasn't this bloody thread been locked up by now?? I have not even heard of this game, Tropico sounds like a soft drink.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WRG: and I don't have a problem with his sig, that's war.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Absolutely right, it warmed the cockles of my heart to read about the Malmedy massacre. I thought to myself : "That's war" and I fell asleep smiling.
  4. Question: I am completely ignorant, but did it never occur to the Germans to build or move a massive gun to France, Calais say, and then proceed to shell England? I don't know what the max range of these big WW2 guns was, just wondering what other ppl think.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: Yeah send that to me as currently the largest generated maps are a tad under 5km x 3km and if you got one bigger somehow I want to see how. Madmatt<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What happens is that when point sizes are increased in the Quick Battle editor, the width of the battlefield grows in leaps and bounds, while the length stays fairly sensible. To get a nice square shaped battlefield you need to get someone else to generate the map for you.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>'Schwere Gustav' was in action again on 6 June, initially against Fort Molotov. 7 Shells demolished that structure and then it was the turn of a target known as the 'White Cliff'. This was the aiming point for an underground ammunition magazine under Severnaya Bay, and so placed by the Soviets as to be invulnerable to conventional weapons. It was not invulnerable to the 80cm 'Gustav', for 9 projectiles bored their way down through the sea, through over 100ft of sea bottom and then exploded inside the magazine!By the time 'Gustav' had finished its 9th shot the magazine was a wreck, and to cap it all a small sailing ship had been sunk in the process!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> F*** me, as if Germany's war on the Eastern Front was not surreal enough already!!!!!
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Muhaha, a statement like that is worthy of Mr Burns (The Simpsons).
  8. Be careful with this kitty, it has very fragile frontal armour and a poor gun. Try to outflank your opponent by driving around the sides of his Shermans. Don't be afraid to drive the King Tiger into congested town areas. When on the attack, reverse towards the enemy: this will cause confusion, enabling the King Tiger to quickly swing its turret 180º and kill the enemy.
  9. Having flicked thru a Himmler book very quickly, I noticed that SS men had to prove German ancestry back to the 1600s (Hundred Day War or something like that). Apparently, Himmler once wrote to a Waffen SS soldier, sending his regrets that this soldier had found some Jewish ancestry. Obviously this soldier had to return to Germany and leave the SS. What puzzled me was that a man like Himmler was just "sympathetic" to this man with Jewish blood. Presumably this man could continue in some other line of work in Germany during the war. Can anyone explain how the warped Nazi view of Jews and Slavs almost "tolerated" this kind of thing. Obviously Nazism is a pretty dodgy doctrine anyway but this had me thinking.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: Tiger, Actually my whole nitpicking comes from that I guess I'm spoiled with Marco's mods, so that's where I get my cinicism. Basically I took note on how many mods you do and the frequency that you do them. For example a little while ago, it seemed like Manx had a new mod from you about every other day. Yes the paint jobs were interesting, but the detail was kinda laxidasical (sp?). Meaning that they they could have been better if you had spent a little more time on them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I hope you are reading this Tiger: NEVER darken the forum's doorstep with your shoddy, unfinished mods UNLESS they are perfect.
  11. The turret hatch and mesh are superb!! I'll wait for the Maximus Seal Of Approval b4 downloading it though
  12. Ah I see. I knew that "Leo Kessler" based his writings on various memoirs etc. Assuming that "Charles Whiting" is not a German/mainland European name, is it not a huge con trick to have translators notes (example "T34=main Russian battle tank" etc etc etc) at the bottom of most pages!!
  13. Seeking info on Leo Kessler: I've read on the internet that he is a Brit or American under the name of "Charles Whitting" or something like that. This puzzles me, since his books are marked with many translators notes (presumably form German). Anyone care to shed light on this?? Overall I find his books to be very entertaining.
  14. Looks slightly orangy to me. Have you seen the Tiger from the Mad Dog add-on (available at www.combatmission.com) 'Tis good unless you've already seen it.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: Guess what, I have a PC, and even I think you should go the hell away. Or just pull your head out of your ass, either one. No, come to think of it, just go away.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> BAN CHUPACABRA!! HE SAID ASS!! (I agree with his sentiments tho.)
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: You haven't exactly been an angel of self-restraint and good judgement since you've joined this forum. Master Bates, so knock off the stone-throwing act. It looks petty.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So says you Master Chupacabra.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav: And by then they'll have figured out how to use it, and they'll probably start sending it to us :eek: Guys, I said I was sorry. You're right, I shouldn't have done that. Now let's drop the subject, ok? [ 04-18-2001: Message edited by: 109 Gustav ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Gustav: you are a fool. You signed a total stranger, based on the allegations of somesome else, onto obscene mailing lists. Personally I think you should be booted from the forum.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Dew to the lazy ness of CMC1 player I have planed to lonch CMC2.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just checked the news
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav: You're right, I shouldn't have said or done that, but I was kind of mad at the time. I've gotta stop posting right after eating lunch. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Gustav, I have just signed you up to some "interesting" mailing lists located on the hook of Holland, I do hope that you don't mind, but I disagreed with what you said about... disabled people or something. But I was mad!
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wilhammer: South Carolina was under a black boycott last year until it was removed from the capitol dome, and Georgia is under intense political pressure as it is part of the State Flag. Many southern towns and cities have Confederate memorials, and some of them are under pressure by the "revisionists". I think Virginia had to drop its State song, and Lee-Jackson day was replaced with Martin Luther King Day. Controversy, not law. Actually, making it illegal would not fly due to the First Amendment, but economic and PC pressure will get some success. Again, nice mod. [ 04-17-2001: Message edited by: Wilhammer ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> F**k 'em, the Rebel flag looks cool!
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Terence: I am totally unqualified to comment. I will merely observe that this looks like a tough question to answer. What does "best trained" mean? For what? According to who? Proved by what criteria?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hang on, this might clarify: For argument's sake, Canada has the best trained individual infantryman. And China has the biggest army. The USA has neither of those things, but *overall* its army is the strongest and has the most military hitting power. I've forgotten the point of my question now, but I thought I'd throw it up for discussion.
  22. Would it be correct to say that the USA has never had either the biggest army in the world / or the best trained army in the world at any one time in its history? This question is quite apart from Navy and air forces of course, though the same might be true also for those services.
  23. LOL yes we all knmow how the morally superior democracies stopped Hitler in 1940 with their democratically superb soldiers... ... or perhaps the Allies had sh*te tactics WHO KNOWS??
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