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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Holien

  1. JC while lots of people share the same frustrations there is plenty still in the game to enjoy.... Well for me anyway... If not for you then NP and I hope you give the game some time to grow on you... I know of none better despite these annoyances.... But if you know of something better let me know.
  2. I forgot that I could give commands to move forward as I was just thinking it was a set up phase. It's not it is setup and issue orders.
  3. During setup you are doing both I.e. Giving your initial commands and placement... In the early days I forgot this and missed out on the first minute of action as my forces sat there. Not sure there is an easy answer to CM1Fan request. The suggestion by Wreck would make good sense and I hope that is implemented as i often get confused by set up zones of similar colour.
  4. Excellent work and the Voice overs are just spot on!! Thanks made me smile...
  5. Heliodorus, Hedges / bocage / path finding is not great and even when you think you have a great route the AI can throw a curve ball and run a totally different way. There was one suggestion which if it could be done is for the AI to show you the plotted route it will use after you have moved off the unit you have just given a location to move to. This would immediately show if you had hit terrain issues and allow you to correct before your troops do something very silly and end up dead. I just had a situation where I ordered a HQ unit to run across a shallow river and a pretty direct route straight forward. The HQ decided to run well out of its way and cross a bridge out in the open and end up where I did not want it to. Other infantry had crossed river fine but this HQ unit must have hit something odd in AI to map it across the bridge and hence die!!! These little issues can build up to make you give up. Try to understand it and post here when you get problems as this is one large CMBN therapy group to help feed the eventual addiction... Hope you enjoy your games despite these issues which I am sure over time will be corrected if they can be....
  6. Is this a bug or just a animation glitch? I saw a chap jump over the wall into enemy fire and then realise he was on wrong side of the wall. He then crawled through the wall to the other side. Greta magic trick and I am putting it down to glitch and just one of those things... I can dig out Video if need be..... H
  7. Make sure you pick up the latest version of this scenario as it has been tweaked slightly...
  8. T'was worth a try and I know where you are coming from.
  9. I am really hoping we can get some hedge / low bocage improvement so it is good to see others with similar views.... I am hoping someone inside the playtest team sees this and puts the views forward...
  10. The whole issue with Low Bocage is that to those who are new to the system they think it is hedge and expect to be able to pass through it. Gaps are not always easy to see and at times you think there is a gap and it does not exist so your men go some where you don't want them to go. Either make low bocage passable (slowly at more risk ala way handled in CM) which would seem the easiest choice and would allow new players to deal with it as they expect. Else we are left with designers to make gaps clear as I am not sure how the engine would be coded to make it more noticeable. Hedges as noted by some designers are just not being used. See this thread.... http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=102147
  11. Some old discussions worth looking at for those interested in Hedges or Low Bocage... http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=99963 http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=99704 http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=99471 http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=99509
  12. Moon if I ordered two copies to same address I presume I get two License codes and the game can be downloaded from two different PC's in two different locations? Just looking at ordering multiple copies to same address to save on postage and making sure it does not cause any problems with downloading...
  13. 2 Player WEGO would be very welcome and allow for quicker game play but for old farts to take comfort breaks and deal with her indoors... I too hope it is re-introduced... Is it me or does there seem to be less buzz about the game than CMB? Is it that we are just using rose coloured specs to view the history of our youth?
  14. It is interesting how the introduction of Low Bocage has meant the demise of hedges... I wonder what the rational was and did the designer think the effect it would have. Funny how adding an extra type of terrain has such a knock on effect...
  15. Gerry it took a while for me to get the hang of the differences and as long as designers put gaps in the bocage then sweet but the whole hedge / bocage debate is one which seems to keep popping up. Anyway good answer from Sergi and it is easy when you know how. If you have both on the map you can tell difference by looking straight down at it. Bocage is wider hedge is very thin....
  16. Is that the same for Europe? That might help if people who live local to one another can team up to in effect reduce postage costs... I understand what you are saying about your costs and if that is what you need to charge then so be it. As you say downloading is the option or you can view it as saving $10 by pre-ordering... Depends on your view...
  17. Not if sent from Germany. However the $20 for sending it within the Euro zone is very steep and I guess part of the handling charge to get the people to do it for Battlefront. Either way as the $20 is not going to Battlefront and I am currently out of work it will be the slightly cheaper download route. To pay nearly as much in shipping as the cost of the game is a bit too much.... Times is ard.....
  18. Israeli? Looks like a more modern photo and has he painted his finger nails?
  19. I was going to Pre_order but saw the $20 postage to UK and then remembered the joy of customs, so after seeing the response above I will just have to go down the download route... Good to know it will be with us soon.
  20. Ohh BTW this thread has more details on the scenario and I think some spoilers in it so read with care... http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=97874
  21. When I notice it again I will post. I did not realise it was a bug? Just something I have seen in a few games and sometimes it works and others you just have to keep jiggling...
  22. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=99376 This thread has a fair few suggestions.
  23. *** Minor Spoiler**** When the games ends you will have to decide if you exited enough to consider it a victory for the Americans. The way exiting works is you don't lose points by exiting units and this is a counter intuitive way of working. You would think the game would award points for exiting vehicles. So in the current design if you exit vehicles these do not give fair weighting to the American Victory. The briefing is clear in that the American player should take one crossing point and then exit forces. However the way scoring works the Americans can only win if they take all three crossings, IMO, or two and do more damage. Anyway just play the game and see how you feel you did and do not worry too much about the final scores awarded by the computer....
  24. This is a good point and highlights another frustration that at times you can not get a HMG or AT gun to set up properly on a hedge line to fire and it takes numerous attempts. Lots of good points and I hope they find some way to address, still fun to play despite these issues but I must say getting the lazer mortar effect on your men does hurt at times...
  25. A useful thread despite some early snipes at the poster. Good to know about the wall issue which I was unaware of. The game can be frustrating and when you start to understand the mechanics it helps deal with that frustration..... So thanks for those people posting useful comments.
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