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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Joy I have found the video clip and have posted the screen shots on Flickr.... So the answer is yes you can destroy your own tanks with your own grenades.... The complexity of this game just amazes me... Pity the tank had not actually run over my own men!!!! So my own HMG crew have taken out a Panther first time with one grenade!!! http://www.flickr.com//photos/16572454@N06/sets/72157629073631638/show/
  2. Well if I had killed my own tank I would keep quiet about it... I need to dig through the old files and really watch the video closely....
  3. So I have a lovely Panther nailed during a game and I think it is a Grenade hit. I look at end of game to find the American unit who did the deed but no one is owning up to killing the Panther. I can not even find a German unit that might have had a bad day and fragged their own tank!!! A couple of questions to the Beta test team. Is it possible for a friendly grenade to take out your own tank? Would it show against the unit tally at the end of the game, or is it hushed up... I now need to try and find video clip and study really carefully what nailed it as it has me puzzled. If it was a friendly grenade this will make me smile that such things are possible, I am just not so happy I had some poor tossers in the vicinity of my lovely Panther!!!
  4. Yes but look at the turning times for the vehicles, how fast do tracked vehicle turn on a point!!! Watch the ZSU ZSU... Everything is possible just depends on time and cash and quality. If you have loads of cash and plenty of time you can build quality. I predict this will get closed pretty soon as off topic.... But nice looking game and the villages look great....
  5. You will find that CMBN has loads of substance and despite the flaws it is the only game (simulation) to play. Truly a steep learning curve and you do get punished far more than CM1 if you don't take it slowly. I am just waiting for the module to see what has been fixed and how it will play differently....
  6. +100 The spotting of tanks vs Inf. (A Sherman in my current game is fantastic despite smoke and trying to sneak up on it for grenades and fausts it sees it destroys... It has no Inf support and is immobile but I can not seem to get close enough to frag it with out being spotted.)
  7. Nice to see Steve is back.... And we all know what that means!!!! Looking forward to an announcement soon..... (well soon ish).... If there are some more great scenarios to play it will be worth it for that. Just FYI - For those doubters, the way the business model works you have to pay the developers because they need to live and long enough to give us all some new improvements such as fire.... You can not just jump to perfection in one easy jump, it takes incremental steps and lessons are learnt along the way. So for me I am happy to pay for the content so in the future I get more game crack to feed my habit. I paid for CMSF but hardly played it, I saw that as an investment to get me to today where I am really enjoying CMBN.
  8. I would be interested in that as I am of the view to split the extra ammo from Jeeps and halftracks before the game as too often you lose the darn trucks and jeeps during the game and hence any access to the ammo.... So would also like to know if real world physics are applied to ammo load out being carried by the troopers...
  9. This ties in with my observation Ref the shreck ammo on the dead team mate. It showed as being available when he was near the body, so yes it seems possible the game allows you to grab ammo from dead bodies without buddy aid being performed. However it does seem that if buddy aid is performed you might then lose access as it randomises if you get anything off the body. IMO it should do the random loss as soon as the soldier is killed, not during buddy aid. Perhaps a small code tweak, if there is ever such a thing called small code tweak...
  10. Another spotting related issue is American Jeeps with a single driver heading into enemy territory and reporting back what he sees before he dies. He is driving and under fire and yet still stays in C2 to pass the info back. His spotting should be reduced and certainly would not be able to report it back unless he parks up and works he radio..... Not sure if anything can be done but it does not seem right.
  11. Your telling me.... What about Ammo being shown as available and then disappearing when you have buddy aided the chap. I guess maybe it is random on what you get off a dead body, but if it shows up available there is a bit of a mismatch in the code. It surely should be randomised on death and not on completion of buddy aid. Mind you not that you ever have a choice about buddy aid but I guess I could have positioned the Shreck guy a action spot away and maybe still had access to the 2 spare rounds...
  12. You have to love this game.... So I have a Shreck team that take a HE hit and the man with the ammo dies... His buddy moves up to him and it shows he now has access to 2 rounds for the Shreck!! Excellent. Give your buddy some aid and the 2 rounds now disappear with the dead buddy and not into your inventory.... Ar%e..... Maybe a bug? Maybe a feature. I can provide save files and pics if needed... I should have just stayed near his body and left him well alone... It would be no problem in the game if my men can take out tanks with grenades as effectively as the Americans which have taken out a Panther front on (Front arc of Panther facing American Inf behind two sets of bocage.) The joy I felt as that key bit of kit died to a single grenade, the first hit toss!!! Bu%%er A great scenario but some odd happenings.
  13. THxs for this I have yet to mod up and I am wonder which are the best scenery mods?
  14. It does seem that people are not posting much, I guess not a lot to say and people too busy playing the game....
  15. Steiner the work done by different posters in this thread is excellent and I do hope we get some official comment on the accuracy of mortars? Pity no-one official has chimed in saying if they think there is an issue? There is a lot of good will being shown by some very dedicated gamers to getting it right and just a little official input would not go amiss... So don't give up and thanks to everyone who has posted useful info as I am never ceased to be amazed by peoples knowledge.
  16. Hi Ken, Not too big.. 5 Meg and I can share via Drop box if you wish.
  17. OK so I have now grabbed three screen shots these can be seen here: - http://www.flickr.com/photos/16572454@N06/6834839193/sizes/o/in/set-72157629212984551/ You can see the men are nervous but I have had others accept orders to move and I have plotted a move order to rear and still no joy. The bindweed must have their legs locked into position. http://www.flickr.com/photos/16572454@N06/6834846783/in/set-72157629212984551/lightbox/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/16572454@N06/6834853929/in/set-72157629212984551/lightbox/
  18. In a game I am currently playing I have two infantry men in a corner of a field and have issued time again orders for them to move out of the corner but they are rooted to spot. Has anyone else ever had this issue? Is it a bug that needs reporting. I cam post files and screen shots if really needed. Just seeing if antone else has had this problem. The game is SK All the Way to Hell.
  19. A recent game just completed and LOS in two different ways has nailed me. It looked like I should get LOS but tool said no. 1st A small stand of trees a wall and then a road, I thought I would be able to see German AC on the road but I could not target it and hence I had to move zooka squad to wall by road. As they moved out and stood up the zooka man now saw the AC and fired and then ran to wall to die under hail of fire. The hail of fire went past man and nailed other running men in wood area beyond the wall. I live with it but the LOS tool said no see, yet clearly the AC could kill me despite this and also the AC could not target the trees yet he could see the trees. This lead to a feeling of being cheated but I have to rise above this and accept it as a game feature. Another more general situation is that you can not target height, So lets say a low wall blocks your LOS to the land beyond it but you know you want to keep the heads down of enemy beyond you can not fire HMG at a height level unless they can see a higher bit of land beyond. Again perhaps too much to expect for the game as the modelling would be too hard but we are moving closer to a perfect 3d world and these issues are things that make players feel cheated. One of the often heard complaints from a fellow player is the LOS issues and not understanding how things "work". A tough design decision as I guess the current tech can not get us to that perfect 3d world and make it easy for us players to feel happy with...
  20. A good write up and I had not understood that once marked it is still a danger to vehicles which does explain something a while back. Pity that in effect a vehicle field can not be cleared unless you are lucky with HE or Demo Charges if wall or hedge nearby.... A useful bit of info.... I wonder how CRABS will be modelled?
  21. It certainly looks like it needs tweaking and the game play will change but I am not so sure I have had too many boring games despite this.... (Except maybe Chance Encounter which is now rated my worst scenario for H2H play and I don't think it would play too well as American Attacking either....) A great thread and this and the Tank Firing accuracy is why I keep reading these posts to learn.....
  22. Then the thread I was going to post a link to is redundant... http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=99376
  23. Are you sure the mortar is off map? I thought I could see a mortar team nearby? Just doubled checked and yes indeed off map... Poor eyesight... Would seem to be a bug, don't let your opponent know....
  24. Chad are you after AI or H2H as the answer will differ...
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