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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Good Morning.... and it is a GREAT Morning.... I have just got delivered all the way from the states.... U Know What... I guess I can not load it up until I do my turns.... Nahhhh..... There will be a slight delay to normal service... H
  2. Look send me the right file and throw your hands up, that way the pain will stop... God I hope it happens before those reinforcements show up... Or I am in the poo... H
  3. Ali leave him alone he can not take both of us at the same time. Let me have him a few more turns and he will be yours to play with... As for our game I have some thinking to do on that and I am trying to finish off with Lopsie... H
  4. Forgive me for a dumb question but how can you pick up a trojan from a web site? I.e By just looking at the pages and not downloading any code or exe's. H [ October 11, 2002, 12:05 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  5. Sniggger Sniggger (Mutley Snigggerrr) I guess I could not let sleeping dogs lie. H P.s. Stop reading our thread, go off and edit or smuthink...
  6. Hi JK are you sure you have not opened a CDIC scenario by mistake? H P.s. I think he might have snuck one in the pack the sneaky Man in China (MiC)
  7. Dohhhhh.... I am so stupid, to give KR an advantage... The 1st battle with Lopaka is turning into quite a game and while the map is not like FotM the scenario is a great affair and really appeals to me. It is really neat idea and congrats to the designer for another top notch game... H
  8. Just a morning update until JK can step in.... Turns sent to Ali and Lopaka... I hope the noise of my Bagpipes has the right effect on those mouse I am coming to free... As for the Capt I am having too much fun (wrong word) with Lopaka to have even worked out a way to run the gumball rally, so this will wait until I get a vision as to the way to play that one. H
  9. Good News TB and that makes great sense, not sure what it would mean on the results of the last games. That would be interesting even if not actually applied? H P.s. Where do you keep your Rats Ali?
  10. Hi A... If it was just me no problem as I have been to Mexico city and that is a dangerous place. However, it would be me and my fiancee and she is not very streetwise. I am getting married next year and I don't want any problems until then. Money is also a problem at the moment and the kidnappings just swayed it against comming. As for Rio Cuarto, yep a dusty little city with it's own little problems.. H
  11. I Have only played the demo a couple of times and I was wondering those who have the game do you see more of the above. I.e. Immobile and then a bail? I know some crews did and some stayed but in CMBO it seemed like all crews stayed and I would like to see crews bail after the vehicle becomes immobile. Any views on this? Evidence in the game? H
  12. Probably not a bad visualisation. The country is in a bad way and the pratts that took it there managed to get there money out of the banking system before the crash. :mad: This sort of thing could happen to any country and while the chances are small we don't know how lucky we are in the "Western world". It just makes me so mad that it is always the small guys that suffer and the fat cats manage to exploit the situation to stay ahead of those who can not. Anyway before anyone says "Hi Mom" I shall shut up. We must play at some stage Argie. H
  13. Hmmm, I am in a tank that has just been hit and immoblised. What do I do... 1. Continue trying to move the tank and show that I am still alive and what more rounds my way. 2. Stay still and quietly get out of the vehicle. Now this is me, I am a coward. I get out of that vehicle asap. H
  14. Hi, I have a very good friend in Rio Cuarto who I was going to visit this Nov. Due to the situation down there (Kidnapping and poverty beyond belief and a mega crap economy)I am putting it on hold. They have just had there 1st child and I was going to be god father. What a crap situation for Argentina and I hope things sort themselves out. Without resort to a nutty right or left wing govt. At least you can still pay for Internet time... H
  15. My Good friend recieved it in Up State NY yesterady and it is now on the way to the UK... Hussah... I am glad all my money went straight to those hard working young men. I ordered it last week so that is a pretty good turn around, as always. Thxs H
  16. God bless ya TB... I will enjoy hearing stories of how they played with their mice and rats... H
  17. The mice have been released and are on there way... Alfie I await your return.... As for the Cpt I shall do the Gum Ball run tonight. As for Lopaka... Wake up Norcal... Wake up.... Damn this 9 hour difference... Ohhh and some good news the Eagle is shipped so the sooner I finish these the sooner I can turn my attention onto CMBB which was shipped from the states to me yesterday... H
  18. The battle with Lopaka is going great guns and death abounds... (Were on e-mail 21) As for the Cpt and Ali I shall set up soon. Still trying to see how I may crack your nuts... H Edited because I am a pratt. and mistype... [ October 09, 2002, 05:23 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  19. Hi Stixx, Thanks for the input on the design process. It was a tough game for the attacker and I would not tinker too much. Pretty well balanced (as far as they ever can be.) On the map front I just did not the feel for a French Town and St Mere. I am not sure what is missing (maybe my imagination) and if I can dig up some maps I will cross check with the map. I presume you used a map to design the town? The woods seem too dense and perhaps more sparse orchard type effect might be the way? Anyway until I track down a map I am talking out my botty and just going on feel and not reality. So please do not take offence. The map aside the battle for me tunred out to be a very intense affair and as the intial attack went in and got murdered I was very very worried. Thxs for the experience. H
  20. Hi KR... Good luck with your mob... CA is a tough nut and could throw you off your roost.... As for my games the second turn is out to Norcal... (I do hope they have power up there and can get some digi's). And as for the Cpt I am looking at the map tonight, but my first impressions is of a Turkey Shoot Grand Prix!!! Sqwauk!!! Off to work... H
  21. No polishing done and I will be in trouble when her in doors gets back in... Mind you 1st turn done and waiting on the video... I am on the edge of my seat, oohhhh the excitement playing CM after a two month break... Who needs CMBB... H (yeah yeah I am sad and it is monday night and naff in the UK at the moment... Apart from the Office which has just started on BB2.... )
  22. Lopaka file sent to you and we are now on the short road to death or glory. Good luck chaps and may the best digital soldiers win... H
  23. I have the files and an evening of polishing floors has just melted away... Come to mamma... Setting up as I type... Yupppiiiiieeeee H
  24. Drool...... I guess I will have to do some major sweet talking to get out of the DIY routine for a while. H P.s. I will try and do my section proud. Pity I do not get to lock horns with Wreck again.
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