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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Congrats to all three... Now to get ready for my third attempt... As for Lab Rats... Let the debate begin... If we are allowed. H
  2. Ali stop sniffing around here and go and play with Rudolf.... H
  3. Hi Scott, Just read Toms comments. Yep It helps big time when you are the attacker to know exactly what the defender has and where it might be. The game is balanced by Fog of War if played blind. And god does the defender need it. My point is that in my game the attacker used his artillery poorly and my point is that if the attacker uses his artillery well then this game is a hard one for the defender to win. It is great playing it again and seeing if my view was correct. However that view can always be changed when playing different people and with luck which is ever present in the game. H
  4. This is a tough one to win as the Russian and your only hope is that the Tigers Bog. Try and work on the supporting tanks and ignore the Tigers. If you can wipe his Infantry and MKIII's you will win. Ignore / hide from the Tigers as it is a waste of time trying to get them. H
  5. Is today Sunday the 15th? Has Christmas come early or did he get shot down by an Uber Finn... These and more questions will be answered soon... I hope.. H
  6. Sgt Lucky Bstrd.... Has a fan club... He He He.... See how they bay for your blood. H
  7. Always good to hear straight from the horses mouth. You just have to smile at some people and nod knowingly. Cheers P.s. I did not get a confirmation e-mail either. Is hall dig out the order number tonight from home and e-mail BFS. H [ December 11, 2002, 09:14 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  8. If James is getting a copy then I had better have one to ensure that he does not get too far ahead of me. Anyway £10 is a small price to pay and if the money (or some of it) is going to my favorite charity then I am more than happy. I see Europe will be shipping on Friday. I do hope it beats the Christmas rush. H
  9. I will be surprised if anyone can win this with the default set-up for the Russians. If you do please post and let us know how you did it. H
  10. Hmmm Keeping me honest? What are you saying? Moi... As for you TB I am glad that will entertain you.. KR Who on earth enjoys night games? I know both times have been fraught with danger and frustration. Pity it cost me the chance of some wine. H
  11. KR if we get him in our group in the next tourney we can take him behind the bike sheds and give him a good going over. H
  12. Hi TB, You muse on the geographical loading of groups. I would be against this if asked as I want to play people from all over the world, even if they are in a different time zone. To me this game makes the world smaller and that is part of the reason I am an active participant on these threads and tourneys. And I would not want to have just to play French and UK players. Yuk... H
  13. Capt, Do my turn and play the sodding game.... I want to practice shoot and scoot. Which I should have just done with that T34 which was knobbled by that nice Tiger of yours. H
  14. Wimp!!!! I guess he will be off sheperding sheep... Or am I getting him confused with Mace... H
  15. Hey Jester you are from the same neck of the woods as King Fisher, as he is chickening out again I guess you will do... He He He.... Here fishy fishy fishy... BTW I am pants in CMBB so I will be done over like a Kipper.. (Honest....) H
  16. TB, Fine with KR, he is a worthy opponent and I need to revenge our cricket team. As for the Kiwi well they think they know how to sail boats. Hah!! All I need now is a Frenchman, Yank and a Canadian. I would ask for a German but he does not do these sorts of things, I just hope he can be persuaded to do the joker in the pack aka the unbalanced game as he is good at that. If I am lucky we will get JK in our group and he will keep us grinning with his updates on his clapped out Mac and entertaining quips. Perhaps Santa will bring a decent computer like a PC to his house. I wonder if he has been good enough? H
  17. Steve, I have found this thread very useful and while I can understand your frustration I am glad that it has been talked through in depth. I think some of the flak Redwolf has got has caused him to dig in and this has become something bigger than it should be. As with the other thread it has been proven (in my mind if not others) that there is no problem and that even if there is it is totally acceptable and can be explained away with AI trying to simulate various Human re-actions. The issue of AI behaviour was raised by others and all Redwolf was doing is trying to explore that. He has and it has been answered. I can understand why he continues to ask why did the MKIV not move back. To me this is not an issue and I am happy with the AI's assessment of the situation. Redwolf will have to accept that as I am sure he will. As to the personal comments from both sides well I hope we can all stand back from that and accept it as a bit of rough and tumble in a vigourous debate. Life is too short to take it personal as I am sure all agree. Cheers H P.s. I was wondering how Harv had tested things so quickly and I thank Harv for explaining. In a hot debate it did seem a bit quick and I do not think Redwolf was un-justified in questioning it. Just my opinion and I mean no dis-respect to Harv in saying this, all I offer is some balance.
  18. Forgive me TB, I never read any of your e-mails. I had too much to drink last night and was not totally with it. As for that darn pesky Sgt Lucky Bstrd. Please put him in my group so that I can get my revenge. Good news as being counted as a Newbie. Should be interesting in seeing who we get put up against. You never know I might get to player the lawyer as well..... H P.s. Ali & Wreck can you stay away from this one this time, please give me a chance I am thirsty.
  19. Me Me Me Me... I need my third crack at trying to get my paws on them there wines... H P.s Do I get a bonus prise for being sad enough to be the first to respond. (Good job I have logged on, after a good meal down at the local chinese in Leamington Spa. Burp... (opps that should be in another thread.) P.P.s It is the 1st Dec in the UK. So I am not early, just you yanks are late. (Like WWII, but that is another story.) [ November 30, 2002, 07:20 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  20. That is way too cheap... If people only knew what they were getting for £13. H
  21. Hmmmm, I guess a hard day at the office for some people around these parts... I can see the points that people are making about using the right approach to the game and that should minimise this from happening (or for it to happen not at all). I can see that Redwolf was just pointing something out he had seen and was trying to see if anyone else had seen it. I can see now that this has been explored fully and things are on the edge of going below the good taste line. Indeed for some it has perhaps already passed that. I shall slowly back out before anyone else Burps or Farts in here as I do not want to suffer the effects of chemical warfare and be stuck crawling in a room with you lot because I have taken a bit of suppression. 15 turns would be too long.... H [ November 28, 2002, 03:22 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
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