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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Hi JK, Sorry to nick your thunder, I was lucky with this game and got on a roll. I need to play wolfie again with something else as I do not think I got him at his best and with a game that gave him enough options. Bit like a game I have just finished with someone. But more on that in the AAR to come.... I am now just getting into the delights of CMBB and look forward to the next ROW. H P.s. Your game has improved (and I hope mine)since we last meet. These AAR's do show how things can be done. CA getting into the finals is great as the last time we meet his attacking style was not as good as it is now... No offense meant with these remarks, it is just an acknowledgement of how playing other people improves your game play. I have a feeling in the next ROW I will find it even harder to make it into the finals, especially if I am drawn against you two old birds... (CA & JK)
  2. As mentioned by Spanish Bombs, "hoping that the distance and open ground between the flags provides enough protection from my armor, to make the rest of this match harder on my opponent than the first part has been." This is the key to the game, as mentioned earlier in the thread. If the Germans can drop the Tigers back on the slightly higher ground and good LOS, then the American player will rarely, if ever win this game. However, like all games people play differently and so different results are possible. H [ October 23, 2002, 07:47 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  3. Morning chaps... The last few turns were finished for us last night and I guess it is now down to Lopaka and Ali to finish off. How's it going gents? H
  4. TB is it time for a new thread? Game nearly finished with The Capt. Just a few turns left. Then I can get on with normal life and we just have to wait for everyone else. H
  5. I would post a link if they had a web site. The paper (a free jobby posted through the door of every home in the area) dropped through my letter box this morning. I will write more of the review on Sunday when I do not have as much alchol in my stream as I do now. It is truly amazing and as none of you lot have told me the answer I shall have to work it out myself.. Just thought it would be nice feed back to Steve and the boys. Big In Banbury.... H
  6. You can win a free copy of the game if you can answer the following question? From which war are the battles and skirmishes featured in Combat Mission Two? I am a bit stuck, and I really want a free copy. Can anyone help? On a more serious note they are giving away ten copies and it is in a small local paper. This means that the user base is going to explode as word gets out... They also comment in the review that "Combat Mission's immense online community is catered for admirably" We are IMMENSE... Well done BTS. H
  7. That will do the fish no good at all won't it... And I thought you were a nice young man.... H
  8. 2 down 1 to go .... Anyone else finished any of the games? Rats and North of E have been dealt with. As usual the best til last... Well I hope that is the case... H
  9. Hi, It is the Best AI in a wargame I have played. I know you said that you would only be playing the computer, but you do realise that you can play games by e-mail? There is nothing like playing another person. The real question is if you would like the style of the game. Play the demo and then decide. H
  10. http://uk.geocities.com/pillboxesuk/imagelist.html This site shows what we have left in the UK... The UK had but a fraction of those in Europe... H
  11. Hi Mark, I guess you have not been keeping up to date with the forum. Beware of this can of worms.... Ignore those who mock as they have got what thou have not... I have the US version and I have yet to play a game with it (BTW this cost me a lot more when you add postage). I will be interested if there are truly any problems between US and German versions. We have been told that the game should be the exact same, except graphics and copy protection. I hope that I will be able to play people with the CDV version with no problems... H EDITED TO ADD THE FOLLOWING. Mark Just read the bit about patches. You should not be worried about this as they will work for both. The Copy protection should be independant of the software. Also Berli's Post below answers the question about playing between CDV and BTS versions. Interesting that some Europeans are saying otherwise? [ October 16, 2002, 05:20 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  12. If it tickles your fancy send it over... E-mail in the profile... H P.S English Humour, Live with it..... [ October 16, 2002, 04:48 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  13. Hmmm as all virgins I am nervous to enter into the fray with you unless it will be perfect. Hmmm what to do.... Hmmm I will wait until GB has prepared us a wedding feast or some other such worthy of his Ilk. I await your call. I await a decent scenario. Fondest regards Holien A CMBB Virgin, waiting to be plucked....
  14. TB, Just a quick question, do we have to write AAR's for points in the finals? I have read the first post and it does not make it explicit if we do have to. Also as I know you are busy can my current opponents send me your AAR's for your previous games. You have not posted them and while I have posted mine I feel the need to read yours... Cheers H
  15. Hi, I agree with the second comment totally... As for common bunkers you have to take that in context with the land being fought over... A small village that just happens to be in the way will not have a bunker (on the whole). Key bridges, command centers in large towns, place where the front has halted for several months, could have bunkers. As you drive round the UK or France you will stumble across bunkers in places where you would not expect. Then when you think about it, it makes sense. Airfields that have long gone, Key river crossings, railway junctions, including yards. 88 less common than 75mm. In fact I think most bunkers if they had large caliber guns they would be captured or older bits and bobs, not 88's... That is my gut feel on it, backed up with travel and personal observation. H
  16. Hi, I was just doing a search and came across your question. If you are still waiting an answer? Barbwire is fairly cheap to make and very easy to deploy if you have time. I would say that it was used extensively if a unit had time to dig in. As for behind the beaches certain key areas had plenty of bunkers and good fortifications even some distance from the landings. Cities, Key bridges and other such places can be expected to have good bunkers for defence as these were being constructed through out the German occupation. I hope that helps? H P.s. Ohh bugger I have been spotted... P.P.s They never used xxxx to defend xxxxx and any designers who does is a gamey Bstrd and should be hauled over the coals.... Edited because I was told off by JK. And if it really helped anyone then it hurt me more so stop the moaning as you have heard nothing YET!!! :mad: [ October 17, 2002, 07:12 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  17. CDIC if your paws designed a certain game I wish you had used less wire!!! The AI and wire don't mix at all... "Ohhh lets ignore your command and run through the wire to certain and absolute death!!!!!" H
  18. Reporting for duty... Just got the game on Saturday, not had chance to play it yet. You will be the first... While I could choose a scenario from the disk I would think by now you have played them all? If you have not point me in the direction of a scenario. I will do the set-up and wiz it over to you. If GB is back from Rome perhaps he has a new fiendish design we can take for a test drive? H (The CMBB Virgin)
  19. Evening all... I hope the games are going well. I have just about done with all mine.... H Ok before the Cpt explodes... Yep I have finally sent you a turn.... As for Ratty I await the experiment to begin, when are you going to attack me? I am sat here waiting.... H
  20. Good Morning.... and it is a GREAT Morning.... I have just got delivered all the way from the states.... U Know What... I guess I can not load it up until I do my turns.... Nahhhh..... There will be a slight delay to normal service... H
  21. Look send me the right file and throw your hands up, that way the pain will stop... God I hope it happens before those reinforcements show up... Or I am in the poo... H
  22. Ali leave him alone he can not take both of us at the same time. Let me have him a few more turns and he will be yours to play with... As for our game I have some thinking to do on that and I am trying to finish off with Lopsie... H
  23. Forgive me for a dumb question but how can you pick up a trojan from a web site? I.e By just looking at the pages and not downloading any code or exe's. H [ October 11, 2002, 12:05 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  24. Sniggger Sniggger (Mutley Snigggerrr) I guess I could not let sleeping dogs lie. H P.s. Stop reading our thread, go off and edit or smuthink...
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