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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Scheer don't worry about James.... If I have to phone him tonight I will do... He is just changing jobs at the moment and I am sure busy doing the set ups. He might even be at the London meeting on Saturday. H P.s. He has not sent me a turn for a two days which is no big deal.
  2. He He He... As for our game Cpl, I was not allowed near the PC last night apart from slipping one out to Bertram. I have only done that set up and I just got the set up from Mr D this morning. I am not sure which game I will set up tonight but it is liable to be only one and perhaps returning Mr D's game. I like the look of the Christmas game so it might be that which will get my full attention. Now I must do some work or lose my job. H
  3. Hi the beast has been sent back, Her in doors demands attention tonight so can not do any set-ups. Bertie I was only teasing and I see you took it in that tone... Now send the turn back and I shall see if I can escape washing the pots to do my turn... Ahhh domesticated bliss... H
  4. Hi Scheer, James has had the occasional hic cup with his e-mail provider. He is usually very reliable and I am sure around here somewhere. H P.s. He might be suffering shell shock as we are learning street fighting together and I have some Russian assualt guns reducing his living options....
  5. Hmmm I have heard of Titan but never seen him around or played him. Could be.... You never see the two together.... As for our game shall we start it or wait a bit until you free up. In the past I have only had two games on the go at any one time as long as the turns are daily. So what my previous e-mail was really asking who should I start first and what sort of turn around should I expect? If you (not you KR, a general question) are a slow gamer I guess the game should start asap so we can finish. However, if you can do quick turns (one a day) then the game can start later as we should not hi the deadline issues. Not sure if this is clear? H
  6. Bloody hell another student who gets to play rather than work... As for Sgt Lucky Bstrd I have not forgotten... Me and a certain Australian have some cunning plans for you. (He He He). I see one of the designers has a sense of humour. The King has signed himself as "Your worst Nightmare". I could be unkind and put a name in that slot but I shall resist. I think I detect his presence elsewhere. Just hope it ain't KF as that newbie is untested in scenario design and I don't want to be his guinea pig. I have all files and passwords and will be dealing with another game tonight (G/F willing). On a more serious note I might only be able to start up a couple of games to begin with. Who in my group are the slowest players? I am guessing the Cpl and KR are quicker turners but I do not know about Bertie Basset, the MD and Sir Tumalot? H. P.s. I am now back at work and lusting for the days when I was young and had no work worries.
  7. The Beast has been unleashed... Anyone for tiffin.. I see I have a new game to set up... Will look at it on the marrow.... Night all. H
  8. Hmmm Fish Boy I don't know why you singled me and Rocket man out... You chaps do know what you are doing!!! Here am I trying to concentrate on work and you keep posting these darn messages indicating that you are playing while I am working... Stop it!!!! As for the games I have a set-up to do and will look into this when I get home. Snow allowing as I might be snowed in at work.... :eek: H
  9. Yep I know the two... As for the question it relates to Tiger Tiger. I have yet to play with a T34 85 or much else really so I have that fun to come... H
  10. Hi Berli, Thanks for the response I will try this tonight if I get the chance. I had some success with rushing three T34's forward on the right flank. They were then behind the German assualt. (I consider this a tad gamey as I know the setup of the Germans and would not do this if I did not know it was safe to do so at the start.) Against a human player (the Capt) I managed to slow down his assualt and waste time in chasing them down. The AI ignores them and this allows you to have them come in behind the attack. Pity Harry does not show up as he might learn something here. H
  11. This is an interesting game as the key is using the T34's well enough to strip off the German armour. The Command Delays are a killer and even with shoot and scoot it is a tough time to get hits without being picked off. I am not sure if it is better to use the T34's at close range or long range. Long range the Germans get more hits as there optics are better. However the T34's stand a better chance of shrugging them off. Short range the Soviets have a better chance to hit but they die quicker as well. What do people think is the best approach to using the T34's short or long? H
  12. Hi, I have seen that Harry has posted another review on Tiger Tiger. Any chance of Adm K pointing him in the direction of the discussion here. While I agree the scenario is a tad biased towards the Germans it does serve a useful training role and can be won against the AI. Harry if you read his why don't you add into the discussion on the Tiger Tiger thread? I agree with some of your views but you are a tad harsh and were a bit personal in previous comments which is un called for. H
  13. Ohhhhh dear I do hope I have had enough practice... Ahhh well into the cauldron once more and I hope the water is not too hot... Good luck chaps and Tally Ho.... H P.s Off to bed, wake me when it's morning... [ January 06, 2003, 05:59 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  14. Hi, Finished my attempt against a human, (if you can call the Capt that ) He did a Maj on me and I was crushed. I got into too many Tank Battles where the Tiger's just crushed me. I then replayed this at the weekend vs the AI and I managed a draw. I have a lot to learn on using Russian armour and how to deal with time delays. The one great victory with the AI was a penertration of a Tiger from a T34 side on from some distance. It was the Crack Tiger and it made me smile to see that they can be taken out occasionally. I guess a very very luck shot. This game is not balanced for human play but against the AI you will certainly improve your tank and defence tactics. Nice game as it can be replayed with you feeling that you might do better next time. Unlike a certain grave yard that justs gets frustrating. H
  15. Thanks I enjoyed reading that. H
  16. KR you win the longest AAR competition... I too enjoyed the game and I would agree the Allies can win, but as with all games it depends on the scenario, luck, skill and what your opponent does with their luck and skill. This was one of the better scenarios and I agree that WWB is a good designer who I have a lot of time for. H
  17. Hi I would not add air power. IMO. Give the Germans a bit more strength perhaps with a few more Shrecks? But airpower can unbalance it big time. H P.s. Come on KR I want to know the end....
  18. Well I only bought it to give you guys some money I have not even read it yet... Have a great break and treat your partners and kids with some of your valuable time and love. Merry Christmas... H
  19. Nope not a figment, a Pratt. I think he should update his interests with this word at the end. Pity there are so many in this world. H [ December 23, 2002, 06:51 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  20. Just into the scenario High Noon with CA playing double blind so no spoilers please. So far seems like an intense low tech tank shoot out with a bit of infantry. Just seen a great turn with all guns blazing just hope I have done more to him than him to me. The death clock just adds so much... So High Noon is one to play... H
  21. KR it all depends on the scenarios.... H P.s. I will do an e-mail test tonight if I sort out the turkey and do all the other tasks given to me by beloveded. Ohh the joys of Christmas...
  22. You did that deliberately didn't you!!! Now if you have CMBB and do get some free time I have a score to settle... E-mail when you can and we shall have at least one game. H P.s. I guess I get to take it out on KR instead... (He He He.) [ December 20, 2002, 03:18 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  23. Were there not some complaints about this from those playing this? I thought I detected some coded messages about this game? Was I wrong? For me it was a good low tech game but perhaps balanced in favour of the Germans? H [ December 19, 2002, 05:22 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
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