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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Give the guy a chance to respond chaps, before wading in... H
  2. Schoerner fair points and an update on the game where I have men in the same building as lots of dead German units. This turn I ID some more of the units and got a bit more info. I think the model is working on a random chance of giving out basic info and I would think it would be worth checking in your own games. This was a new feature to me and it really is icing on a bloody good cake which makes the game more enjoyable IMO. H
  3. This looks interesting... It does indeed look like a patch for CM2. Hmmm I am sure it will soon become clear... H
  4. Hmmm just thinking about this more. Would a grunt recognise the different uniform types. Yep I know the SS stand out, but would you know what type of SS unit? Would the Average Russian / German soldier who has little education have any interest in all the different styles of uniforms. Remember the war time armies did not go through all the training peace time armies get. I think there were special Intelligence units that shifted the battlefield after the action looking for clues on what / who was fought. As CM models the action this is perhaps out of the remit of the current model and would add weight to the current modelling IMO. H
  5. Hi John, I think the difference here is that you would certainly do as you describe once a lull was found in the combat, but until then you might not be paying that much attention to the dead, apart from shooting them again to make sure that they are dead. I think an abstraction has been made on what to reveal and this has (or seems) to be random and the discussion is to what should be known and when about the dead units you are near. Also what an officer might be looking for and what a soldier will be looking for are two different things. Knowing human nature it could well be that the regular grunt only knows that it is a dead human. They are little interested in what unit, until asked by a more senior officer. However, as I have little experience of a real battlefield I do not know what soldiers are trained to do now, and more to the point then. H [ November 21, 2002, 11:17 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  6. Ok, Now in that situation think the game gives you a random chance to ID the unit. If you do not then it can be explained away by the following. 1st, a destroyed unit is not all dead men, so some might have escaped / run away, aka cowards or sensible men depending on your view. Therefore no bodies with those few men. 2nd, Men are taken from a unit when wounded. These can range from any sort of wounds. These men might be removed or dragged away from the combat area during the course of the fight. 3rd, The element of men left (dead) (Remember at the end of a game the KIA numbers are really very small to the total casulaity figure.) is small and these might not have unit ID. During war weapons and uniforms got swapped. People hit with bullets tend to bleed a lot and unit id's become un-readable. Weapons can not be relied on to ID a unit. 4th That small element of dead will be scattered over an area and in hidy holes, depressions in the ground. When you come under fire you try and find somewhere that you can get out of it, so not all dead will be in obvious places. So all in all in some situations you might only know that it was an infantry unit. You might have a few dead ripped apart by grenades and MG fire and any chance of ID'ing the unit is slim. The fact that I have ID'd some units seem to indicate a random chance and that is good IMO. This is like the Death Clock where your units will not know everything straight away. I love it, but am happy to understand why people might want it different. H
  7. Hi, Perhaps I am not understanding what you want? In my current situation I know that infantry units have died in the building. I do not know the make up of all those units. I know that just outside the building are two possible mortar teams, but no more than that. I know that upstairs a HMG unit has met its end. I have ID'd one unit as a platoon HQ, and another as a recon squad. However the other units have not been ID. So I presume there is some random chance of ID'ing a unit and I have been un lucky. This to my mind works and can be explained by falling rubble, off limit rooms where I can not get in due to rubble etc... I have been given enough information to know that they were infantry and that is enough? Could you explain further what sort of exact info you want so I can understand? H
  8. Well I think of it like this. Your men would have to spend time looking at the dead unit. There might not be a lot of it left. The gun unit might be a heap of twisted metal. Tanks seem easier to ID and this would be the case IRL. The information might take some time to be passed back to the HQ unit. The bodies of the dead unit will be spread about and need finding. Especially in a large building they could be all over the place. If I was commanding in that situation I would rather my men be posted looking for the living enemy than searching the dead. I think there might be a random chance of discovering what the unit is. That is good IMO. I have yet to complete any of the games I have started in CMBB (as I am only playing PBEM and refuse to play by myself when there are so many opponents out there) and so far this feature really helps with the immersion and reality of the situation we are playing with. H
  9. This is a new feature and I think quite good. In the CMBO you used to get full info on the unit and fairly quickly. Now it takes ages if ever to get info on what you have killed. I am in a game at the moment where I occupy a library and there are heaps of dead German units. Some have been Id'd most have not. I have sent my men around in loops in the building to see if they will Id them, to no avail. I think it is neat and can be explained as the fog of war. H
  10. Hi, If there is any space I would be interested. If not I would be interested in what you do as I have an idea of getting some players together at one place over a weekend to do something similar. If you have any documents explaining how it is run then could I be cheeky and ask for them so I can read through how you did the previous event. Regards H P.s. MD's Ideas sound fun. [ November 21, 2002, 05:42 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  11. Just a quick report. Indeed the way to get flame is to target area and say no the main weapon... Pity as it would make sense to use both? H
  12. Hi TB, Will do, we have proved that Another day is finely balanced and unless you do well on the attack for the first flag then you will be in minus points. It is possible to get the 1st flag and be up on points for the Allies. However after that it is a downhill fight for either side to make an attack across that open land. Anyway yep Head for the Hills will see me as an attacker and see if I can use the arty to effect. If I can not use it well I shall lose. H
  13. Dohhhh first double post in my life.... H [ November 14, 2002, 04:56 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  14. Hi Cap Dog, If congrats are due, well done. Either way it sounds like more fun is Aussie land than China. Pity you will be off line for so long... H
  15. Thxs will try that. I had thought to give it a go, but will try it. H
  16. Hmmm I know the two.... This will prove most interesting. The curse of the finals has struck again... Only teasing TB, please don't hit me.... (Again) H P.s Whats the difference between cream cakes and fruit cake? [ November 13, 2002, 03:25 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  17. Hi Wolfie... Nope I have used area target with the main gun and within the range specified of the flame weapon but it just fired the gun not the flamer. I want to fry a whole bunch of things that are not in sight but would be hit by the splash!!! H
  18. Guesses on a postcard as to what that might be... ROFL H P.s. A light hearted jest at the discussion just waiting to happen....
  19. Hi, Can anyone tell me how to get tanks armed with guns and flame weapons to fire the damn flame thrower. I should know this but I have forgotten. I need this asap as I want to flame a certain person!! He has set fire to my bread factory and I want revenge!!! H
  20. Ahhh Upstate NY, A wonderful place. I studied at a high school just north of Syracuse. The holiday was fun and it is great to be swimming in the sea in Nov. As for our game it is not going as well as expected and due to the loss of the second PB which I was allowed to move and perhaps should not have done , I am behind in the points. Even though I had a couple of shots with Fausts at a Sherman who got too close and some good ambushes. So far I have lost three sections and a HQ unit and another squad and HQ are reduced. In return I am not sure exactly what I have done but I have written off 1 x 12 man section and reduced several more. We are going to do a CF to see exactly what the position is after I have vacated the 1st flag area. After that we shall play on to see what happens. If I am behind points I might launch an attack but that is doubtful as the map does not suit a German attack really well. So far CA has the edge and I could be eating my words, which is fine. You can't be right all the time!! H
  21. Nice site, well laid out, Only slight comment is it is a pity the CM stuff is at the bottom. H
  22. Sorry to hear that, I await your e-mail when you want to play. I have been busy with renovation and now it is winter my gaming time is back on the agenda. H
  23. You taught me all I know... Now we have cmbb do you fancy a game for old time sakes? H
  24. I think you do... It will be close but I think you have it... But next time I will get my revenge.... H
  25. Knaust, No wonder you take so long with your turns, you gamey so and so!!! Thxs I have learnt something too... H
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