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Everything posted by Holien

  1. 2b or not 2b that is the question.... Len has come up with a novel numbering solution which has me dazed... I think it is a cunning plan to put me off balance.. Turn two underway.... H
  2. Hi, IMO the graphic is preety spot on for coverage. Overlapping does help increase the chance of a hit. A good way to increase chances is by rotating them into along the axis you expect the tank to travel down. E.g. Road rotate the square so it's two opposite corners are on the road hence giving slightly longer distance for a tank to travel throug the mines. Then overlap slightly either side with another AT mine. This will give broad but overlapped coverage. H
  3. Just watched 3 Tigers go through a field. Well actually only one got through the other side... Dems da breaks... H
  4. Hey CDIC I see your PC has not yet been crated via a fast boat to HK yet? That or are you sad enough to be in an Internet Cafe? Yep wedding is set for August and as we are having friends from Aussie, Argentina and the States over we will delay the honeymoon until Nov when we can get rid of the free loaders... As for destination I am keeping your suggestion in mind. I am also waiting to see how the world progresses in the near future. As for ROWIII, I take it all back about that damn Aussie he has sent two files and even given me action. Action is a big plus as I was getting a tad bored.... Thxs KR!! Just that yappie Kiwi who has failed to deliver and is curled up in his bed as I type this. I even got a turn from T and I wanted to send it right back as I did not like it. Who knows I might avoid putting up the curtain rails.... Occhhhh I must go she has me by the balls.. Yes dear, no dear, three bags full dear.... Ohhh married life is wonderful.... H
  5. Ahhh hahh my two slow opponents have time to moan... Look you two it is 9.46am here and I either have a day of gardening, painting and putting up pictures for my beloved, or some turns from you two!! So stop watching the rubbish on Saturday night TV and do something constructive. Both of you are just delaying the inevitable. As for the Cpl I think you will find that is not the game Mr Spkr is talking about as I think he might mean something else. Ohh and if T can stop playing in the snow and send me a turn that would be damn fine too. Until then I back to the Septic tourney. H
  6. I see you have the file... Muhhhhaaaaaaaa!!!! Sorry mate but a baptism of fire for both of us... I think the Gentlemany phrase is being blooded. H
  7. I think it is really unfair to call Rex a Devil... Tut Tut... H See if I care (Stomp Stomp Stomp (as I wander down South))
  8. Hi, For Tourney play when you don't know your opponent it is kinda of essential. Well in reality not as you should still be able to win either way. But I would like an answer and then I know how to deal with it. H
  9. Hi KR. While I think of it, how long do you reckon I should leave it before querying with my ISP if they have a turn lying around from Sth. Australia? Regards H.
  10. Hi JW, I care as I would like to know I am on a level playing field. Is that unreasonable? H
  11. Look chaps the main question is are the times too long in the game? I have been watching you lot show off your man hoods by displaying your vast knowledge and while interesting I would like to know your views on the question above. In the real world would it take as long as the tests have shown? H
  12. Wicky what an interesting question... I just popped in to post my apology to Len as we have drawn a night time meeting. Now lets see how my SMG squads fair... Sorry Len. Turn will be done tonight after work.... H
  13. Let the mayhem begin... This is my first ever CMBB QB and I am a tad nervous. (Some of you may find that hard to fathom but it is the truth. IMO why QB when there are scenarios made by top quality designers just waiting to be played double blind...) I had to RTFM to understand why 1500 had turned into a larger amount. And I am not sure if I should have spent it all on KV's. Turn sent to Len... I await the action. H [ February 20, 2003, 05:06 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  14. Ahhh hahhh Winecape you have only caught half a conversation and ended up with half an answer. Yes we are playing for great South African wine. However the Cpl is annoyed that for my wedding I have chosen Australia wine to be on the tables. Penfold's to be exact. Now if we had been getting married in South Africa it would have been South African wine without a doubt. I see Major_Victory may have a drop out? Is the said person still sending turns to his other opponents? Sometimes people need breaks and it is usually good form to e-mail saying so. Did you get such an e-mail? H
  15. Rex darling.... I look forward to you actually turning up to a drinking session hosted by Andreas. I have been down that way three times so far, so I must clasify as an honuary southerner. (I guess if you knew I was actually Welsh I would be banned from playing!!!) Anyway I have some plans up my sleeves for later in the year so this little social net get together will help identify some potential victims. As for winning or losing this is unimportant, it is more about learning. (I just learn more than some.) H [ February 20, 2003, 12:18 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  16. A fair question and good reply from Rexford. I shall be doing the setup tonight if I can find out who the chap I am playing is. Yawn..... Must get back to sleep.... H
  17. Aussie wine is better than Kiwi wine? Discuss... The Penfolds last night was just too good to turn down. Anyway I see you are out getting some sun as well. I had two inches of ice to clear from my car this morning!!! H
  18. KR please remove that from your post!!! I demand it!! (And I demand a turn you sun soaked Aussie!!!) As for StoneAge I demand you do the same Immediately. Seriously it is not best form chaps.... Regards your nagging Aunty... H
  19. Thxs for letting me play, I feel like I am back at school waiting to be picked by a Captain in a game of footie. At least now a days I am not the last to be picked. Sounds good, This will be my first QB and I will need to work out what are good picks. If this works out I look forward to my next trip to the pub in London and catching up on some faces. Pity James missed this thread I should have sent him it. I guess he is too busy looking for a job? H
  20. Hi Frency / et al... Saying it does not look good is fine. Saying Minor / Major etc I think goes over the edge of FOW. (Frenchy could you edit that bit out of your previous post?) However, I could be wrong and will let KF butt in, to clarify. H
  21. I absolutely demand to play now if Andreas is playing!!! My dead Germans on a certain hill need avenging. H
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