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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Cpl if you have time to read this you have time to play the damn video.... Come closer... That improves accuracy... H
  2. What I am saying is that you can average it out at 30%. It could be worse than that and it could be better. But if you want an average figure reckon on 30%. H
  3. Hi, I read a comment somewhere saying to estimate it at 30% average. However, you could be lucky / unlucky and get better or worse depending on where hit. This makes the Panther turret quite vulnerable. H
  4. I guess Banbury does not count? If it does and you need head count then I am up for it. H
  5. Thxs to the Cpl for two turns this morning. Now off to work. I hope the e-ping monkey pings when I return. H
  6. Yawn.... After a quick start thanks to MD and Bertie everything is now ground to a halt (well nearly). KR at least manages a turn a day, he is old and I understand his slow moves, a bit like a certain Aussie bowler who is back home. Tuomas has not replied in well over a week and I do hope you are OK to continue. The Cpl has promised a turn on Thursday and I do hope we can get some regular turns in after that date but I can understand if RL prevents it. I shall in the meantime talk to me old Italian mate Knaust and see if he can play or perhaps that other nice T chap from Finland? Knaust! Knaust! where for art thou.... H
  7. Hi, A turn a week would be nice guys, if you guys can manage it that is. I still await turns from all of my esteemed opponents. Cpl, I know that the game is tough on you so if you want to surrender no-one will think any less of you. H
  8. To Patch or Not To Patch that is the question. Don't Patch unless specifically agreed here by the organisers. In reality I don't think it would make much difference but I understand the view expressed. So I will await a decison and continue without the patch. H
  9. Update... James Crowley your e-mail is bouncing my response. Send me your back up e-mail address. Cpl Carrot is now an Honuary Brit as he s moaning more than me. If he continues I shall send him on a posting to Australia where he can put it to good effect. That canny Australian KR is too busy building snow men to attack me. T the Finn is too busy to even do turns. H
  10. Cut and paste "Villers Bocage" Into the search feature above and you will get plenty of advice. H
  11. Hi Pixel, If you can bang out the turns when the Capt is back you will not have a problem. In past preformance he does multiple turns a day and you can even get him TCP Ip if needed. He is very committed. Or should be.. H
  12. Monday update. The game with the Cpl is now underway after the long wait for him to do his set up. Indeed he is now complaining about where I have placed my units. I think he would have rathered I had placed them off the map rather than on it. KR promises me action and keeps his men at bay. Time will tell if he is all talk? As for T he is busy digging out in Finland. I await a turn and hope that he can get some speed up at some time in the future. Meanwhile I am sat here at work... H
  13. Heh Heh Heh.... Night Jim Bob... I guess KR is at work.. OK I give up I am off to bed... Cheers H
  14. Progress update... Xmas is progressing slowly. The King even slower. I am waiting on the Cpl to do his turn. Tut Tut after all his moaning and he still has not sent it back. How tardy... H
  15. Excellent news for me!!!! Hussahh!!! I am now sat at my new computer desk on a new computer chair which is on a bit of carpet on my 400 year old Elm boards. (I need soft rubber castors but these have eluded me so far). My home office is nearly there. It has taken several hours to construct the flat packed desk but all is go. (Several re-constructs later after using the wrong holes... Even the BT man managed to install the ISDN line on Friday correctly. (Eventually). I have another desk to construct on Sunday and painting to finish off but my two year project on my (our if her in doors reads this) 16th / 17th Century cottage is comming to an end. Cpl, I promise by the end of Sunday you will have the completed set up. I do apologise but I have been working damn hard on this house and I want it finished. KR and T, I see I have turns in my M-box, I will look at them later after I shower up. H P.s. Sorry to sound off but this project has driven me nuts and I need to shout about this achievement as I am pleased as punch. I beg your indulgence on this. [ February 01, 2003, 12:17 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  16. Dohhhhh.... The wrong finn!!! What a plonker I am. I meant T for Tuomas who has not been sighted for a while. I guess the snow has buried him. H P.s. Once I have done the set-up for the Cpl shall we have a rematch? I have some free slots once I get that damn set up done. Knaust what about you fancy a game? [ January 31, 2003, 10:43 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  17. This a good scenario to try against a human. As the Russians you really ahve to work hard with your infantry and tanks to win. If you send the infantry in un supported you are going to lose. A tough but winnable challange for the Russians. A Good scenario Berli, at least it is more balanced than assualting Cemeteries on top of hills. H
  18. Cpl, all I am doing is making sure that they are aware that you are no newbie... The public at large need to be aware that there are wolves on the prowl... H
  19. Knaust, I am a crap speller and do not know what you are talking about. I would guess I have used the wrong it's rather than its. What is important is that you have understood me and therefore my language has worked. (To an extent). Ahhhahhh I have forced Tero to break cover. I knew talking of snow within ear shot of a Finn would get his interest. Tero what about a turn or two? As for the Cpl is it not your bed time? I see you are still pretending to be a sheep when we all know what a wolf you are. H
  20. I thought they were more like inane comments... I spent more time on the set up last night and I still don't like it. That has to be a tough mission and because the Cpl is the best player in the group I have to be very careful. Will look at it again tonight, her indoors willing. Still no turn from KR or T. Now off to work in the snow blizzard here. The village has had it's Gas cut off two nights and I have to wade through two inches of deep snow... (Yeah, Yeah, I know what you are thinking, but this is the UK!!!) H
  21. Sorry KR, I am used to two turns a day and when I don't get that from an opponent I start to wonder if they are as committed as me.... Mentally that is I forget there are normal people out there who have lives... I guess I am going to have to start playing the Cpl as he is as mental as me. H
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