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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. I guess unlike a lot of you I play against the computer. I take turns playing one side then the other and I think it's balanced perfectly. I always win. But that's another story. I am very pleased and actually happy about how realistic the game is, as far as I'm concerned anyway. Now I'am not as smart as a lot of you but I have read what I consider alot about WWII and I feel the game is damn near perfect or at least as perfect as can be expected. Yeah, I hate having my tank turn to shoot at a damned crew member when an enemy tank shoots up smoke but hey, like the man said earlier, what's the tank to do, just wait. Well, after saying that, yeah I guess I do but that is about the only fault I see with the game. That by the way that was an interesting question. Why do you ask if I may ask?
  2. Very good thread. Enjoyed reading everyones opinions. So I would like to voice my opinion. I think CM came up with the best game I have ever played. After playing, I don't know, dozens and dozens of times I am still rushing home from work to play it again and again and again. There is so much to this game that you never get bored. If you do you can simply change things around and that solves that. As far as BF themselves, I think very highly of them and will flop down my $50.00 whenever it comes out. I have never seen a company so willing to do what it's customers want. It's very pleasing to ask for something and actually get it or at least find out why it can't be done. Hats off the BF and CM, on with CM2 no matter what. I'll sure it'll be worth the money, but damn they could hurry up a bit, HA! HA! Damn, I've not talked this much since my dad caught be borrowing his car many many years ago.
  3. One of the sites were talking about new mods for unit shoulder insignia patches a week ago or so, anybody know what site it was?
  4. I enjoy playing night games myself because of the strange things that your troops do. I would like to see CM2 come out with some sort of flare action. I'm not really up on WWII but I assume they used flares. It would really add a lot to a night game, put a whole new angle to the game.
  5. You won't regret it. Like they say, it;ll save you money in the long run because you won't buy another game for a long time. And after you play it for say 6 months and just start thinking well maybe I'll look around to see what else is out there, you can download the mods like, sounds, uniforms, terrains, vehicles and guns and tanks, etc and have a brand new and exciting game again. But play the orignal game first, it's great in itself, then go for the mods. You cannot go wrong getting this game. I could go on forever but I think you should be getting the message - what are you waiting for. Buy it. When you do please let us know by responding, I'd like to ask you what you think. Man, you are going to be very happy.
  6. OK, great! I've already saved it in my favorites list. I also go there first when looking for mods or info. Good deal, back in business.
  7. I will let more knowledgeable people than I answer your questions, since I'm pretty new myself, just wanted to say welcome abroad. This is really a cool forum. You will notice however that there are those that never sleep, eat or I guess even have jobs. But they're cool. I will answer one question, however. I have a PentII, 128 ram and 20 something harddrive , I don't know what all that means but maybe you will, anyway I downloaded for days- really all the mods I could and while it did slow my game down it wasn't a whole lot, but it did. I was warned that downloading grass mods would do that, but I know have people lie so figured that they just didn't want me getting any good grass mods, so I ignored them. Anyway, my point, might not want to download grass mods.
  8. If I was in a jeep that happened on a tank I believe I wouldn;t stop and back up into it;s line of fire, I would haul ass past it. But's that's just me.
  9. You're going to have to kill her. That's all there is to it, or if that seems a bit much, and I can see there are those that might think that, try crying all day and all night until she gives it back.
  10. Thanks for the info. Hope you didn't learn that the hard way.
  11. Excellent news. So there is a God. Great site, I enjoy it the most, and think I've downloaded every single mod you have. Again, great news. I was really sad when thought you had to close it down. Just excellent news.
  12. Well, crap!!!! It's not fair. We should call the fair fairy but I don't know the number. Gotto go my eyes are watering and I'm not joking. Man, what a bummer! Hope you figure something out. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I like it. Looks more real. I will certainly try it when you have it ready. thanks. ------------------
  14. OK, I lost count but I'm 53 years old. Probably should be doing something to improve my health instead of sitting here playing and downloading mods, but what the hell. I love it. I'm presently trying to figure out how to play online to complete with others but still working on it. I'm not that smart when it comes to computers, etc but man am I enjoying this game.
  15. I Know the feeling. Sad isn't it? One of these days I'll actually get back to playing the game. Until then - come on more mods!!!
  16. After my last reply I went to download it before you changed the red lights, but where is it. Please don't tell me it's one of those email things. Can I download it from somewhere? Hope so, I use Hellcats alot and really wanted this one. Would appreciate you letting me know as soon as you get some sleep. Can't believe you are thinking about sleep at a time like this, HA! HA! Enjoy.
  17. Yes, the snowy look looks best in my opinion, but getting just the right amount is the key. I would show you what I mean but no way in hell could I figure out how to make a mod. Just picture the new Hellcat mod, that's nice. Thank all you mod makers for mods that keep this game going strong.
  18. About time the British got upgraded, thank you. Looks very good. 100% improvement. One little thing, please? Any available marking for the other two would really be nice. I hate to ask but you know if you just happen to have a British marking laying around it would sure make it look cool. But hey I'll take what I can get and be very happy with it. There are hundreds of us out here that like marking,Well at least Me.
  19. I like it. I even liked the red lights but I guess that will change so I'll download it right now become you change it. As far as too much snow, that's also the way I like my vehicles. Oh well. Really looks good, no actually I'd say great. Man, you should do more. Don't let no damn job keep you from your hobbies. As far as the patches you're going to make - cool. I personally like patches, stars, crosses, etc. I just think it adds to the game appearances and fun.. In real life I probably wouldn't but hey it's a game. Great looking Hellcat. Thank you!!!
  20. Well, now I'll download this one. I really like it. I hadn't changed the original but I will now. This grabs me. One problem, where is it????
  21. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Now it rules. ( not that it didn't anyway.) Man, all a guy's gotto do is ask and Bam! we get it. You mod makers are really great. I mean it. I love mod makers!!!!!!!!!! Again, thanks Kitty, now let me go see my king after I place that cross on it.. All-right!
  22. Hey, it looks good. I'll get it as soon as you are finished. It doesn't drive with the gun facing the front, well I'll be. No wonder it kept bumping into stuff, HA! HA! - Thanks. Don't suppose you have a mod of the priest in summer ( Not winter ) colors also do you? Hey, no harm in asking, boy, aren't we pushy. Thanks alot for this one, however.
  23. I just now downloaded the new clipboard interface. Now that's nice. Congrats you have done an excellent job. Makes playing the game more fun. Thank, Thank, and Thank you. Very nice work and idea.
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