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Sgt Schulz

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    Fairchild AFB, WA USA
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    gaming, computers, weightlfting, family
  • Occupation
    Computer Systems Operator

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  1. Who's truly finished playing CMBO...after a year and I still have yet to get through all the scenarios...shoot halfway would make me happy right now. :cool:
  2. That is a big AFIRM Just finishing a High-Res Hellcat Winter now....Priest will follow this week....Thanks BFam Kevin ------------------ "D-Day was a nightmare. Even now it brings pain to recall what happened there on June 6, 1944. I have returned many times to honor the valiant men who died on that beach. They should never be forgotten. Nor should those who lived to carry the day by the slimmest of margins. Every man who set foot on Omaha Beach that day was a hero." General Omar Bradley-
  3. You are not kidding Tiger....my BOSE Computer speakers and subwoofer arrived just B4 I got the full version of CMBO. I had DL'd every mod from CMHQ while I was waiting including the sound pack....my first QB literally rattled the window in the room and shook my desk at the first Catastophic explosion. Hehe needless to say I turne the volume down a tad but WOW....
  4. "Look Bubba it's showing it's teeth...Don't you growl at me or I'll poke yer damn eye out!" --some dumb hick holding a stick pointing it at a bear..... No...Noo...Wait...(gurgle) Jewish Fellow in SPR You made it you taste it-- My best friend after i made a leftover sandwich Was that you? Damn you stink!.... WWI allied soldier after his first encounter with mustard gas (J/K)
  5. I forget the name of the Rifle, (anyone) but the Russian had a AT rifle early in the war that could penetrate the armour of light tanks.
  6. well... i can tell who is a russian fan... im not saying that i detest the Russian's Morals, it was their METHOD of fighting, they used massed numbers of mediocre equipment, human wave tactics, etc. Plus, the russians don't have enough of a variety of units, i like lots of toys to play with, not thousands upon thousands of T-34 tanks, most of which were manned by conscripts who couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a nuclear weapon. I find it really hard it hard to believe you really played the CC3 game at all with this statement. Not only in real life did the Russians have a vast amount of various equipment....in the CC3 unmoded game itself provided quite a variety of choices not only in armor but in Infantry choices. im hearing about more command delays for the russians, i know their methods of communications were less advanced than germans and americans, i just think the minute of action phase that you can't intervene in should be considered the time it takes to get a new order in. Is it me or is that time you are watching the movie from your last set of orders? What the delay means, correct me if i'm wrong, that when you give your unit a command, the time next to "Delay" at the bottom of the screen will be longer. All things considered, i do not think that the russian front will be all that entertaining, as the germans always are better experienced, so russian losses will be horrible, i know that is accurate, its just not FUN, Upon reading will will probably find out that mass slaughters occured because of orders to fight to the death on both sides. More than a few times German groups were surrounded and annililated, as were Russian groups, and we are taling 10's to 100's of thousands of men at a time. i know that CM series games are supposed to be realistic, but losing tanks 10:1 in favor of the germans isn't very fun... least' i don't think so.. I do't know if you are aware of the fact that the Panthers and Tigers were built with the Soviet frame of mind, both modeling the panther after proven Soviet armor styles and to combat the tanks with the thicker armor. There were SU series KV, and the ever deadly IS series to name a few. Also as the war drew on the US and Great Britain supplied AFV and other weaponry. Correct me if I am wrong but the German assault rifle was modled after the already proven Soviet Assault gun (grandpappy of the AK-47) seen in the East front....sorry this is a bit vague I am at work and don't have my books to get accurate nomenclature. [This message has been edited by Sgt Schulz (edited 03-04-2001).]
  7. 27 this June.....damn I'm getting old fast. Damn hard to believe I have a son starting Kindergarden this year, married 8 years and in the Air Force 9 years old I tell yea I feel old!! Kevin
  8. If you truly knew how often BTS tweaked the AI in this game, you'd know that what we have now is just about the best yet. All too true...how many updates and a vast majority was because of interests and discrepencies from the players...what other game maker goes out of their way to listento anything a player has to say espicially after the game has been released for so long? And you say that you wouldn't want to buy CM3 and CM4 if it were based on CM1 or CM2 engine. Well, IMHO, I wouldn't care if the engine remained virtually unchanged until after CM4. Again what really needs to be changed at all....mostly fine tuning but jeez these are 60 second turns how may things do people expect from their troops let alone a tank. when gents complain about one battle their tank does this or that, it's plain crazy....I don't know how many times I've sent my Hellcat's cruising along and watch the horrid accuracy from them but hey thats life or should I say that's game. But hey look, if you don't wanna buy the later CMs, then don't. HERE HERE!! Like mama alway's said ya ain't got nuthin nice ta say, don't say S**T. (my ma had a bit of a potty mouth lol) The difference between the CM series and the CC series is, is that BTS cares about its customers while Atomic and Microsoft do not. Very Very true...though I should mention that the rights were sold to the CC series to a group of gents who actually did all the Mods for CC2 and CC3 and they are working on improving the engine and starting their own game series. The CM games will constantly undergo tweaks as bugs are found or enhancements are demanded. That's why ya'all ROCK!! I can understand your point about memory AI when enemy targets pop smoke, but what is the tank supposed to do until the smoke disipates? Just sit there? My question is why would you leave em there? Your lack faith in BTS is very apparent here. Maybe you should be a part of the community more before you go critizing the resolve of the developer. At the very least go back and read a bit of the past threads and do a BIT of research into changes and updates and the quick responses to queries and suggestions. IMHO, if BTS will update older versions up to the current standards of the latest release then I don't see a thing to "worry about" as you said. Now *that* would be the best scenario. Just think if Microsoft updated CC1 to CC2 standards, and so on. But then it would end up suckin' because CC4 & CC5 sucked big time now didn't it? Yes; Yes they did very badly I was PISSED to say the least after playing CC4. Barrold713 you again make some good points and just so you are aware I was not bashing you in anyway I was just trying, albeit lamely, to defend one of my favorite games until CMBO came along and beat it down like a read headed step child. Hope you feel better soon, at least you are able to sit at the computer, took me 2 weeks to even get out of bed after the first surgury. But getting paid for 3 months to play the computer was great I need to get busted up more often. [This message has been edited by Sgt Schulz (edited 03-04-2001).]
  9. As an avid player of both CM and the Close Combat series......I can agree with you barold713 on a few aspects and dissagree on others to start....I can honestly say that during it's time the Close Combat series and still even now is the most realistic "REAL TIME" WWII game available, although just about the only. Though I truly HATE the way the game ended up when it reached CC4 and CC5, I still at times play CC3 and all the modifications made for it. If you have not played the Western Front mod or the Real Red mod people cannot really say they have played the best versions of that game. Combat Mission is a godsend to me and I seldom have time for any other game without taking away from what little time I have with my family....(Poor Icewind Dale I may finish it this year hahaha) but I do occasionally get in a game or two on the Zone. The mod folks have truly done their best to make the game as accurate and complete as possible, and have done woderful work accomodating requests from gamers albiet not as well as BTS....that's another story. What I am actually getting at is there is no comparison of the Close Combat Series and Combat Mission except they are both wonderfully modeled in their own formats and they are both WWII combat. That's it!! CC is real time and Combat Mission is a hybrid Strategy/turnbased (which i might add was ingenious). I'm not trying to target anyone in specific but I must say that if you are going to bash CC3 in particular than either it's not your kinda game or you really didn't give it a chance, at least as far as adding the modifications to the game to enhance the realism. I'm not going to sit here and wave a CC banner but I get tired of hearing people spout off saying how much CC3 sucked when they more than likely never gave it a fair shake. Oh Well my 1 1/2 cents lol. As far as CM2 and whether the game will receive a new AI engine, well IMHO not much will have to be done to improve the AI....it is the best modled AI in any type of game I have ever played to date. I agree that BTS has gone out of their way to accomodate any LOGICAL requests.I really look forward to seeing what pops up next with the russian front, even though I enjoy the western front more than anything else. I don't personnaly care what any gaming magazine says good or bad about a game...I will give any game I feel I may enjoy a fair shake. If CM2 is as good or better than CMBO tahn all the better for us. Oh yea barrold713 I can simpathize with you on the back problem, I am 25 and last year had two surguries to repair two blown discs in my lower spine....OWWWWWWW Too much weightlifting and firefighting....hehe... That victin is good stuff but percasets are heaven hahaha Wish you the best recovery. ------------------ "D-Day was a nightmare. Even now it brings pain to recall what happened there on June 6, 1944. I have returned many times to honor the valiant men who died on that beach. They should never be forgotten. Nor should those who lived to carry the day by the slimmest of margins. Every man who set foot on Omaha Beach that day was a hero." General Omar Bradley-
  10. I just bought (wife bought me) the GEForce2 .... and was just amazed at how great it is compared to the VooDoo3 I had in there B4. All I can say is thank you NVIDIA!! The grafics are night and day no pun intended. Oh yea thanks honey yer the best....no about that new CD writer i wanted hehehe ------------------ "D-Day was a nightmare. Even now it brings pain to recall what happened there on June 6, 1944. I have returned many times to honor the valiant men who died on that beach. They should never be forgotten. Nor should those who lived to carry the day by the slimmest of margins. Every man who set foot on Omaha Beach that day was a hero." General Omar Bradley-
  11. It is quite normal....I have been using Hellcat's in on of the OPs lately....I few turns ago the computer had a Tiger sitting in the woods next to a road. Well with my Hellcat sitting just over a small hill on that same road i gave the order to go all out as fast as possible down that road and back while trying to distract the tiger with some infantry. Well needless to say the Tiger watched the infantry with it's machine guns blaring and tracked the hellcat the entire way down the road. BOOM Hellcat Bye bye!! But funnily it kept cruising in full blaze right down the road and crashed into some woods....Momentum my friend ain't it quirky.. ------------------ "D-Day was a nightmare. Even now it brings pain to recall what happened there on June 6, 1944. I have returned many times to honor the valiant men who died on that beach. They should never be forgotten. Nor should those who lived to carry the day by the slimmest of margins. Every man who set foot on Omaha Beach that day was a hero." General Omar Bradley-
  12. Sorry took so long to get back to you I will e-mail you a copy of this version Today when I get home....26 Feb 01. Update will be sent out asap. Sorry for the delay. Kevin
  13. Ok Done as soon as I get home from another 12 hour shift here at the fire station i will Immidiately 86 the red lights....white light here we come. See what happens when you think crazy thoughts wooo hooo. I bow to the mighty Duo....I personnally like a ton of snow ....I will post a top down pic here when I get home to show even the inside of the turret recevied piled snow. These bad boys didn't get stored in garages.....though that's where I keep mine...lol....pic it apart if you would like.....that which does not kill me makes me stronger unless it's a shot in the nuts then I'd rather just Die lol......laters... Kevin
  14. I was going for the Blacked out with an amber slit a shot to see how it would turn out. Just a twist....The complete whitewashing of the wheelwells espicially was a suggestion I had received.....It would really be no problem to change it if the coloring stands out too much. Like I said was just trying something new....crazy ol me.
  15. Let me know what you think.....If anyone would be interested in test future mods let me know. Mods in the works: Allied patches for use with DD's uniforms....M7 Priest.....Jeep...then we'll see
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