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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Very nice Bogdan. I especially like the gray one. The detail does seem a little dark on the wheels of the others however maybe too much mud affect taking away from the detail. Maybe in the game it'll look more defined and sharp. But I will be using that gray monster that's for sure. Thanks again Bogdan for your work and time.
  2. On second thought I will continue reading on this topic. Wouldn't want to have anyone think I was a coward or can't take the heat. That is if it's not closed up.
  3. It's amazing how a joke can bring the politically correct bunch out in droves. Sad too. I know, I know and you can save it as I won't be visiting this topic any more to hear it. It just amazes me how thin skinned people are now-a-days. Hell, there's jokes about every race, nation, gender, etc that you can think of. It's part of life that we tend to tease or make fun of others as we ourselves are made fun of but there is no need for this lynch mob mentality just because a guy tries to be cute or funny. If a post bothers you then don't read it. Simple as that but no you have to jump on him like he called your mother a bad name or something. Trying to force your politically correct views on everything you encounter is far more wrong in my opinion then a little joke. There's far too many tight asses in this world already we don't need more. Get a life or sense of humor at least. God spare us from you people.
  4. Cool, but yeah probably nobody cares but thanks for showing it never-the-less. Maybe he shot down a plane? Yeah, that's it. In which case - way cool!
  5. I agree Tools just the white stripes would probably tone it down enough. Dying to see it in the game. Really, nice looking mod thanks.
  6. WOW! great stuff Andrew. Those striped tee shirts are way too neat. Man, excellent job. I bet they look great in the game. Thanks.
  7. Well, not being a history expert I too was under the impression that the Italians seemed to surrender a lot at least according to the book " Rommel's War In Africa". by Wolf Heckmann and others I've read over the years. Sorry can't remember the titles but they too left me with this impression. The darn authors really should visit this site before writing if they don't know what they are talking about. I am just starting on "An Army At Dawn" by Rick Atkinson and it'll be interesting to see if he is also wrong.
  8. My all time favorite is "Bug River bug out". But please don't hold the title against it. Hehe. It is one if not the best scenario's I have ever played. I played it against the AI but really believe it would make a even better Pbem. I could go on for a half an hour about how exciting and fun it is not to mention stressful. I mean it has you sitting on the edge of your chair throughout the whole game. Anyway, it's here: http://www.garykrockover.com/cmbb/index.html at a place called "The Proving Grounds". Try it. You will not be disappointed. Trust me on that.
  9. I love it. Dieing to see what it looks like in the game. Bright? Maybe a little but it sure is different and I love different. Very cool.
  10. Excellent. Thanks once again Andrew. You are amazing. Such detail and color. Did I say excellent yet?
  11. Please allow me to say that this is a top notch site and the one I go to first even before coming here. I have only been really involved in the site a month or so but I really enjoy it. The scenarios are first class and just a lot of nice guys. I really suggest you visit it and check it out.
  12. Hey gautrek I just got a chance to really look at your website. Very impressive and well done. I'm glad you mentioned it. Keep up the good work and thanks for all your efforts and hard work. We do appreciate it. Man, you have pumped out some great mods and lots of them. You da man!
  13. It all depends on the amount of time one has so everybody is right it takes and we need all different sizes of games and turns. I am starting to get into operations after recently playing one over at The Proving Grounds http://www.garykrockover.com/cmbb/ called Kubyshevska because not only was it a fantastic scenario and loads of fun and excitement but it was 6 battles of 20 turns apiece so you could play as long or short as you wanted. I also really enjoyed the feeling that you got commanding the same troops each time. It really made you try to take better care of your men because you knew you'd need them the next battle. It was also fun fighting on familiar grounds over and over. It sets your mood. When I got through with it I felt the way you do when you finish a really good book and have to lay it down. You know, kind of sad not being able to be with your characters anymore. Hard to explain but you may know what I mean. So I say design them all. Different strokes for different folks.
  14. What I think is so neat is the trees moving in the wind. Especially if it's cold and raining. It really sets the mood. You can feel the discomfort of your men. It all depends on the scenario too. I have played several recently from http://www.garykrockover.com/cmbb/ that really were so well done that it really sets the mood whether it be panic and scared or whatever. A good scenario can sure set the mood if the designer knows how to use the different conditions or effects in the game engine. I love this game.
  15. Hey gartrek you should start a new post letting everybody see this beauty. I'm afraid most won't look at this topic thereby missing your new mod and be able to comment on it. Just an idea.
  16. I agree the same old screen gets old so it is really nice having difference ones to see. I really like this new one gautrek. Excellent job. As far as you going back to mods I have to admit I was a little worried there for awhile. Yeah, a break every once in a while is nice and very much needed.
  17. I got you Tools. Yeah I must have missed that one. So good the monocolor posted as well. Excellent. Let us know won't you? More good news then gautrek. Cool. I wonder what it could be? Seems things are turning around since I posted this topic.
  18. I noticed that too LeakyD. I was playing a game the other night and this Russian flamethrower blasted a hut that my guys were in from around 45 meters. I never could get my guys to shoot at anything close to that or so it seems. I'll have to run a test.
  19. Yeah I agree Combinedarms I on occasion like a surprise too and is the reason I sometimes let the computer pick the enemy force course I have to do it 100 times before I find one I can tolerate. Too bad about my idea not working but if there's a will there's a way.
  20. Hey thanks gartrek for the exact mod I'll need to look for. Cool. Tools, this is nice why can't you post it as is? I mean some might like it as is - No? ------------------------------------------------- Quoted by Fools4Tools "I'm new and wondering...are there any real debates on this board?? -------------------------------------------------- You are new to this? Am I missing something here?
  21. Oh goodie another story. Loved it like your previous one. Those damn Germans were tough I tell you. I am somewhat surprised however that he didn't aim in between the two squads to knock them both out. Bet if I had been playing the Russians that's what would have happened. Thanks LeakyD.
  22. I'm confused. Is there a Madmatt mod pack for CMBB? I wasn't aware of it if there is but then I'm not aware of a lot of things. Nobody tells me anything. If there isn't and you are referring to using the one for CMBO for CMBB I don't believe that will work.
  23. Finally a mod. Thanks ever so much Flesh. You saved a otherwise sucky week by posting this. It is a beauty as all of your stuff is and as all of your stuff - no markings. That hurts, but hey like they say " Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" so I won't, but As far as the PzIV not being a worthy opponent of Russian armor I say you are wrong and I hate you.
  24. This brings up an idea I had many months ago. What if you could get someone from the forum to just choose the AI's force for it? He would do nothing else just pick the force and get it back to you somehow and you could continue on with your QB. I don't know if this is possible but it seems this would eliminate this age old problem. Just a thought.
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