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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. As far as I know togi any units riding don't get any spotting abilities. It's the vehicles spotting abilities that apply. At least this is my understanding but if wrong hopefully someone will come along and correct me.
  2. A very good point Green Rascal and one I knew about but failed to bring up. Now that you got me thinking another problem is that they could distract a tank from firing on an enemy tank or one that was approching them. So yeah it does effect the realism of the game in more ways than one. So it's still a problem and I think it should be addressed but so few people seem concerned with it I'm afraid we'll just have to live with it.
  3. Yeah Michael I was just pulling your leg. Made you think for a minute though didn't it? Say Halberdier I had already intended to do what you suggested but how do you get the numbers down in a squad to equal a HQ unit. Just asking. That's funny about your two lone HQ units pulling a John Wayne on those troopers. I bet it was somewhat of a shock to see them pull it off but that's just about what happens to me when I encounter enemy HQ units and is the reason for the testing. Oh and I couldn't agree with you more about the Tank Hunter teams. At least when they're mine. Now the enemies seem quite capable and have done a lot of damage to my surprise. Mine on the other hand are cowards and sissies.
  4. Sounds to me that you are wasting your time and ammo but I remember somebody some time ago that I felt knows what he's talking about said that he always shot anyway even if there was no chance cause some times stuff happens. So fire away I guess but I would maybe make your men a pot of coffee they may be there awhile.
  5. Hey gautrek nice looking screen I really like it but no we don't have BMP# 11007. Bummer, oh well I'm happy for the other guys that get to use it. Sissies.
  6. Michael since you were so kind to help me on my "Which German tank used the most" thread I simply have to return the favor. There were 2 divisions on the European theatre according to my many sources. One was the enemy's which I believe were either German or could have been Irish and the other of course would have been our's the Allied's. Hope this helps you out.
  7. I understand your point JasonC and sure wouldn't argue with you about it anyway as I can't see myself coming in 1st place when it comes to infor on this game. So that is probably right or I should say is right and should be the end of it but since I got it all set up anyway I'll run it 100 times or so or until I get bored just for grins. I appreciate your reply as always though. At least I can console myself with why it happens now anyway. Also I agree with you that they aren't much of a danger so why not ignore them. Well, actually I can answer that. They piss me off so bad I even take the time to go hunt them down and kill them, that's how mad I get. Kind of silly but it feels good. Oh and Michael Emrys that is exactly how I set up my testing map, as I call it. If what you say is true and I don't doubt it then my test seems - well kind of simple. But hey I'm a simple kind of guy so I'll just run them to see what actually happens. So if what you are saying is true then if my test shows that the infantry units always win then it's probably incorrect and the HQ units actually should have won. Right?
  8. I just logged in and checked it out. WOW! Columbus that is awesome. Just awesome. Oh I like it so much better. Man the difference between night and day. Great job, truely great. I am very very impressed. I've said it before and I'll say it again - YOU DA MAN! Hip, hip and all that stuff. God that was funny calling Columbus a punk. I was taking a sip of coke and almost spit it out. Thanks for the laugh. That was truely perfect timing and humor. [ September 15, 2003, 10:43 PM: Message edited by: lcm1947 ]
  9. How about a picture of a vast desert with a lone Matilda tank - burning, while a distance away a PZIV sits on top of a sand hill with it's barrel smoking. Heck you wouldn't even have to say what it was about. I think everybody would know that you were talking about desert warfare or CMAK.
  10. Thanks for the comments Dave H and Michael Emrys (ignoring the hordes.) Dave H that's true that pitting these two units agaist each other will be a mismatch but that's my whole point. A HQ unit be it a platoon level or higher of 3 or 5 guys shouldn't be able to stand up to a squad of 9 to 12 soldiers and not get killed or broken. At least not in the time period I've seen. I had one case very recenly where I had 48 soldiers firing at a Company HQ unit for something like 5 turns and then the HQ unit finally sneaks off. True a couple of the men got hit but they didn't panic or anything just ducked down for all this time and then decides they had enough and sneaks off. They were in wooded trees but only around 100 yards away. I couldn't believe it. Michael Emrys what do you think I am a robot or jobless? That would surely be great and proof beyond a doubt but man I don't have that kind of time or patience. I am just trying to see for myself what is going on. If nothing else it will satisfy me and maybe a few others that have seen it happen. Who knows maybe others will start some tests of their own just to see. Now I don't expect BFC will redo their work based on my primitive tests but maybe it'll satisfy me because to me it is bothersome. Anyway I was off today and thought I'd do it but damn look at the time. Anyway, for sure your way would prove something but my way will satisfy me or maybe not. So thanks for the reply but I'll have to pass on the months of testing.
  11. That was actually quite good Vader'. Got my laugh for the day thank you.
  12. Oh I like this latest one even better. That is sharp! Please don't do anymore gautrek I can't keep switching back and forth like this.
  13. I am going to be conducting some tests to proof once and for all if the title is true or in my own imagination. I have been frustrated time after time with what I feel is way overmodelling of these units all the way back to CMBO and while there have been discussions and debates on the subject no one has proven one way or the other if it's true. Now we or at least I will put this nagging question to rest one way or the other. Now the reason I am posting here is to get input on how the setup should be conducted. My main point being I don't want to run all these tests to have someone point out that they were flawed for one reason or another so am asking for your help here. Anyone have any criterion that I should use in these tests. First I will be using Russian HQ units verus a German squad. Terrain will be flat and weather clear and bright. Distance will be set at 350 meters or does the game go by yards. Well, which ever is used. I think that's about it. I will hold off for awhile to see if anyone cares to chime in and if not I'll run as is. Course no one else may be interested and that's fine but it's driving me crazy and I just have to stop all this cursing in front of my computer. My wife is threating to wash my mouth out with soap if I don't.
  14. I too believe that moving in snow is over done. Iv'e hunted in snow almost up to my knees on occasion and while it was somewhat difficult I didn't have any problems walking 10 yards. Not just 10 yards. Come on guys you would have to be pretty damn out of shape to have trouble after only 10 yards and we are talking about young soldiers here that are in some sort of physical condition I'd think. It just isn't realistic. Now maybe without pausing you'd be breathing hard after 30 or 40 yards but not tried, not after just 10 or 20. I realize and love the way BFC tries to make the game realistic and they do an excellent job but there is such a thing as going overboard and I think we see it here. My 2 cents as they say.
  15. You Columbus are DA MAN! I can't imagine what we'd do without your great site and I wouldn't want to try. The way you keep upgrading it and improving it it just impresses the heck out of me as I am sure it does the others. Good job, no great job and thank you especially for this improvement. It'll be so much nicer and friendly now.
  16. I knew we should have invaded Canada years ago. Hmmm. There's still time. Just for the record Michael I didn't for one second think you were serious. Well, maybe for a second but that's it. OK, now that Michael has got that out of his system could we get serious now. So PzIV's were the most produced then? Maybe that's correct but I also see a lot of PzIII's in scenarios too like Monty. Somebody has got to know for sure. Maybe Michael will be so embarrassed for himself now that he'll find out?
  17. This may have to be directed to the scenario designers but I am wondering if anybody knows which German turreted tank is seen the most often in scenarios. Now it may very well be the one that had the greatest production numbers in real life but not necessarily. Although I wouldn't mind knowing that too. Any guesses or facts would be appreciated.
  18. WOW! This should be good. Sure hope my computer can handle them and if so I can find an opponent that will last that long.
  19. I think I'll try playing a game where I don't target things for my troops just to see what happens but I can't imagine not directing them. Do you actually go through a whole game not picking targets out for them? Your armor too?
  20. This "Discussion Area" is really a great idea GJK and has added something to an already good and interesting site. Should be fun to help the scenario designers by letting them know what you experienced in the game before they release it to the general public. It allows an area where you and others can kick around ideas and thoughts that you have pertaining to the scenario after playing or during a game. It's kind of fun and if you are like me and too lazy or just don't have time to design one yourself it's the next best thing to making a scenario yourself. Anyway, good idea.
  21. I also always reverse when I get bogged. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. What's a driver to do? I'll continue to do it though as it hasn't been shown that it doesn't help.
  22. Actually not a bad idea as I have numberous times forgotten to do this or that and therefore forgot to do it.
  23. After much thought and research I personally think the man has a point. I'm thinking class action suit.
  24. I never allow them to target on their own. They always do it wrong. Well, they do. I don't see how you guys ever win that way but hey to each their own and I suppose it works for you or you wouldn't do it.
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