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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Thanks Ted and yeah that guy does some excellent mods of uniforms doesn't he?
  2. In regards to whether you need troops on the far shore to build a Bailey bridge the answer is yes and no. Yes if the current or wind was great enough and no if not. I was involved in building several of these and it took us the biggest part of a day to do it but then again we weren't in a hurry. Well, other than the officers wanting it up quick but course they weren't the ones busting their asses either. Had there been the need to hurry we could have done it somewhat faster I suppose. Another factor of course is how wide the river is as to how fast it would take. You also don't just put one up anywhere. Vehicles have to be able to get to it. And whoever designed the thing should be shot dead. I know it was some British guy but he still should have been shot. That crap is heavy heavy heavy. But yeah it is an amazing idea and design.
  3. You amaze me Scipio. Your uniforms are always so cool looking . I really enjoy looking at them. Another excellent job. I personally just wish you would add web gear so I would use them but I know you don't like doing web gear but I just had to mention it - again. But hey that doesn't take away from the fact that you do outstanding work and that I enjoy looking at them. Thanks again.
  4. Good story. It reminds me of the first time I noticed a .50 caliber taking out a Puma. Sure was a neat feeling. I couldn't have been happier had I done it myself. But yes the .50 caliber is one hell of a machine gun.
  5. Jim R. I wasn't referring to that ability. We and the other nations that used the Sherman didn't consider that a good ability. Well I guess the German's thought it neat. Oh by the way - smart ass.
  6. Looks like 400 meters is what at least one sniper prefers and sounds much more realistic then the 1000 to 2000 meters that was mentioned in a long ago post. See recent post about snipers.
  7. Say Morgan. What caliber did you shoot and what rifle? I assume scoped but did you ever practice without scope in case that happened or would you just call it a day? Also what kind of bullet grouping could you guys get if you even did that? And if you did group what amount of shots per group? Thanks.
  8. hansfritz. I think that the Sherman probably just got lucky. I have played this game for a year now and have seen such luck but only once in awhile so it's not that big of a problem. As already pointed out the distance has a lot to do with it and since we normally play on a smaller scale then in real life you do see this more often. If you take those same tanks and allow them to fight at a greater distance I think you will see that that is so. Plus which Sherman were you using? Was it one that had the 76mm? This is a better caliber and would have a greater chance of knocking a Panther out in a lucky shot. And the remark about Sherman's being crap is not correct entirely. True they weren't the best in weapon or armor but they had many other good or superior quailities.
  9. Love the new look. Very appealing and something different. Thanks for something different! We need more change to everything. Mods, sites and members.
  10. Not that it's a big deal but I hope somebody that knows would answer the question about Bazooka teams carrying rifles/carbines or pistols. Just a point of interest. It may be that the guy that actually carried the bazooka had a pistol and the other team member carried a rifle/carbine? Anybody know?
  11. Scipio I didn't mean that the use of a Sd kfz 7/1 was gamey but that 5 tanks firing at it couldn't knock it out. But I see that that will be corrected in CM2 so am happy now. But to answer your question it's not the same thing as a mine field although I'm sure that was just trying to get your point across which I understand and agree. But the Sd kfz 7/1 was holding up my attack and had to be taken out quick before it could destroy the convey that I was moving up. It was in the open at that time and infantry couldn't even get close without being nailed and many were. I tried sneaking two bazooka teams up to pop him but that failed badly also so it was up to the tanks. Besides it pissed me off! Damn silly Sd kfz!
  12. Now I wasn't in WWII but I was under the impression from my days in the army ( 1969- 1972 ) that they carried pistols not carbines or rifles.
  13. Dad. I too was a little concerned about buying over the internet the first time and the first time was buying this game. I just knew that I had thrown $50.00 away and that I'd never see the game or my money. Well, I've been playing this truely outstanding game now for about a year. I am 53 years old and never knew a game could be this much fun or interesting and this forum is tops. So I say go ahead and do it.
  14. Well I personally didn't understand or agree with comments I'd read about the Sd kfz 7/1 being gamey but in a recent game I played against the AI I now see what they were talking about. I encountered one of these super vehicles and it took out 5 of my sherman tanks just one after another. After it taking out the first tank I thought ok smart ass you're dead and sent another after him well it took that one out so I'm thinking by God you'll be sorry and sent 3 more after him. Well, shortly thereafter I had all these sherman's sitting around burning. Now the sherman's did hit or at least shoot at him but he survived all 5 so I am a firm believer in that using this vehicle is gamey. Bet I never try taking another one out with tanks. Infantry did do the trick by the way.
  15. Oh oh, Pvt. Ryan now you did it. You will be sorry for that statement. You do know what's going to happen now don't you? That's right you will be informed that you are completely and totally stupid and they will go on to show you how and why you are completely and totally wrong and how that would be impossible due to your age and the amount of time a person has to sleep vs wake and - well you get the picture. Anyway, I personally would like to say that I am extremely impressed that you have played that many and in my opinion that is a great feat and you should be congratulated and held in high regards on this board.
  16. Looks very nice. Can hardly wait until it has some - Color. What color will it be?
  17. Hey thanks Pvt. Ryan for the sites. This is kind of what I need right now but also need this forum when I get through venting/discussing this situation. So now we have somewhere to go thanks to you and BTS can concentrate on the game and not have to babysit us. Works out just fine.
  18. Well, Maximus I agree with you 150% ( not the hypocritical thing ) about needing to vent/discusss the you know what. I know I personally tryed our forum every hour over the last couple of days wanting/needing to talk to everybody here about it and was so relieved when it came back up but I do understand Steve's position about having to monitor it and would rather them concentrate on getting CM2 out then that. But of course we all are disappointed about the gag order but they the boss. So, I'm going to the lake. See you all Monday.
  19. Good job Slapdragon. It's nice to know this but I think most of us realized it anyway but nice to confirm it. So it was probably simply someone from this board just trying to have some fun with us. So, let's get him!
  20. Thank you. I feel I can speak for all Americans at this time. Your kindness and thoughts are very welcome this sad day.
  21. This goes without saying but yes you are right. We should all do whatever we can and if giving blood is needed then that will be done.
  22. Boy did I ever wonder in to the wrong post. I going.
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