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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Ted. I for one think you did a very good job this time so it seems one can learn. As far as your question "what else can I do?" I would suggest Pictures perhaps or sound. Another idea I always had for you but have been waiting for you to ask was to maybe give the first 10 responders like a free trip or something. Just an idea I've had. Actually any gift would work.
  2. Very nice indeed. No comparison with the graphic's from CMBO. Someone has done a very good job on this one. Good going guys and thanks for the post. I just hope we didn't lose another tank over it?
  3. Thanks Phillippe for the post. Interesting reading. I enjoyed it. As far as these X-soldiers go I agree. Gives me goose bumps thinking about what all they saw and experienced back in those times and I'm a Viet Nam Vet. myself but those guys were truely something else. Man, what an experience and time that must have been. They did us all proud!
  4. I certainly agree that Andrews eye for detail and color is what makes his mods so appealing. They look so real. I really love the way he adds unit marking etc onto his vehicles. In my opinion it just adds greatly to the finished product. For example I would hate to see just a plain olive green square with no markings or appeal to them. Keep up the excellent work Andrew and thanks for your hard work and time. My hat is off to you.
  5. Thanks Ted for the heads up and yes as Gary states no comparison between the two mods. Andrew is indeed a very fine artist. His eye for detail and color just amazes me.
  6. Well, think I'll be playing the German's but may very well try the Russia's. In CMBO I have never played the German's so really am looking forward to using them in CMBB. But I guess my interest will be German's.
  7. I agree with Makjager. Gyrene you need to get off your lazy butt and start modding vehciles. Talk about selfish people.
  8. I'll also be celebrating Warpheads birthday What else would one do on that day?
  9. I'm confused with everything that has been said about MG's lately so please bear with me, but is indirect fire going to be modelled in CMBB? And if so I can only hope that it will be modelled correctly in that alot of ammo wasted for nothing or at least not for much effect. I still am in the opinion that the MG-42 is too inexpense for what you get. I did some tests and it looks like you need 3 medium American MG's to have the staying power of one MG-42. I am still testing because I realize a few tests don't prove much but will continue if for nothing else just to satisfy myself about this weapon in CMBO. doesn't seem right to me.
  10. OK let me get this straight. No bomb dogs, bicycles, motorcycles, horses and now no bulges or whistles. Is that right or am I forgetting something? So is there going to be anything in the game! God!
  11. Oh yeah I forgot. You scared the hell out of me Makjager with that topic. Butt!
  12. Well, I'll be damned. I didn't know you could mod? I'm impressed Makjaker. So not just another pretty face hey? On the serious side, now that's beaut! Very nice job and I love the markings. What no iron cross? Just asking. __________________________________________________ Quote from : Måkjager -------------------------------------------------- sitzkreig in regards to Tri colour.....i think i will just finish up the bi green first and get that released ( will be CMMOS too )..also a "Mr Snowflake" version from Mr Mod Molek himself ..if i can catch hold of him. __________________________________________________ May I humbly suggest the red/brown one but if you have the green one mentioned above that would be just fine. I don't recall the tiger in green before but could be wrong as I don't pay much attention to mods as you should know. Good show Makjager!!!!!!
  13. So there really is a CMBB? It wasn't just something you guys made up? Cool!!!!!!!!!!!! Let the count down begin.
  14. Good show Kump. I am so glad to see you back and running. As far as Andrew -yeah he's good. Real good. Look forward to visiting the site and seeing what all is going on. As far as the mod list. Man, that would be great! but what a job you have. Good luck.
  15. Welcome to the club or forum if you prefer. One of the most enjoyable forums you will ever see. A lot of great guys that don't mind going out of their way to help a newbie. We have guys that know more about the game and history then you will ever know. They are also the guys that will make you feel so stupid without intending to. But don't sly away if you have a question or opinion jumb in. It only hurts for awhile and everbody is forgiving - well for the most part anyway. As far as mods go it's a personal thing. What I like you may not so you almost have to just look around and pick what looks good to you. I suggest just look for awhile before downloading any of them because chances are you'll find another one you like better 5 minutes after you download the first one. I do suggest you start at CMHQ however. Besure to look at "Madmatt's mod guide" first. This is found under the "3rd Party mods" section. Anyway, have fun I know you are in for the time of your life. See you around. Oh yes I wouldn't be treating you fairly if I didn't warn you about the Peng threads. Stay out of that place! It'll only hurt and confuse you plus you might get something on you.
  16. Well I can't imagine anybody not wanting to be able to do this. Unless there would be some negative aspect to it which I can't think of. I think it's a very good idea. OK let's do it.
  17. Hey that's a great idea Eugen and like you stated a lot more realistic. I mean what good would it do to control a flag ( terrain feature or building etc ) if the entire area around that flag is in control of the enemy? Now true the flag has worked for a long time but this would allow for a lot more possibilities. I think it would also cut down on both sides trying to occupy a small area which just causes some unrealistic play. Besures you wouldn't have to eliminate flags anyway just add this idea also.
  18. Hey thanks for the heads up Andrew. I've been wanting to ask about it but you scared me with that 1 week setback rule for crying and whining so I was glad for the current info. And please don't hurry on our accounts just because nobody is playing the game waiting for it to get done.
  19. Were the SS soldiers actually better man per man then regular troops? I guess I assume that they were from movies and the few books I've read, etc but not positive. Any hard facts available? And even if they were would they not be just like the Para troopers in that regard? Or were they even more elite then that even?
  20. I agree. Oh and it's BFC not BTS anymore silly.
  21. Yeah, well in your face. Bottom feeder yourself. I will also have you know Mr. Smarty that not everybody in Texas is dimwitted so there. Now let me get out of here before I get something on me.
  22. Hey Makjager, McLaughlin here and yes I'd truely love to go but the family's plans for visiting Ireland aren't for another year or so, so if you guys will hang loose for awhile I'd love to sample a pint or two with you. Any good beer over in Ireland? and what's this noise about fighting. Godness, that's for hooligan's. I would think a fine Irishman like yourself would be above such doings? On the serious side, God how I'd love to! Have fun my friend and do down a pint for me would you?
  23. Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can't have two Peng threads at one time. I'm telling Madmatt.
  24. Yes you are ready to go. That CD is current. You are in for a treat of your life. Have fun you lucky guy you. Let us know how you do as you go along. This is an excellent board by the way to visit to find stuff out about the game but I warn you to always do a search first before asking anything. But after doing the search don't hesitate to ask away. So have fun my friend.
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