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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Yeah well I was going to answer being somewhat of a ......... oh never mind.
  2. Combat Mission HQ site has some terrain mods that have grid lines actually in them. They were meant as an aid to distinguish the different elevations - mostly for old people.
  3. Well I wasn't expecting that. Thanks Ted - you the man.
  4. jeffsmith -------------------------------------------------- Sorry to interrupt the Fashion & Linguistics discussion but I would like to make a statement about continuing to play CM:BO _______________________________________________ That was very witty jeffsmith. Good one! Another reason why I simply have to visit this forum each and every day is the humor and witt from all you guys. Cracks me up sometimes.
  5. That is a very nice rig you got there kingfish. I love the final arrangement to the room but it seems a little small unless of course you plan on further expanding it when upgrading next. No really Kingfish that was funny. I enjoyed it, thanks for the early morning laugh.
  6. Well, there seems to be a good arguement for both sides on this topic so it's hard to really know the correct answer on if indeed the MG-42 should be modelled as powerful as it is in the game. Using powerful to mean how deadly/ hard to kill etc. Anyway, since it seems a matter of opinion on wheather the MG-42 should be that powerful in the game I would like to ask if all agree that it is too inexpensive at least for what you get? Certainly it's a very powerful weapon in the game and I don't have a problem with that after reading all the various comments but that being the fact then it's at least too cheap and should be priced higher. Like double I'm thinking. I would close in saying that this has been a very interesting and informative topic at least to me and is one more reason I love this game.
  7. Well good news indeed Ted. Thanks for the annoucement and thanks to Kump and DraGoon for the site. Looking forward to visiting it again. Mod comparisons you say? Cool. I like mods you know?
  8. Good question Justin. I had wondered and still do about that very thing. It sure sounds like everybody will be playing CMBB for some time to come but I really wonder if it will replace this excellent game and front. I mean I am certainly all excited about CMBB and can't wait to get my hands on it but not play this one? I don't think so. I kind of think that I will be taking turns playing both of them. I know that CMBB will be a more improved game performance and graphic's wise etc but this period in my opinion is probably more preferred or interesting. Plus look at all the excellent mods we have and unless the grahic's in CMBB is very very good it just won't beat this one on looks. I don't mean just pretty but you've got to admit a lot of the fun in this game is the outstanding detail and great looking mods that these modders of ours has given this game. Anyway, I'll continue playing this one but now I'll just have another game to play. Double the fun also.
  9. Thanks Redwolf and Vanir Ausf B for your responses I appreicate you taking the time to help me. That's what I thought just wasn't sure and I am trying to keep up with this topic as I too am thinking about upgrading my video card from my present Diamond Viper 770 TNT2.
  10. Well I don't know you from Adam but I bet you don't know me either? I like mods do you? Oh, welcome back.
  11. Oh man, before I read the entire post I thought you were going to announce the date. Oh well at least it sounds like it'll be soon or something?
  12. Good point. I hadn't noticed that but now thinking about it I think you are right. Althought I would think that they could fire what's already loaded. He (commander) would just have to do a lot of work jumping back and forth. BF please fix or do something.
  13. I have a question. What does "fast Ram" mean? Is that the same thing as just Ram? Like I have 192 Ram in my computer but only 32 Ram in my Diamod Viper 770 card. Is fast Ram what's in the video card? :confused:
  14. Hey Ted I couldn't find any mods over at Dan's site either? Thanks for the new site I just placed on my favorites list. I hadn't seen that site before. You learn something new every day.
  15. Well Seanachai show me where it says that one cannot use that many exclamation points? As far as being excited you bet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And what Grammar? or was that your point? I will also have you know that I am not 12 years old. I am this many.
  16. Yes that is cool. I guess that's why we have sharpshooters? Well, that and the gamey practice of using them as scouts.
  17. Well, yes I do Wemdebourg. My hopes are that I will either be conveinced that the MG-42 ( No problem with the MG-34 ) is really that deadly or that such discussion on it will show that it is too overmodelled. Using the word overmodelled to mean too powerful, deadly, hard to kill and inexpensive. Other then that no reason - well other then it's an interesting subject and I am enjoying discussing it. I am seeing what alot of others feel and while it seems to point to the fact that most feel it's modelled OK and I may just very well be wrong, I ignore those that think it's too undermodelled as also having an agenda but just opposite of mine. Anyway, if nothing else let's say that it is that great and affective of a MG, then it should at least have a price tag that great to get that kind of power etc. which it doesn't. In answer to why I don't play the German's. I can't explain it I just cannot bring myself to playing on their side and shooting at the Allied's. I really don't know why. Maybe I should go see a shrink or something? So BF fix or do something.
  18. So Andrew you understood that I liked it? Good. I was afraid that you might think I didn't. Can hardly wait for the finished product. Thanks Andrew greatly looking forward to it.
  19. Y You old guys crack me up. Oh and Pvt. Ryan I am glad to see that you are impressed with my years of training using the exclamation point. Ted said since I learned this so well I could maybe start on the very difficult to use and always misunderstood question mark. You two guys.
  20. Yes, thanks barrold713 for clearing that up for me. So it's the whole period. Well, then I guess we will be seeing those damn MG-42's a lot then won't we? I hope they jam like crazy.
  21. Nope not here. See Michael Dorsoh's recent post titled " Modders are letting us down " for the best looking tank around. That would be the M26 Pershing by Andrew. Wait till you see it. Outstanding!
  22. Hot damn Andrew that is beauiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, you are the bestest modder guy out there - bar none. I've been wanting and I might add asking for this particular tank ever since - well many, many, many months ago and you did it. And not only did you do it but you did it better then I could have hoped for or imagined. OK, you the man! I could go on about this but I might just embarrass you. I will just say one last thing - Hot damn. Oh - I already said that didn't I? Well, now you know I mean it! Truely superb Andrew simply superb! That color is perfect and look at all those stars and there I can see unit markings. It might not be the biggest, badest tank out there but it sure is the prettest. Too cool dude! Thanks a bunch!!!!!!
  23. Hey how cool is that. Nice site Derfel. Love the colors. Very handsome site I have to admit. I'll be visiting often as I love those quick little games before bedtime or lunch time or before breakfast when I wake up at 5 AM - two hours too early but can't go back to sleep. :mad: Anyway, good luck with the site I'm sure it'll be a big hit. Cheers.
  24. Boy I think I screwed that above quote up. Anyway to answer your question Diceman. Yes I have direct X 7 and no I am not having any problems with it. As far as motherboard I haven't the slightest idea what it is but I do have a 850 MHz AMD processor with 192 Ram. Only 20 Meg. hard drive. Thanks for the reply.
  25. Depends on your motherboard. If you can take advantage of 4X AGP then it might be worth an upgrade. My motherboard can only handle 2X AGP so I see no reason to upgrade since the card is already more than the AGP slot can take advantage of already. Are you running direct X 7 or higher, and if so are you getting keybug check errors when the card memory is maxed out? I just reformatted my hard drive, and I'm still getting these errors, and I suspect it’s the drivers on the card causing the problem, in spite of the fact I have the latest ones (which are still old in computer gadget time).</font>
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