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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. The KV-1 is my favorite tank. It might not be the best but that's the one I want to see. Ever since my modelling days I thought the KV-1 was so - neat looking. I prized it over all the other models. Actually I am dying to see all the new tanks.
  2. Yes we are still waiting for Andrew's Chaffee tanks mod and if it looks anything like the Pershing he just did it will certainly improve the appearance of this tank in the game and then the only other tank I would like to see improved upon would be the JagTiger then I'd be happy for the rest of my life.
  3. I just hate showing my ignorence in public but I just have to ask. Makjager do you mean that you switched your 64 MB for a slower 32 MB? Am I missing something? I would gladly have anybody explain that to me. :confused:
  4. What an outstanding job. I can't imagine the amount of work that went into this. This is just way too cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What a fantastic tool you have allowed us to share. And Yes enjoy yourself a couple of beers. You deserve it and I'll have one myself in your honor. Again thank you Sir.
  5. Thanks Kump for the heads up. I will have to remember to visit every week or so to see what's up. Really do appreciate and admire the site and all your outstanding and I'm sure long hours and hard work. Very outstanding job you've done here. Allow me to tip my hat to you.
  6. Boy it's getting so that a guy can't ask a simple question without a bunch of yahoo's goofing around. I myself know what you mean Juju. I have noticed it myself over the years when seeing knocked out tanks but never really thought about it until you mentioned it. I suppose it has to do with the hydraulic's but really don't know.
  7. Not to repeat what some have already said - but, 1. It is the most realistic war game out there. 2. The 3D feature. 3. The continuous new and improved mods that just keep making this game look so damn real like. 4. This forum. Not just the swell guys ( well some anyway ) but what you can learn here about weapons, war itself, ammo, tactics,etc etc etc.
  8. I did not double post. It was my computer. Although it is 4:55 AM and I have no idea why I am up at this time in the morning?
  9. Mod? Did somebody say Mod? Thanks Ted. I shall go see what this is all about. Hope you're not pulling my leg about a new mod?
  10. Mod? Did somebody say Mod? Thanks Ted. I shall go see what this is all about. Hope you're not pulling my leg about a new mod?
  11. Yeah a bangalore. Thanks Gunnergoz. I knew it started with a bang something. Actually a bang stick is what they kill sharks with if I'm not mistaken but I figured if I called it that somebody would know what I meant.
  12. Thanks Ted. Looks like something I'd be interested in. Does it tell you how to not blow up your own troops? Not that I have ever done that but I have heard stories about others doing it. What a bunch of goof balls blowing up your own men.
  13. Here's hoping nothing is. I hated that the modders couldn't make the long pipe look more like an actual bazooka. I remember thinking when I first got the game - what the hell is that guy carrying a pipe around with him. Must be an engineer with a bang stick ( whatever they're called ). So here's hoping. The way the modders have improved their talents in this past year or two can you even imagine what they can do to CMBB? Just look at the new Pershing that Andrew made. It'll knock your socks off. Some very fine gentleman and extremely talented. Sorry I get carried away when I talk about modders. But hey I love em. They to me have contributed greatly to this game and I can only wait to see what they'll do to the up coming game.
  14. This aren't no shootem up bang bang game but if you want an extremely realistic war game then here it is only $50.00 away. Actually it'll cost you far less considering that it'll probably be the only game you'll be playing for the next 2 to 3 years. I kid you not. I bet most of the guys that ever bought this game are still playing it or at least played it for at least 2 years. I know I have had it for I guess two years and still have it in my drive. Now true CMBB will be coming out in September but unless you just can't afford this game and that one or you are more interested in the Eastern front over this Western front I'd suggest you buy this one play it a year or so and then get CMBB. All bugs would be worked out by then I'd think. Not that it'll be buggy but hey you know new games. I will however say one thing about the people that put this game out and that's that they went out of their way to correct any problems the game had when it did first come out and they also from my understanding made several patches just to change some things around that the people of the forum had grips about and I'm not talking about bugs I'm taking about issues that the forum disagreed with or thought was inaccurate realistic wise. This outfit is just a damn very careing group of people behind this outstanding game. So anyway HI and hope to see you around the forum when and if you get the game. Which ever one.
  15. Looks good to me so far. I am looking forward to watching it and you come along. Keep us posted on what's going on if you will. Best of luck to you and the site.
  16. Well I seem to have screwed that quote from Makjager up pretty good so I'll just reply here and stop trying to figure out how to do quotes. Now what's this modslut stuff Makjager? I just mildly like a mod here and then. It's not like I break out in a cold sweat when a week goes by and I don't get a fix, I mean see a new mod. To hear you tell it I just roam up and down the forum just hoping to see a new mod or even mention of one. I do read other posts you know?
  17. OK 48.21%. Yeah CMBB is way ahead but let's not stop now.
  18. Oh cool another mod and really different camo pattern. I really like it. Thanks for the heads up Scipio and Jorge thanks for the mod. I'll have to try it out in the game to get a better view but it sure looks good from this picture.
  19. Hey thanks for the site. Did you notice the green looking Pz-III. I never knew they (German's) used green. It sure is different but I like it. I noticed the all light green Russian T-34 ( I guess it's a T-34 ) also. Now there's a color you don't see to often. Very Russian looking.
  20. WOW! Excellent job Gordon. They are beauiful. Man, what a job you've done on this beast. All that I can seem to say is Damn! what a beauty. As far as the dirt goes I personally like the show room floor models if that's what you want to call them because I too love to be able to see the fine detail and you just don't get that with dirty ones. Gordon thanks for the mod and all your hard work on making CMBO the game it is. WOW!
  21. Thanks for the reply guys. I guess you're right but me just thinking about it it didn't seem right but I guess they knew what they were doing or wouldn't have done it. And Zitadelle that remark about it being a morale booster is right on. I remember in my hunting days I felt a lot better about getting something when I had on camo.
  22. Good looking mod Andrew. I wonder what they had in mind when painting a tank those colors? I mean surely it would stand out in snow or green terrain? It sure looks cool ( the Mod ) and I would sure use it but Anybody know what they thought they were doing when they used that look ?
  23. You are amazing Kump. Thank you ever so much. Have I told you that I love you? You da man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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