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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Looks damn good to me. Extremely clear on my end so you must be getting an even clearer view so yea I'd say it is looking very good. But let me ask you a question about that guy you're putting the hurt on. Would you want somebody to do that to you? No I thought not. Looking good dude.
  2. I would also like to welcome you to the forum. It is a rare day indeed when I don't at least visit this forum or play the game. Hope you enjoy it even half as much as I do and that will result in many many fun and happy times for years to come. Yes these guys can do no wrong in my book. To produce this kind of game blows my mind. Enjoy my friend and good hunting.
  3. Now that looks like what a marsh should look like. Outstanding job Tanks a lot but then that's what we have come to expect from you when you do a mod. Although I don't have CMBB yet I do know when I do change over the game will be looking good thanks to all you guys that have such a large impact on it. So again thanks for your work and effords Tanks a lot.
  4. I for one like MikeyD's idea. I do the same thing plotting enought for 10 turns or so just to turn right around and have something make me change my mind anyway. I don't know why I never thought of that. Guess I'm just not as lazy minded as MikeyD but I think I'll start being. Makes sense to me and thanks MikeyD for the good advice and idea.
  5. Excellent job there tracer. Love the detail and coloring. Looks real. I really like it. Thanks for your efforts looks great!
  6. Well, not all is lost. The damn thing is bound to run out of ammo sometime. In the meantime your guys will just have to bring in more troops until it surrenders. Just a matter of time just hold on. Now kidding aside. I've not purchased CMBB yet so am not seeing this problem and hope I don't have to. Hell, I have enough problems in CMBO with those impossible to kill HMG's the German's have.
  7. WOW! That is an outstanding mod job. God, it looks so real. Beautiful work panzermartin!
  8. Well that's just great. I was all set to wait for awhile until buying CMBB but with Andrew putting out great mods again I am getting a little anxious. Excellent job Andrew but you know that already. Love that camo design on the helments.
  9. Being a Viet Nam vet I greatly appreciate your sentiments jjelinek and all the others who joined in on this post and would like to thank you for remembering. Not so much for myself although I certainly appreciate it but for those that aren't here to read this post. For those that gave their lives. That's who I think about on this day as I'm sure you do to. So as I sit here tonight with my wine and remember days gone by I tip my glass to my fellow comrades and say " I remember and shall never forget what you gave". Rest in peace and thank you again.
  10. Well I played it last night and got my butt handed to me by the AI. Never said I was good but love the game. This was a very enjoyable and exciting scenario never the less. I recommend it.
  11. You know, months and months ago I was going to try that but thought better of it so didn't but since you mentioned it I think I will give it a try just for grins. My one problem however is who do you root for? To answer my own question I guess the side that's losing. Thanks for mentioning it.
  12. Very interesting. Thanks for showing them to us. I actually don't see a whole lot of difference in them. Example: you would think the 128 mb would really out do the lower ones but unless it's my eyesight or monitor I really don't see much difference except in the 8 mb.
  13. Thanks for the info. I'll have to try it out. Apreciate the work on your part.
  14. Nope best looking tank of WWII was the KV-1 not to be confused with the best tank which was the Panther. Anyway that's my opinion.
  15. If you could provide a link to the database I would surely take a look and let you know my humble opinion. Sorry but due to losing my DSL all my favorites have been lost.
  16. Excellet one Joshik. Great job thanks a bunch! Oh this will work out very nice in the game. And thanks for the options. I really enjoy customizing the mods to fit my taste even if it's only numbers. Dark verison too? Great but I bet I go with this light one. It's really great looking and love the color. What's this a King Tiger? Really looking forward to seeing what you do with that one. Yeah, I'll stick with CMBO. I can't lose all the outstanding mods I have collected over the past 2 years and more coming. Great! Thanks again Joshik for all your work and caring. Great job my friend.
  17. Very good news. Glad to see you back and look forward to seeing what you can do for this game.
  18. I have been gone for some time and may have missed the Chaffee mod that you were working on. Did you ever get around to finishing it? After your Pershing I am really really dying to see what you could do to this little guy. Hoping you haven't given up on it. It would really complete the mods for CMBO.
  19. Great news Joshik. Been waiting for this one. It's really really nice. Thanks for the work you've done and for keeping us posted. Dying to see it in the game. Again, really good job - thanks.
  20. Try here; http://www.combatmission.com/ Select "3rd Party mods" then select "Grid Overlay Terrain. You should find something that pleases you I think.
  21. Joshik said: - ICM- just noticed: we share the same birthday! I was born on December 17, 1969. How about that? But I was in 1947 so I was born first. Oh, - well, - I guess that ain't all that good. That makes me really old. Hey I really appreciate you trying to email the mod to me. Thanks. I hate to ask but I know of one way we could do it. Try breaking it up in maybe 4 or 5 sections. I know it would be a pain but I had to do that once for a guy and it did work. Course I swore at him the whole time I was sending them. Again thanks for trying anyway if the 4 or 5 emails don't sound like fun. If you don't mind that would be cool.
  22. What's to understand? They're all - well different. Yeah real different. Really nice enough bunch of guys but just a little stange. Best to just do like the rest of us do - ignore them and stay out of there.
  23. Very impressive Michael - and helpful. Thanks for what must have taken some time.
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