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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Hey hi Kitty. We miss you. Still using your excellent King Tiger mod. Take care.
  2. Wait till the modders get hold of this. WOW! It's certainly going to be worth the wait. Man, those BF guys truely outdid them selfs this time. Are we bored or what?
  3. Andrew just one little question. Are you going to put any unit numbers or whatever on it? Sure would add to the overall looks of it. Just a suggestion.
  4. Well Andrew for whatever reason you did it we are grateful and looking forward to it. Maybe by this weekend - Alright!!!!!!!!!
  5. Thanks for the info Philippe. Well, that should look better. Oh and you guys really do listen to us? WOW! Who would have thought?
  6. OK Warmaker, Peiper#1 and lucero1148 there you go. I wasn't sure if you were asking me or spwaw for the mod so I just went ahead and sent the one I have from mchlstrt anyway. It is a good one and the one I use. Course he could improve it by making a few small changes that I had so kindly told him about. You still out there mchlstrt?
  7. I completely agree with Panzer 76. It should be modelled with all it's bad characteristic's no matter what. Now for a confession. I've been thinking that this post was about the KV-1. Just realized that it's about the KV-2 when I looked at the pictures that rune provided. Excellent site by the way rune. So I feel stupid. Oh well what's new.
  8. Andrew. You should have seen the smile on my face when I saw your post. Then you should have seen that smile turn into a big grin and how my eyes opened up wide when I looked at the picture and I do believe something to the effect of "oh my lord" came out of my mouth. Damn Andrew that is beauiful. The color and shading is perfect. And look at all those stars! I like stars you know. I am sitting here just looking and looking at this magnificent beast! Andrew you couldn't have done a better job and you say it's not even done yet. Good lord! The placement of the tracks on the turrert is very well done with that single track out to the left of the other 3. Good addition to the overall appearance. Well, Andrew I could certainly go on and on about it but I will close by saying - Hot Damn!!!!!!! Outstanding! And again I really do appreciate you taking this job on for me. I know you have plenty of other stuff to do and was so very kind and a good sport to stop what you were currently doing to put this out for me and us. Great job so far man! Thanks.
  9. What a great idea. A June 22nd gathering. Sounds great could we all meet in a central location however just to be fair - like Austin, Texas? Who wants to stay over at my house? Oh, and the little wife says no guns! No just kidding of course - about the guns.
  10. I certainly agree with you kump on this subject and unless I'm wrong they said something about fixing or at least improveing this in CMBB. Or just wishful thinking on my part. Hell, there's been so much talk about CMBB I can't remember what is going to be in the game and what was only suggested/asked for and shot down. I also however like emrys somewhat limit the size of my battles to a large degree due to this problem and or pain in the ass. Now when I do however have to move 6 or 7 vehicles down a road I do what chrisl does in that I plot some down the right, some down the middle and rest down the left of the road.
  11. Now that sounds like fun but you do realize I'm sure that it is really a matter of opinion and it would be impossible for me, at least, to just pick one mod out. I would have to list them by category like best uniform, best Allied American tank etc. I couldn't for the life of me just pick one. Also are you suggesting us to show actual pictures of them in which case I can't do since I don't know how to do screen shots or are you just suggesting we list the name of the mod, description and the modder that did it? Let me know the ground rules and I'll be happy to show mine. Also if pictures would that like take up too much space on this forum? I mean could we show that many screen shots or pictures - provided everybody participates that is?
  12. I just remembered one that you might also want to look at. http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/
  13. Here's one that I think is real good. http://home.arcor.de/tcmhq/TCMHQ.html or this one http://www.derkessel.de/ Both of these are pretty darn good too. That'll keep you busy and out of trouble for a while.
  14. No such thing as a stupid question. I however am not the one to help you out about your question. Hopefully some individual will come by to enlighten you. Oh, and thanks for the site. I had forgotten about it and thanks to you I now know where it is.
  15. Well, well, well. So they are alive or at least not vacating in some topical place spending all their money on booze and girls. But back to the pictures. Transparent walls. Damn, that's a great idea. I'm excited. Can't tell you how many times I thought that that would be a great feature but didn't know if it was possible. Guess it is. Thanks guys looking very very good. The graphic's are so much improved.
  16. I too would like to see it but I fear if we did that it would behave much like the 50 Cal. jeep meaning that if the enemy even looked at it it would be knocked out or abandoned. Anyway, that's what seems to happen to my 50 Cal. jeeps. I would like to see it in the game however. It's looks kick ass! Pretty expression ( kick ass ) isn't it?
  17. I find it odd that the German's didn't use their 13mm more for action against troops or light vehciles like we did with the 50 Cal. As far as I know the 50 Cal. was also designed for use against aircraft but we sure used it a lot against land stuff. Anybody know why they wouldn't have used it more? Like were they not reliable or something?
  18. I think blind means that they cannot see. I admire people that can play this way as I am not blind and have enough problems as it is. OK so it wasn't funny. I too would like to hear what that means. I had not ever noticed it before but if you say so.
  19. Yeah it's great when things like that happen and they do even to me but they seem few and far between except for your opponent be it the AI or PBEM.
  20. Good show. We'll be waiting. Good luck on getting everything sorted out and running. Just a suggestion. Wouldn't you be able to get it going faster if you took some time off from work?
  21. Hey Gordon why the delay? Has Andrew been working day and night and taking off work to try to get the Pershing he's doing in it? What a guy! Just joking and please take your time we can wait another week or so. No problem. :mad:
  22. Some good ideas above spwaw. I especially like the turrert being able to point the direction that you choose and if not mistaken BF said that this was going to happen. I for one had been asking for this from the beginning and I promised since we were getting that that I wouldn't ever gripe again. Man I hate it when I promise stuff. The minesweeping or bridge laying tank idea is also good and I know there was some discussion about the bridge laying tank getting in the game for small creeks but can't rememeber what the answer was so am hoping to see something like this but doubtful if BF will include it.
  23. Oh darn! Here I was all ready to argue till the cows came home until I read your post all the way through YankeeDog. I was all ready to reply to emrys and your post when I got to the part where you explained about what BF is going to do to correct this MG thing. Sounds great to me. I will be looking forward to it being - better/realistic. So I'll just have to live with these super German MG's in CMBO I guess cause I sure am not giving up it up even when CMOO comes out. I love this game. And thanks Michael emrys and YankeeDog for trying to make me understand instead of getting hostile about it. You guys are gents.
  24. I base my opinion on what I would think would happen if 28 guys with M1 rifles were shooting at 6 guys behind a MG. Surely, some of the 6 would get shot. And I'm not calling you Surely. Now spread these 28 guys out over a wide area that's doing the attacking and it sure seems that MG's are overmodelled to me. I mean a MG is certainly deadly but I would think that while the MG is concentrating on some of the guys the others would be shooting back and hitting the MG. Does that not seem realistic? I really wouldn't be complaining so much if I played the German's ever but I don't so yeah I'd like to see them a little less powerful in the game. Now if they are modelled correctly which I don't think but let's say that they are at least they're way too cheap money wise. Either way I'd like it.
  25. OK just to satisfy myself I ran 5 games with a lone German HMG against two squads and one platoon HQ attacking across a empty level terrain of 628 meters. Now I would think that 28 guys would be able to knock out a 6 man HMG nest. But no not one time. 3 of the games lasted 8 turns, with one only going 7 turns and the last one running only 4 turns. All 5 games resulted in all 6 of the MG squad team surviving except one game where they lost 1 guy. All games resulted in all American's being either killed or ran off the board. Bunch of damm chickens. Anyway, this can't be right? I say BF fix or do something. Now I'm not much of an arguer so I might get out arguered here but I can't believe this is correct. I believe that some may believe that this is modelled correctly but I can't help but wonder if those people don't always play the German side and therefore are kind of biased. Hope this isn't taken the wrong way. I'm certainly not trying to be a jerk or hardheaded. Simply wanting to get what I think is modelled incorrectly corrected and BF won't do that unless they see that it is an error.
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