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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. I whole heartily agree and third what Glenn said. This game + these mods = An outstanding game that lives on and on.
  2. Gosh almighty Makjager that is excellent just excellent. You have turned an ugly little tank into a very detailed and sharp looking one. I love it. Those jerry cans on the turrert really add something to the overall look. Outstanding detail. I do believe everyone will be having this mod in their games. Thanks again for your efforts and work. It is appreciated - greatly.
  3. I'm no modder but I don't think it can be done. Only pants can be modded. Cool idea however. That would have looked really great.
  4. Thanks there Makjager. I've actually already got the mod and been using it and it is the best. Excellent job. So glad you are there making more modds for this great game and I whole heartly agree there's plenty more that can be done to even improve the game more in the way of mod the selection available. Am dying to see the completed Luchs. It sure looks good last picture you showed us. Forget Gordon - no way. That guy has a special place with us and will be sorely missed. Again, thanks Makjager great stuff.
  5. Awww Gordon. You're the best! The best to you and maybe if and when we'll see you again. You really did something wonderful for this game. To you Gordon. Take care.
  6. Makjager you are getting extremely good at this modding thing. That little sucker is just terrific looking. The detail is excellent and the more I look at that color the more I like it and I normally don't care for yellow but I'll be using it when it gets done. Thanks guy for the mod and your efforts.
  7. Hey thanks Grabenhund for the answer. It's really no problem they look great anyway. And thanks for the hard work and mod. It is appreciated by us.
  8. Looks real good. One point and you may not be able to do anything about it is the bottom of the neck where it meets the body. I realize this is a blown up picture and you may not even be able to see it in the game but thought I'd mention it in any case. Other then that looking real good.
  9. Thanks for the email Ales but I already had v2.0. It seems that that is an improved or at least changed version of it. Anyway I appreciate the effort. And yes it is by far the best scenarios I've played so far not that I've played all that much in the past 2 years. All this time I played either scenarios that I created or QB's. I am so happy I've discovered scenarios. And now here I go looking for another to get my butt kicked in. Oh yeah. I finished the game last night. It was a tie. But the map is just excellent. Man, a ton of work must have went into that scenario.
  10. Oh Oh my mistake. It's Assenois v2.0 that I downloaded and am presently playing. It is a lot of fun however and sure keeps you on toes. I will look for v1.0 though. Hopefully it's out there somewhere.
  11. Yes it's still there Agua or at least I think that is where I just got it. I just started it last night after getting your recommandation and it does look really good so far. Let's see in the first 10 moves or so I managed get 5 of my vehicles knocked out all by myself so far. I am so proud of me. Dying to get home and playing it some more. Thanks for the tip.
  12. I tried Merry Xmas at Hemroulle yesterday myself based on it being mentioned by two of the previous posters and have to agree. It was a ton of fun. I played the defense and got a tie. It was one of the best and enjoyable scenario's I've played. As a matter of fact I'm going to play it again today. I think it would be alot of fun in a PBEM. Thanks guys for the tip. I think I'll try playing it in summer this time. I think my guys were just too cold to fight well.
  13. I don't seem to have a lot of problems with Tigers but the Panthers are tough to kill in my experience. True one hit from the 88mm on a Tiger will wipe out a Sherman but to me it seems harder dealing with Pathers as far as killing one. Seems the Tigers have a lot of weak spots or I am really lucky when I encounter them. The faster turret speed on the Panther may be why I have more problems with them. Course I'm talking about being close up. Any distance at all and the Sherman's don't even have a chance with either of them so you do have to flank them or get real lucky.
  14. Thanks for the reply sand digger. I'll take a look at that one.
  15. Starting to look really good. You are doing an outstanding job from what I can see. Great detail. This may be your best yet by the looks of it not that the others weren't very good too. Keep us posted as I know you will. You are really good about that and we do appreciate it - and the mods ofcourse.
  16. I am currently reading "Adolf Hitler" by John Toland and in it it mentioned this battle during the Normandy Invasion as being a fierce tank battle that took place on July 30. Being very interested in tanks I would love to learn more about it and was hoping some on this forum would be some help in either directing me to any books that might be out on this battle or telling me anything about it. I have no idea how large of a battle it was so it may not even warranted a book so just hoping. Also, if anybody knows of any scenarios that might be about it I would sure like to play them or it. Anybody?
  17. This reply is a bit late but just saw your post so here's a Happy New Year back to you.
  18. Another very nice job there Makjager. Thank you. Yes it will look good in the game. Well that's if you can see it like you mentioned. Since I always only use the Allied's that may not be to my liking now that I think about it. So you sound like you have a lot planned. Excellent!! Looking forward to seeing and playing with them as you do them. Appreciate you sticking with CMBO and not turning traitor like all those other modders did or I should say most of them did. Damn traitors. I knew there was something about you I liked.
  19. I don't know for sure but until someone corrects me I believe that when one enemy sees you then all of them see you. Now as far as sounds I have no idea and will be interested myself in getting an answer on this question. So I guess consider my post a bump.
  20. Yes. To all those that have contributed to both of these wonderful games by giving their time and efforts. A very sincere "thanks" gentlemen. As wonderful as these games are they would not be the same had it not been for your involvement and efforts. I for one owe you all a great deal of gratitude. For every time I see a new mod or scenario a big smile comes over this old face of mine and I just hope that you guys enjoyed creating the mod or scenario half as much as I enjoy playing with them. Thanks guys!
  21. Well, looks like more then just the 3 of us after all. And really really glad to hear modders like Makjager is still hanging in here. Love your modds Makjager!!!! And even some great scenario designers. I do agree with Jack Carr and would myself be willing to pay full price for it. Course now if they decide to come out with one on Korea I would be satisfied with that until they see the light and redo CMBO. In the meantime I'll just keep kicking butt with my American and Allied's in this outstanding game.
  22. Yeah it does seem to have slowed down quite a bit but I expected that what with CMBB now out. But I still like the Western Front and just can't seem to get intereted in playing either the Germans or Russians. For that period - and that period only ! I don't care much about either side. So it looks like 3 of us still here anyway.
  23. Hey Panzer Ace thanks for the hard work. I third or is it forth the requests about the Chaffee and Hellcat. Those would be great. I know Andrew was having some sort of problem doing the Chaffee so maybe you can figure it out. Hope so as the Chaffee is badly in need of improving. Thanks again for all your work. We do appreciate your efforts.
  24. All right! One of my favorite tanks. I am so glad to see a different mod for this little beauty. Looking good Makjager. Please do let us know when completed. Love the color.
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