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Everything posted by WineCape

  1. I'm also very interested in the questions posed by Holien above, Garry. This seems a good present that wifey can buy me after I bought her a new Volvo S40. Tit-for-tat, and I'm house bound - she can't argue that! I guess shipping costs will add a wad or two more, but I have enough shipping line contacts to import it from the USA if necassary. Any web link as to specifications? Regards, Charl
  2. Garry + jwxspoon, Thanks for the review and the photo's with the AAR - the best review so far! I have already forwarded your article to 3 other buddies in South Africa and Namibia. No such sneek preview on the continent of Africa though, so much appreciated for the effort. Garry, what price (USD) that big monitor on page 3? Gotta have that beast!! Sincerely, Charl Theron [ July 15, 2002, 11:09 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  3. SuperTed, send me your home address, not your e-mail address. Difficult to send wines via e-mail ya know... Charles and rest of BTS' crew, your 12 bottle consignment posted today, expect delivery time in 8-12 weeks! Still looking for Ari Maenpaa's address to deliver his goodies... [ July 15, 2002, 10:58 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  4. Visom, Thanks for posting the AAR's on a webpage. To those gentlemen that I have send the MSExcel97 spreadsheet with the RoW I results many moons ago, could any of you oblige the favour and sent it to me at WineCape@global.co.za]WineCape@global.co.za as my HDD crashed last week. I need the format for the RoW II results. Regards, Charl Theron
  5. Rune, Hopefully you got a soccer team together and kicked ball too! All you bloody/lucky geeks! Regards, Charl Theron
  6. Andreas, My Castle/Windhoek beer toast to the South African BBQ at your place with CMBB to sauce the sausages - wish I could've been there... Regards, Charl Theron Stellenbosch, South Africa
  7. Respectful bump for Ari, Treeburst155. Doing all communications via my ISP's webbased e-mail server...
  8. Gentlemen, Been away from home/work sporadically for almost a month, to come back and horror upon horror, my 20-GB Fijitsu HDD crashed 3 days ago and I lost all the addresses of the various wine prize winners in the WineCape sponsored CMBO tourney's. I need the following delivery addresses; please e-mail it to WineCape@global.co.za. SuperTed's (for B/T's RoW II scenarios) Ari Maenpaa (Invitational winner) Wreck (RoW I winner) Charles Moylan (the "thank you" gift from the forum) Treeburst155 - Tree, you live in Arkansas? USA winelaws state that "Direct Shipments via Common Carrier Prohibited" to your state. Well, that's what www.WineInstitute.org says anyway. See also their State-by-State analysis next to the chart... Don't want you to test-case your consignment on some silly importation technicality Have you received liquor before, or better, do you know a friend that lives in, say Louisiana, as these residents can receive wines without any hassle? Let me know. Fangorn, hopefully Brazilian customs has released your wine bottles today? Let me know. I faxed the necassary document to your supplied fax number at 11:00am local time (GMT +2). MadMatt, did you receive your goodies? If not, my best estimate is the end of July 2002. Snail mail is just ... that. Thanks! WineCape [ July 12, 2002, 08:35 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  9. Gentlemen, My sentiments with Treeburst on this password sharing idea - NOT good. It's akin to me sending to the eventual winners the wine prize with the wine bottles uncorked. ALL THE SECRETS OF THAT WINE GONE FOREVER to the would-be-imbiber! In the words of TB, fight on! Sincerely, Charl Theron ----------- "If we lose this war, I'll start another in my wife's name!" -- Moshe Dayan (1915 - 1981), Israeli general. [ July 08, 2002, 03:33 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  10. It's "Lesotho Buckwheat", known to produce some of the best ganja in Africa! A sniff can be downloaded here --> ---------------------------------------- “I always thought I was Jeanne d'Arc and Bonaparte. How little one knows oneself.” Charles De Gaulle (his reply when being compared to Robespierre) [ July 04, 2002, 07:32 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  11. Err, so I guess having it here in South Africa is out of the question; maybe if I sponsor this convention with wine - will anybody come? Or will beer be the ticket to get all here on the sunshine continent?
  12. And Note: This is not the same as the following often asked question addressed to me: "I'm curious, are you any relation to Charlize Theron?" My comment: "NO COMMENT!" Sincerely, Charl Theron [ July 02, 2002, 08:40 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  13. Err, I do mind. Couldn't find the thread with Treeburst's name next to it and thought that it dropped off the forum! Charl Theron
  14. I have noticed that the US M4 Sherman range have 0 Deg. Front Turret angles, ranging from the vanilla M4 right through the M4A3E2(76) Jumbo M2 and even the Pershings for that matter. Was this the case 'till the end of WWII? How come US tank designers/engineers built bigger angled plates on the Front Upper Hulls during WWII, ranging from 46 Deg. -- 56 Deg., well knowing that these greater angles on plating effectively "thickens" armour against enemy shell penetration, and NOT thicken (via greater angled plates) the front turret for the same effect? Just curious. Or was the front turret plate angle change just to a difficult engineering feat in the factory in such a short time from 1944 untill the end of the war? Any comments from the people that is in the know? Regards, Charl Theron
  15. Hope to hear from you soon with this aaronb! It might just save Treeburst's marriage as he is spending way to much time in from of his 'puter of late managing all and sunder. Sincerely, Charl Theron Chess … is the most beautiful and reasonable of all games – Madame de Sėvignė Chess … is the game which reflects most honour on human wit -- Voltaire Chess … is a sad waste of brains -- Sir Walter Scott Chess … is a beautiful mistress -- Bent Larsen Chess … is a cure for headaches – John Maynard Keynes Chess … is vanity – Alexander Alekhine Chess … is a fight – Emanuel Lasker Chess … is a test of wills – Paul Keres Chess … is the art of analysis – Mikhail Botvinnik Chess … is the art of battle for the victorious battle of art – Tartakower Chess … is imagination – David Bronstein Chess … is the struggle against error – Johannes Zuckertort Chess … is art, science and sport – Anatoly Karpov Chess … is too difficult to be a game, and not serious enough to be science or art – Napoleon Chess … is the touchstone of the intellect – Siegbert Tarrasch Chess … is me – Salvador Dali Chess … is not merely an idle amusement; life is a kind of chess – Benjamin Franklin Chess … is beautiful enough to waste your life for – Hans Ree Chess … is most certainly not my life – Tony Miles Chess … is life in miniature – Gary Kasparov Chess … is like life – Boris Spassky Chess … is my life – Viktor Korchnoi Chess … is life! – Bobby Fischer
  16. I have captured personnel all over the map (mostly in my strategic map sectors) from my steam rolling troopers. Most of the enemy has pulled out in these sectors ages ago. But seeing so many captured enemy troops (most are MG troops) near my sneaking/moving forces -- the prisoners and my immediate forces around them have LOS to one another – I wondered if they relay troop movements to my enemy via the mere fact that these prisoners have LOS to my sneaking troops?
  17. Good grief, Our first tourney Mike, the monster, the infamous tantrum throwing ego bashing Invitational has ended! Now above participants can all sig their posts with “I was an Invitationalist right to the end” Congrats Ari! Send me your address details at WineCape@global.co.za]WineCape@global.co.za and I will reply with your wine price* in kind. My vote (if I have any) for the $50.00 Sportmanship Award goes to Michael. * [Edited: the word "price" to "prize"; it might be misconstrued! ] Sincerely, Charl Theron ------------------------- ”If you compare ours with the best of French, South African, Spanish, Italian, Californian and even Chilean wines, we are definitely not there. But if you compare it to the worst of these wines, we are definitely better.” -- Anonymous vintner near Bangalore, India, 1994 [ June 12, 2002, 07:05 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  18. Bump with regard to BTS' HQ's address. The wine is packed and ready to go!
  19. I'm honoured to be No. 1 on your scalp list Fionn, but my schedule (wine, soccer officiating, as well as out of office this week-end as I'm fetching my 2 daughters from my parents in the Karoo - 550km away) is hectic! However, I'm not spurning your offer completely, and will let you know when I'm ready to do battle! Regards, WineCape
  20. The above will be the participants for TITANS! Gentlemen, I have stated on more than one occasion that although players come from different tourney house and are invited as such, they will in essence represent themselves in TITANS. TITANS will not be about any tourney house per se, but about TOP PLAYERS, and if the very best was not forthcoming earlier from the different tourney houses and as independants, I will take the next in line, whether from the same house/ladder or not. I am happy with the selection/nominations that I received from the tourney houses, and as long as there are at least one player that belongs to one of the 5 tourney houses here at any given moment, then that is mission fulfilled. Now if ladder owners/leaders want to include even higher positioned players than the currently listed TITANS, they were welcome to do so. But none were forthcoming, nor new independants when I called for a vote to get them here. Granted, I originally completely forgot to include GHOST - my fault here and I apologize - whom responded here, and I gave RD a 2-choice berth, Broken! and their official nomination. Now I have included Ghost, and RD (Robert Hall) told me that they will stick with Broken! as their nomination in the absence of any word otherwise. I have also seen, by doing some surfing on the ladders, that some players play at more than 1 ladder that is listed here as TITANS, or that they move between ladders as they see fit. Do they exclusively belong to just one tourney house? Some yes, others not. Again, as long as there is one tourney house player from the 5 here, I am happy. Yes, and Treeburst knows nuffink, so please do not bother him about this. He has 72 RoW II eager players' schedules to juggle as well as 8 TITANS. Godspeed I say and good luck to all TITANS! Now please do not let Fionn as independent win TITANS, as many an argument about the amount of different tourney house representatives here (or not) will then really turn moot! Sincerely Charl Theron [ June 05, 2002, 06:28 PM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  21. RoW II: TITANS! consist of: (1) SWAMP (2) GHOST (3) DEATHDEALER (4) WRECK (5) SURLYBEN (6) MAJORTAKTIK (7) BROKEN! (depending on RD's nomination) (8) FIONN
  22. Redwolf, Treeburst and I have run the following tourney's, though he is the man doing the hard work, I'm just the wine guy... (1) The notorious Invitational, still going... (2) WineCape Tourney I - winner Fangorn (3) WineCape Tourney II - winner KiwiJoe (4) Nordic Championships - busy with play-offs (5) Rumblings of War I: Scenario's by Wild Bill's Team - winner Wreck. (6) Rumblings of War II: Boots & Tracks Brawl - to kick-off within 24 hours! (7) Rumblings of War II: TITANS! - same scenario's as RoW II, more vino for all the players, as well as more for the eventual winner, map designers and arbiters. THE CLASH. Mandatory AAR's by the 8 TITANS. (8) Rumblings of War III - upcoming CMBB tourney. I'm sure TB155 was/is involved (without my knowledge) in other tourney's as well [ June 05, 2002, 12:46 PM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
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