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Everything posted by WineCape

  1. Treeburst, I have 3 outstanding results (I know one is still being fought) in my MSExcel97 spreadsheet: 1) Davidson vs Gaspari [Kommerscheidt] 2) Pixelmaster vs Scot Johnson [sounds] 3) Warren Miron vs Pixelmaster [Kommerscheidt] Which 2 battles have produced results? Regards, Charl Theron ----------------------- "Sparkling Muscatel. One of the finest wines of Idaho!" -- waiter in The Muppet Movie (1979)
  2. Michael, Can I send you a wine bottle cork as a consolation prize? ----------------- "In victory, you deserve champagne; in defeat, you need it." -- Napoleon Bonaparte
  3. Ex Africa semper aliquid novi – or to paraphrase – “We are in the jungle here!” Being on the subcontinent of Africa and thus on the bottom of the chain with regard order processing/shipping of CMBB’s imminent release, I was wondering if Steve/Charles/Martin will accept PayPal to either BTS’s e-mail business address or theirs in person for the price of the game + freight? This will hopefully ensure that I will not get the game 2 years later after every Tom/Dick and little ‘uns have received/played the game in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Australasia. I assume it will at least put a moral obligation on Martin/Steve to send me the game if I e-mail them the monies direct, instead of waiting for Baldy’s female ordering server to spit out my name as the 200,000nd CMBB recipient, the “package to be delivered somewhere in Africa” Now I know that the price of CMBB/shipping cost is not decided yet. But as soon as BTS know, it is just a matter of e-mailing them the money. Wow, just have an idea! I could PayPal ANYONE here on the BB the game/freight monies if they order an extra game for me. Well almost; I think PayPal’ing monies to the cesspoolians just might be a little bit dicey given their character assassination amongst themselves Anyone on this Forum able to help out a PayPal friend when CMBB finally ships, most probably first in the USA? Sincerely, Charl Theron ------------------ “Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.” -- Auric Goldfinger in Goldfinger by Ian L. Fleming [ March 09, 2002, 11:18 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  4. LOL! the Invitational was an invite to players to participate, based on our little secret inisiation ceremony. Unfortunately it was leaked to the media, and half the participants quitted as they don't want to be associated with such an clandestine society, nor with participants of such ill repute In fact, the participants squabbled so much among one another that our tourney manager fired himself in desperation! Fortunately, he was a man of great character and bounced back right away with such tight rules (read none) that those still left in this tourney are the REAL winedrinkers (and not the beer drinkers posing as wine drinkers)<-- A Joke btw. Now that we have seperated the wine drinkers from the wannabe's, this tourney is a shining example showing how to NOT conduct a PBEM tourney. But Treeburst and I are committed to see this tourney out no matter what. See the Rumblings of War I Tourney thread how we have improved and will conduct all tourneys from hereon. To boot, the winner will receive some of the best and scarciest wines I have in my cellar. Mrs Treeburst has also sponsored some hard US Dollars in cash, which I believe to be won by a man down under? Cheers and thanks to the participants for sticking with this Tourney. Sincerely, Charl Theron --------------------- "Try to tell people that [wine is] really a simple business, something to enjoy and forget about, like television. They smile knowingly and shake their heads. They know that wine is a complicated, mysterious business, best understood either by intense people in white coats with clipboards or by soigne people in black ties who look like Sir John Gielgud." -- Frank Prial, NY Times September 4, 1985
  5. It never ceases to amaze me how helpful (and quick!) people are on this battlefront.com BB. Thank you sir. Sincerely, Charl Theron
  6. Let me get this straight regarding the oval shape of artillery’s (Guns/Mortars) shell impact: a) If you stand on the South side of a map and fire North, is the artillery’s impact oval pattern orientated (map wise) East --> West? If you stand on the East side of the same map and fire due West, is the pattern then oval shaped in a (i) North --> South direction? (map wise) (ii) or still, and at all times (map wise) an East --> West shaped pattern? Much obliged, Charl Theron ------------------------- ”Rascals, would you live for ever?” -- Frederick the Great (1712 - 1786), King of Prussia. Address to reluctant soldiers at the Battle of Kolin, 18 June 1757
  7. Gents, Going to Der Kessel website and clicking on "TREES" yields only gunnergoz's variety. Now I've tried over several days to d/l this mod at this website with the same non-result. Please enlighten me where I can find this piece of treework in byte form? Much obliged, Charl Theron ---------------------- "Upon the first goblet he read this inscription, lion wine; upon the second, monkey wine; upon the third, sheep wine; upon the fourth, swine wine. These four inscriptions expressed the four descending degrees of drunkenness: the first, that which enlivens; the second, that which irritates; the third, that which stupefies; finally the last, that which brutalizes." -- Victor Hugo (1802 - 1885), "Les Misérables"
  8. Good grief Baldy One! Stunning! Reminds me of the King Tiger mod that I have by a Turkish artist called Bulent. Beautifully striped like a ... Tiger You should'nt keep this Danius in your cupboard Madmatt! Let him out! Regards, Charl Theron ---------------- "Skiet hom in die hol Jackson, Pa soek die bokvel heel!"* -- Louwtjie Theron jnr., famed big 5 game hunter * Translation from Afrikaans: "Shoot him in the arse Jackson, Dad needs the hide in one piece!" [ February 22, 2002, 03:29 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  9. Has any grog/historian/person on this board visited a WWII European/North African battlefield out of curiosity and picked up something relevant to that battlefield that was lying buried after so many years? Or willfully walking with some metal detector device to scavenge for interesting unspent artillery shells, rifles, shell casings or whatever war materials that was, most probably, buried and long forgotten? If so, it would be very interesting to hear on this forum what items you have discovered while walking/searching and where. Anybody with interesting info to relate here for the board members? Sincerely, Charl Theron -------------- "The last time that I trusted a dame was in Paris in 1940. She was going out to get a bottle of wine. Two hours later, the Germans marched into France." -- Sam Diamond in "Murder by Death" (1976) [ February 21, 2002, 09:22 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  10. Can I pull this from oblivion and ask Wolfe to nudge Guachi a bit harder! Regards, Charl Theron
  11. Off topic (for the beer drinking combatants -- but a Tourney prize nonetheless!) wine note: I just discovered which 1 bottle (at least!) of wine I will include/forward as the Tourney prize to the RoW winner: A truly magnificent Pinotage, tasted last night, called Rijks Pinotage 2000 will be definitely included as part of the 6-bottle prize for the winner. Though this wine is already sold out. Well, considering it won ….  a Veritas Double Gold last year (our highest accolade for a bottled wine) and,  was among the best 10 Pinotage’s tasted in the ABSA Bank Top 10 Pinotage competition among 117 entered,  was the overall winner of the Michaelangelo International Wine Awards 2001 by winning the Grand D’Or Medal there,  as well as winning the South African Young Wine Show Gold Medal in 2000 (for wines about to be bottled and not yet released) …. this was hardly surprising, when only 400 cases were made. I have 3 bottles left. One has been earmarked for the winner. To my mind this is the MOST interesting Pinotage I’ve tasted in the last 2/3 years. Served it last night as a blind tasting among some European and American clients and none, not even those that have tasted Pinotage’s before - and liked it - could guess which grape cultivar this was! To be honest, it got me fooled too. [My wife served it actually; I’m not THAT blind! ] Couldn’t find the Pinotage label, but here's the Sauvignon Blanc from the same estate. It tasted more like a smooth Bordeaux-style blend (Cabernet Sauvignon-Merlot). It was that different from the usual Pinotage grape flavours, but utterly delicious and drinkable now. If the Tourney winner doesn’t like this Pinotage, then I can confidently state that he should stay away from drinking Pinotage as a grape cultivar altogether! Naturally, we know that beer drinkers don’t experiment with their tastebuds at all, so the above note will be moot anyway for the beer-drinking Tourney winner! Kind regards, Charl Theron ------------------------------------------------------- ”The U.S. has broken the second rule of war. That is, don't go fighting with your land army on the mainland of Asia. Rule One is don't march on Moscow. I developed these two rules myself.” -- Montgomery, British field marshal (1887 - 1976) referring to the Vietnam War. [ February 15, 2002, 05:21 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  12. We have moved over here gentlemen: Rumblings of War [Part IV] WineCape [ February 15, 2002, 03:23 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  13. Just in case The Baldy One decides that his female server can't take the strain going over the 10th page of the RoW Part III thread, here is the 4th home of our Tourney. In the words of Treeburst155: "Fight on!" Good luck, Charl Theron --------------------- “I've got to go to meet God - and explain all those men I killed at Alamein” --- Field Marshall Viscount Montgomery in 1976. [ February 15, 2002, 03:20 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  14. Just to let you gentleman know the Field and Stream CMMOS mods are excellent (especially with the restore/save button). A huge undertaking for which you have my gratitude. Well done! Kind prod: Now for that long overdue Andrew Fox Action Pack Uniform mods in CMMOS version 3 style and I'll ask for no more! Sincerely, Charl Theron ---------------------------- ”Red wine with fish! Well, that should have told me something.” [Being surprised by the double agent Grant…] -- James Bond in "From Russia with Love" (1963)
  15. Thanks Ron! Charl Theron ------------------------------------ “Fighting is like champagne. It goes to the heads of cowards as quickly as of heroes. Any fool can be brave on a battle field when it's be brave or else be killed.” --- Margaret Mitchell, US novelist in Gone with the Wind, 1936
  16. As a tourney organizer with Treeburst155, I thank Wild Bill, the Rumblings of War (RoW) scenario testers as well as the 24 combatants (you were all guinea pigs gentlemen! ) for making this one of the most successful tourneys that we have run. A lot of testing/playing hours as well as re-testing and balancing adjustments have gone into the RoW scenario's. They will be a boon to all CMBO players and can be recommended without reservation. But be careful, players tend to age very quickly while playing these RoW battles! Many thanks again gentlemen, Charl Theron -------------------- “Yes, and they went down very well too” -- Duke of Wellington, replying to the observation that the French cavalry had come up very well during the Battle of Waterloo
  17. Treeburst, Gregory Redeker reports an inaccuracy in the tourney match results. The score in his game against Warren should be 83-17, not 83-19. [Scenario C - "Sounds in the Night", Section I] Please confirm. I'll update the spreadsheet to the new score as reported in the mean time. Sincerely, WineCape
  18. I see things are going/progressing nicely here - good! Also noticed that a dangerous shark called KingFish has pitched up in the cold Nordic waters, obviously thinking that warm currents are flowing around the Baltic! Sincerely Charl Theron ----------------- Fish must swim thrice - once in the water, a second time in the sauce, and a third time in wine in the stomach. -- John Ray, English naturalist (1627 - 1705)
  19. Gentlemen, For those players that have finished all their matches, I have a prepared MSExcel97 spreadsheet with all the tourney tables neatly organized with match totals and section medians, barring a couple of match results still awaiting. Anyone interested, email me (WineCape@global.co.za). Best wishes, Charl Theron ---------------------------- ”Wars, conflict, it's all business. One murder makes a villain. Millions a hero. Numbers sanctify.” Charlie Chaplin (Sir Charles Spencer C.) British film actor, 1889 - 1977
  20. Gentlemen, I have a prepared MSExcel97 spreadsheet with all the tourney tables neatly organized with match totals and section medians, barring a couple of match results still awaiting. Anyone interested, email me (WineCape@global.co.za). Best wishes, Charl Theron --------------------------------- ”I have singed the Spanish king's beard.” Francis Drake, referring to the raid on Cadiz harbour, 1587.
  21. Seanachai, I remembered that Mr RootDog, when he visited me in December 2001, showed some interest in the Peng Challenge thread (I showed him that he will NOT be alone in enjoying this "obscure little game" by logging into this forum). I told him not no sane man should ever venture into the 'pool, as you might never escape. This had the opposite effect, as he told me, with a twinkle in his eye, that no man can hold reason with him and that he has a very thick skin. Remember, he majored in Political Studies and these people have a habit of talking trash anyway So my dear sir, you have my blessing of making him feel not too welcome if he ever ventures into your home! Regards, Charl Theron ---------------------- ”Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!” Maurice Forgy, (1908 - 1983) US naval lieutenant’s remark made during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, 7 Dec 1941. [ February 02, 2002, 04:32 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  22. Andrew, I assume you are working very hard on your CMMOS v3.1 version of the SAP uniform mods? Awaiting your handiwork! Sincerely, Charl Theron ------------------------ “Yes, and they went down very well too” -- Duke of Wellington, replying to the observation that the French cavalry had come up very well during the Battle of Waterloo
  23. OK, let’s push this drug dealer scenario further. Strictly off topic I suppose (Baldy One, bear with me) but I intend to sponsor future CM:BB tourneys with manager Treeburst155 along the same lines as the current Wild Bill Rumblings of War Tourney. All beer drinkers welcome to apply though! The wine estates list below are the top producers of quality SA wine. If you want to buy South African wines in your country, the estate wines below will be the better/excellent ones: Our equivalent of a French “1st growth estates” would be: Meerlust Kanonkop Vergelegen Veenwouden Thelema Rustenburg Allesverloren Morgenhof Saxenburg Hartenberg Klein Constantia Buitenverwachting Boschendal JP Bredell (the ports) Stellenzicht Glen Carlou Hamilton Russell Bouchard Finlayson Rust en Vrede Grangehurst Other very good estate wines are: Overgaauw Jordan (no relation to the Californian winery) Groot Constantia La Motte Villiera Clos Malverne Le Bonheur L’Avenir Asara Blaauwklippen Neethlingshof Kaapzicht Louisvale De Wetshof Warwick Uitkyk Zevenwacht Zandvliet Zonnebloem Delaire Plaisir de Merle Neil Ellis Delheim Eikendal Simonsig De Trafford Kanu Vergenoegd Havana Hills Tukulu Boekenhoutskloof Uiterwyk Mulderbosch Steenberg Spice Route Lanzerac End of wine lesson #1. Regards, Charl Theron ----------------------------------- Anyone who tries to make you believe that he knows all about wines is obviously a fake. -- Leon Adams, "The Common sense Book of Wine", 1962.
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