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Everything posted by WineCape

  1. ... I do not want to download the whole 8MB file in the MadDogModPack-2 of CM HQ just to get this KwazyDog beaut. (due to my slow dial-up access) Does anybody have KwazayDog's striped JagdTiger in a stand-alone zip file here on the forum? Thanks in advance, Charl Theron
  2. Wreck, Always good to hear that wines were received as INTENDED. Enjoy your South African sunshine in a bottle, you deserved it! BTW, the Devon Hill Cab is the softest of the 3 mentioned above, and can be drunk immediately. The other cab's can be drunk now, can also go the distance of 7-10 years, but please, don't wait that long; life is too short watching wines mature in a bottle Ohh yes, PROST Wreck! Uber General, Yup, the very day I gave the HDD in at the computer shop (it was still under warranty) a gentleman came in and had the EXACT same problem. I was informed by the sales person that Fijitsu HDD were taken of the market in South Africa - replaced with Western Digital or Seagate, I have a choice here. I did inform him that it would have been nice (i.e. read good customer service) to contact all their customers that bought these HDD's the past few months and inform them that "Hey, I think we have sold you a dud, better trade in or back-up ASAP." They knew from last year already that these Fijitsu's were faulty. The latter was slipped to me by the a charming sales lady before she was bumbled to the back office to presumable make some coffee/tee :eek:
  3. Ha Treeburst! Caught you - you need sleep buddy - as if you are not overworked already with the Clash of the Titans and RoW II! Thanks for the postings on the sneak preview gentlemen - always good to read this from a land far away and out of the sneak preview range... Regards, Charl Theron
  4. Andrew, Just received your Beta Pershing in my MailBox - thank you! Beautiful work given the CMBO limitations. I will now proceed to test this out-of-factory Pershing via rigorous battle conditions, keeping a close eye the "performance" of this new machine Kind regards, Charl Theron
  5. Andrew, put me on your e-mail list (WineCape@global.co.za) when you've done with your Pershing as well as Chaffee mod, will you? A sure beaut these piccies! I'm just afraid I'll miss your release being away from home/work at odd times due to sporting activities. Much obliged in advance. Sincerely, Charl Theron
  6. Thats why we call 'em the Magnificent Bastards. The latter part a neat description from a certain wife... Cheers! [ July 25, 2002, 01:08 PM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  7. ASL Veteran, Your offer to play a CMBB PBEM once released accepted. Do you have any ASL scenario's that you have converted to CMBO in the last couple of years? Appreciate it if you could forward it to me. (Email in my details) I'm afraid that time does not allow me to dabble in ASL at all, though I have friends that do play the game. Running a business full time plus being away from home (sometimes out of my country) due to football officiating takes up most of my spare time, not to mention my 2 daughters (age 3/5) demands on those spare free minutes! But CMBO/CMBB does allow the quick dabble without complex tables etc. to consult! Let me know when you've received your copy of CMBB and we will give it a go. Take care, Charl Theron [ July 25, 2002, 04:19 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  8. Just what I needed Garry to re-build my lost HDD files after the meltdown. Excellent (EDIT: BRILLIANT! after looking at it again Garry) and very hard work sir! Too be complimented. Bookmarking it now as well as to be forwarded to CM friends... Sincerely, Charl Theron [ July 24, 2002, 04:09 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  9. My dear Sir, Excellent! The best debrief since Garry Kump/jwxspoon's sneak preview. I thought you were already in your 60's Your younger age actually means we can keep inviting you up to the RoW MCMLXXXIX tourney with your entertaining writing skills ACTOR, I don't know if you know the game of Rugby, but you sure will be a success (a-la Jonu Lomu-style) here in South Africa with that "posterior" of yours. Thanks again ACTOR for your willingness to show some wingnuts that ASL is fading faster from memory. ASL Veteran, maybe you should start thinking of changing your handle sir! Kind regards, Charl Theron [ July 24, 2002, 03:56 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  10. Much obliged gentlemen, The biggest pain losing your HDD is not the financial data/records of my company that I lost - well it IS on paper but that has to punched in with my 2 fingers - but all those nifty CMBO mods! I've been wiser this time round - bought a CD-R/W just for CMBO's mods. Talk about a killer application... Regards, Charl [ July 23, 2002, 03:53 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  11. Re-building all my mods after HDD crash. Can somebody provide me the d/l link to Juju's shell craters? Regards, Charl
  12. Your wines have been posted to Charles address yesterday. All clearly marked who should drink what; Matmatt to indulge in the Fat Bastard Chardonnay 2001... Cheers! Sincerely, Charl Theron Stellenbosch, South Africa PS: In case newcomers don't know, left to right is Martin Turewicz (Moon), Steve Grammont (very good ear listening to our BB members complaining about CM), Dan Olding (KwazyDog), Charles Moylan (a very bright programmer) and Matt Faller (MadMatt, aka Baldy One) * Coined by Michael Dorosh [ July 20, 2002, 04:29 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  13. To the thread owner: My friend, if this game can convince a not-a-serious-wargamer-fan like me to NOT remove the CMBO CD for 2 years from my HDD, then you are in serious trouble if this enigma called Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord ever lands in your Post Box! This game has me parting with stashed/stored wine in my wine cellar on a very regular occasion. It is so go that you want to share it, just as with wine, with your friends... Welcome to the CM community. [ July 19, 2002, 11:56 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  14. Thanks tom, It was the ultimate cgi %£%#*^whatever code that I was looking for, though Herr Oberst method works just the same. Sincerely, Charl Theron [ July 19, 2002, 11:01 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  15. HDD crashed, trying to rebuild all data, plus my hopepage (battlefront forum) What is the CM bb internet address without the annoying battlefront.com logo on top of it? Sorry madmatt, no offence, but I need screen real estate.
  16. John Kettler, I EXPECT a full report on your above requests (obviously with the limits that BTS has instructed ACTOR to certain features that should be not mentioned) when you come back. You could also email it too me if you are so kindly inclined Otherwise we will increase you section strength in the forthcoming RoW III CMBB tourney! Regards and have a brilliant CMBB time at ACTOR's house(?). ACTOR, now's your chance to play "god" with those ASL souls visiting you and convince them that hex/board WWII games are starting to fade with every incarnation of Combat Mission. Charl Theron [ July 18, 2002, 06:04 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  17. See this for a splash screen of CM!! Regards, Charl Theron
  18. Chris/Wolfe, It seems that with all the units built into CMBB that you are going to have your hands full with the new CMBB database, the previous one being used extensively by me!
  19. Bump as to the above, still HDD-less this side of the Atlantic ... Regards, Charl Theron [ July 17, 2002, 06:54 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  20. Holien, Have a look at http://shop.store.yahoo.com/plasmatvs/pfm42b1.html - I see the price has dropped closer to $5000 buckaroos for this 42" monster - price of optional different wall mountings also listed! Garry,is picture quality good as well as smooth at the 1024 x 768 resolution for such a big screen? [ July 17, 2002, 04:34 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  21. Over-emphasized?!? What kind of half-baked-chicken, giving-you-salmonella statement is that!</font>
  22. My thoughts are running along the same lines. Is RoW II just too much to stomach for seasoned tourney players? Charl Theron
  23. Err, I had the exact same problem. Sure would like to know, but my HDD crashed a week ago; for the time being this is, for me at least, a bloody moot point. Sincerely, Charl Theron
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