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Everything posted by WineCape

  1. Sitkrieg, At last. This is the mod that I've been waiting for! Thanks a million gentlemen.
  2. Naturally, for those who want to know, the CMBB tourney will be sponsored with ...
  3. Fangorn, I have re-posted your wines a month or 2 ago after they turned up here. Just drop me an e-mail if you have received them goodies. Takes about 3 months to get the goodies to Brazil. Congrats again, Charl Theron “Nothing in life is as exhilarating as to be shot at without result.” -- Sir Winston Churchill
  4. Since I bet that BTS and crew are in Augusta National watching the golf, they might as well slip our South African brave men my copy of CM:BB while they walking the fairways with the leaders - can you say 2 South Africans in the play-offs? That way, when 'em boys of us are returning to SA with the green jacket, they can hand me my beloved new toy. Wouldn't that be nice? Good grief, its 1:10am Sunday morning local time and I'm still churning out PBEM moves at this ungodly hour (drove all the way - 10 km's from outside of Stellenbosch {I live on a smallholding} to my computer in office just so that I can see a critical new PBEM movie file that came into my mailbox. CHARLES!!! Good night gents! Charl Theron -- after having this game for almost 2 years on my HD! And I aint a hardcore wargamer! [ April 13, 2002, 07:17 PM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  5. My my, Manx is shy... Can somebody send me Manx's home address details so that I can deliver the goodies please, as he has not contacted me yet. Don't worry Manx, it will not be a mutilated ear that you will receive via postage, only some vino to wash down Real Life real good. WineCape ----------------- Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance. -- Benjamin Franklin [ April 09, 2002, 09:21 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  6. A promise made many moons ago to you is a promised kept Manx. Send me your address (in the UK I assume?) as well as your vino preference and I will send you some 6 bottles as a farewell and thank you gift from all the CM members here for your tireless CM work. {postage/freight on me} Your original website was still - as one forum member put it - the "sexiest" one on the street block. Godspeed CM friend... Kindest regards, Charl Theron WineCape@global.co.za
  7. This is an excellent idea gentlemen. 12 bottles of South African top quality vino for the winning team will be send to their generalissimo as booty. Postage/freight charge on me. I wish the organizers all the success with this inter-ladder tourney. Sincerely, Charl Theron ----------------- "Oh, we could give it a try. I'll bring the wine, you bring your scarred psyche." -- Chase in "Batman Forever" (1995)
  8. In this day and age, WHERE is the common decency and sportmanslike behaviour of players to finish their turns of a game started? Granted, I was guilty of this only twice due to hectic outdoor activities/schedule, but a short e-mail informing my opponent of the situation sufficed. Rule 95 probably a typo. Not that it matters Michael. A sad waste of time. Never to fear, if there is one man to make you laugh (or smile with a tear!) while playing CMBO it is Shandorf. BTW Shandorf, please e-mail me as I have some (good) news for you Sincerely, Charl Theron -------------- "Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men." -- Martin Luther King (1929 – 1968) [ April 08, 2002, 04:13 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  9. I'll be happy to play sponsor for this inter-ladder tourney. Good idea. The problem is, sending 12 bottles of wine to the winning ladder team could be difficult as a)there are usually more than 12 players in a team; b)I prefer to send 12 bottles to 1 delivery address as the freight charge (which I will be happy to pay) for 6 bottles is the same for 1 bottle send. Maybe the tourney leader could receive the winning goodies on behalf of his team? If the touney organizers can sort this out, I'll be happy to sponsor the inter-ladder event with some vino. Contact me at WineCape@global.co.za Kind regards, Charl Theron -------------- The discovery of a new vineyard does more for the happiness of mankind than the discovery of a new star. -- Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, French gastronome (1755-1826)
  10. And I'm itching to give some superb samples away that I've tasted over the last week-end Regards, Charl Theron -------------- At first there's nothing but a sour bunch of beads hanging. Time passes, the sun ripens them, they become as sweet as honey, and then they're called grapes. We trample on them; we extract the juice and put it into casks; it ferments on its own, becomes wine. It's a miracle! -- Nikos Kazantzakis, Greek poet and writer (1885-1957)
  11. Ahh, I see things are almost done here. Treeburst, do we have the front runner(s) so far or are there a black-out on results? Regards, Charl Theron ----------------------- Wine is bottled poetry -- Robert Louis Stevenson
  12. If you in fact mean 'laager', it is an Afrikans word referring originally to wagons drawn into a circle for an encampment. Was used in WW II to denote a similar arrangement of armored vehicles (although infantry and guns could be part of the arrangement with soft vehicles in the center). Michael</font>
  13. Thanks Keith. You'll be then the one that we must bug I suppose.
  14. Hehe, I'll be putting ambush markers all over my battlemap just in case somebody steps on Baldy's head.
  15. Well done Andrew, Good to see the pop rivets that clearly! Your mods are one of my favourites. Gordon, I assume, is still busy with your CMMOS Uniform mods, as I have not seen it being released. Just checking, as I'm sometimes away from this BB for days at a stretch. Sincerely, Charl Theron ----------------- "Work is the curse of the drinking class." -- Oscar Wilde
  16. That wasn't me John! Sidenote: Lanzerac wine estate produced the world's first bottled Pinotage (grapes were from the world's first planted pinotage vineyards at Bellevue estate), a 1959 vintage released in 1961. Every year the Nederburg Wine Auction at Paarl in April (moi always attend as the ladies there are lovely, not to mention the bloody expensive wines under the hammer) opens up with the bidding on ..a a few rare bottles of Lanzerac Pinotage's! My head is full of these useless snippets of information. Treeburst, I'll approach our mystery scenario designer for RoW II again this week. He was very interested last time and agreed in principal to do the design of the scenarios for RoW II. How many scenario's do you need? Will crack open a bottle of Methode Cap Classique Pongracz tonight with me wife - celebrating the buying of a new house today on the slopes of Stellenbosch Mountain! I'm in a good mood, so any request to sponsor another tourney apart from RoW II, you better speak up... In for a penny, in for a pound. Cheers and Prost! Charl Theron ---------------- "You’d be surprised how much fun you can have sober. When you get the hang of it." -- Jack Lemmon in Days of Wine and Roses (1962)
  17. Brazil is well represented Said Fangorn is a Tourney Winner. The wine prize that I send to him came back, and I re-posted it. Fangorn, please let me know as soon as you get the goodies. Regards WineCape
  18. As I understand the essence of the Nabla scoring formula, it rewards more realistic play; players, when they know all is lost, will not willy-nilly sacrifice their troops, but rather pull them off the map or to a safer zone. Thus, commanders are "cajoled" by the Nabla system in caring more for their little pixelated troops than would be otherwise the case where figting to the last standing troop is the order of the week. Elegant!
  19. Treeburst, I think all of them tourney rascals here are beer drinkers in disguise.
  20. We can correct this matter. I will send 12 bottles instead of 6 bottles originally promised of South African vino (no plonk!) to the winner via postage, packaged in a special styrofoam box. Postage on me. This was/is such a succesfull Tourney that I have decided to up the Litreage of South African sunshine in a bottle Good luck to all the finalists; hopefully the winner will still be in one mental piece to collect 'em bottles at the post office Sincerely, Charl Theron ----------------- "Oh, we could give it a try. I'll bring the wine, you bring your scarred psyche." -- Chase in Batman Forever (1995)
  21. Rankings from 1- 24 were as follows, based on pure game point totals: It MAY contain errors; Treeburst, our Tourney Manager, will confirm if these total points are all OK. 1: Dickens – 537 pts. (Congratulations “Wreck”) 2: Holien – 455 3: Redeker – 438 4: Miron – 408 5: Jukka-Pekka - 391 6: Kingfish – 377 7: CDIC – 363 8: Johnson – 349 9: Enoch – 340 10: Svensson – 339 11: Sowden – 332 12: Tom - 326 13: Zalewski – 324 14: von Lucke - 323 15: Gaspari – 321 16: Juha – 311 17: Kettler – 310 18: Davidson – 289 19: Travisano – 287 20: Rohde – 277 21: Bertram – 276 22: Moore – 259 23: Georges – 218 24: Pixelmaster – 217 Thanks for being a sport Pixelmaster. You took command over from another player while the tourney was already in full swing. Regards, WineCape
  22. I thank Treeburst for the grand introduction This is NOT the Oscars btw, so please gentlemen, no long thank you's to your dogs and hairdressers The winners are..... SECTION I: GREG REDEKER SECTION II: HOLIEN SECTION III: LEONARD DICKENS BEST 2nd PLACE: WARREN MIRON (SECTION I) Congrats gents! Hard earned. Thanks to all the other participants. Without you there would have been no sparring partners to the above winners Charl Theron ---------------- "I cook with wine; sometimes I even add it to the food." -- USA Actor W. C. Fields
  23. Got the results Treeburst, I'll be e-mailing my Excel97 spreadsheet with the final results to whomever wants it.WineCape@global.co.za I'll also send one to you and Wild Bill too; check your email. A BIG thanks to all who particpated. This was our most succesfull tourney so far. Needless to say, RoW II will be in the offer as soon as CMBB rolls out of BTS' foundry. Congrats to the winners! I'll leave it to our Tourney Manager to announce the worthy finalists. He's got the Nabla machine that will teleport the worthy to a higher plane Sincerely, Charl Theron --------------------- "When men drink, then they are rich and successful and win lawsuits and are happy and help their friends. Quickly, bring me a beaker of wine, so that I may wet my mind and say something clever." -- Aristophanes in " A Knight's Tale" (2001)
  24. Michael, If the title of this thread refers to me in any way, I'll promise to God to send you a wine bottle cork! WineCape ---------------- WINE, noun: Fermented grape-juice known to the Women's Christian Union as "liquor," sometimes as "rum." Wine, Madam, is God's next best gift to man. -- Ambrose Bierce (Entry in The Devil's Dictionary, 1911) [ March 20, 2002, 02:55 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
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