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Everything posted by WineCape

  1. So you're saying that my name, in English, should now change to Charlize, just because? BTW, going to the above referenced lodge link in SA quotes the Drakensberg mountain series as Drakensburg, hardly the correct translation in Afrikaans, i.e. 2 completely different meanings: berg => mountain, which it is. [ August 23, 2005, 09:31 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  2. I believe it's called Spioen Kop, directly translated meaning "spy (as in I'm spying on you) knoll" Jason, still marveling at your typing skills though... As stated above, if not optional, PLAYING won't be that much fun anymore. [ August 23, 2005, 07:40 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  3. I've got a case of it sitting here for you if you'll tell me something about CMx2 I don't already know. </font>
  4. I've got a case of it sitting here for you if you'll tell me something about CMx2 I don't already know. </font>
  5. A family, sacrosanct. I have 2 (aged 5/8) and there is nothing that compare to the joy of seeing them after a hard days work, telling you about their problems. Keep her safe, support mom and make time for your family => life, love, living & happiness. Sincerely, Charl ----------------------------------------------------- Co-creator & Sponsor of the following CM tournaments: </font> The serial Rumblings of War (RoW I, II, III, IV, V)</font>The infamous CMBO Invitational</font>WineCape Tourney I and II</font> ---------- The easy way is always mined.
  6. Ehh Mikey, You mean to say you're not sure; after all these years painting beauty Shermans and dollying them up for our pleasure...
  7. Jason, I'm amazed at your typing skills. Many thanks for the info.
  8. Bastisch! For that you will be red-carded for DOGSO.
  9. David, Goodie. I'm also interested in your Normandy CMAKETO mod.
  10. Dey, - In your book "Commanding the Red Army's Sherman Tanks" you wrote that the 233rd Tank Brigade's M4A2 Shermans were armed not with the short-barreled 75mm but the long-barreled 76mm main gun in January 1944. Wasn't this a bit early? Didn't these tanks appear later? Explain one more time which main guns were mounted on the Shermans of the 233rd Tank Brigade." [Loza] - Hmm, I don't know. We had very few Shermans with the short-barreled main gun. On the whole, ours had long-barrels. Not just our brigade fought on Shermans. Perhaps these were in other brigades. Somewhere in the corps I saw such tanks, but we had the tanks with the long barrels. He's referring to the lend-lease long barreled Sherman M4A2 (76/L52 gun). AFAIK, it was introduced in May/June 1944. [ August 06, 2005, 01:11 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  11. Most probably it is the 1942 introduced 75mm M4A2 (75/L38), but Loza mentions a "long barrel" several times? He doesn't state what exact model they were using though, and admittedly he doesn't recount specifics when asked by the interviewer.
  12. Got that flamingknives. Thank you. Edited above post.
  13. Ehh, Gents, must have missed it with all this dastardly complex spindle: give me the reason for BFC's design decision to NOT give any slope to the Sherman M4 front turret. The only explanation was from Rexford, which I assume speaks for BFC on this regard: BFC reasoned that the front turret of the vanilla Sherman, with angle, resisted actually on their evidence at 89mm/0 deg. for wargaming reasons. Soddball's question still stands for CMAK/CMBB: "CM:BO didn't treat the area as a complicated curved arrangement, but CM:BB and CM:AK do have the 'curved' value for armour plate, and I can't help but feel that the Sherman would have been a logical choice for this 'curved' value." Mr. Salt, warp your brain rather around THAT. [ August 05, 2005, 10:48 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  14. Interesting account on a Russian "Emcha" Tanker, Dmitriy Loza, here. Question: (1) He asserts that in late 1943 his brigade received the long barreled Sherman - I assume the 76mm/L52 M4A2. Can this be correct or are his dates haywire? (2) I'm aware that the 76/L52 M4A2 variant only came available in the following year, 1944. (3) AFAIK the A2's were the only variants send on the lend-lease program? (4) I've also read that the USA did not use the A2 in at all during combat in ETO. Any reason? Much obliged in advance, Charl [ August 05, 2005, 07:55 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  15. :eek: Good grief! Don't spare us the details son.
  16. Are you refering to our PBEM game??? Mind your OWN business, Sir! :mad: </font>
  17. Succinctly put. Kip? Stop using Andreas' username.
  18. The Bad: Melkhis springs to mind. The Good: IMHO German General Heinrici was one of the most underrated. EDIT: Thanks BigDuke. Posted after reading only first page here and saw your post at the end. [ August 02, 2005, 10:32 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
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